Comparing Nixon and Trump


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Looks like a liberal hate fest then, and now.

Nixon’s Ouster and the Attempt to Remove Trump
By Peter Barry Chowka
President Trump’s enemies are escalating their comparisons of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged Russian collusion to the resignation of President Richard Nixon after Congressional hearings that set the stage for his impeachment 4 ½ decades ago. Are these comparisons valid?

The answer is yes – and no. Notwithstanding the 45 years separating the two presidents, there are some major similarities and some obvious differences, as well.

I was a young student journalist in the nation’s capital during the Watergate investigations and impeachment period. Armed with an official D.C. Metropolitan Police press pass, I was able to cover and report on political events in Washington, D.C. like any accredited mainstream journalist – including on occasion the Nixon White House, and the Watergate hearings. With the energy of youth and an insatiable interest in politics and current events, I took full advantage of the access that the pass afforded me.


President Richard Nixon, The White House, June 29, 1972 Photo © Peter Barry Chowka

One similarity of the political climate then and now is that the left and much of the mainstream media began to oppose Richard M. Nixon as soon as he declared his candidacy on February 1, 1968. Same thing when Trump announced his intention to run in June 2015. Opposition to Trump was more vehement and increased exponentially as time went on. I don’t recall any leading celebrities, for example, suggesting during Nixon’s presidency that he should be assassinated or have his head cut off.

Nixon, however, was criticized and caricatured by leading MSM commentators and political cartoonists alike, as he had been since he burst onto the national scene in the early 1950s. “Tricky Dick,” a label slapped on Nixon by his Democrat opponent in the 1950 race for the U.S. Senate in California, was the most commonly used sobriquet. Cartoonists emphasized Nixon’s prominent nose and dark eyebrows to give him a sinister and devious look....

Nixon’s Ouster and the Attempt to Remove Trump
Nixon was pretty dull but two Washington Post reporters managed to parlay a second rate burglary into the resignation of the president. Bill Clinton's administration had everything the media would want including allegations of sex, drugs and rock and roll and even a couple of unexplained deaths but strangely enough all the investigative reporters weren't interested or had retired. Imagine using a unverified unidentified source allegedly deep in the White House posting salacious stuff every week about the Clintons and not identified until he died and couldn't verify the story. Democrats wouldn't stand for it but Rush is right about republicans. For the most part they didn't expect to win this go-round and they aren't comfortable in the majority. Trump is made of tougher stuff and maybe republicans will stiffen their spines in the next year and start behaving like winners before they really are losers. In the mean time drain the swamp.
The only comparison I see is that Nixon ended the Vietnam War, and Trump is ending the War on terror.

Of course that's not really a comparison because Trump is actually ending it by winning it.

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