comparing Bush Jr. and Adolph Hitler

Originally posted by wonderwench
Any idiot with an agenda can make a movie. Michael Moore has proven that point.

All I can say is, consider the source. This is the Florida Election equivalent of that French book which claimed that the Bush planned 9/11.

You should watch the preview, its not a movie. Its a documentary that shows witnesses testifing about the election.
"Witnesses testifying" - oh puh-leeeeeeze.

I like in Oakland California. I have witnessed up close and personal how the Democratic machine manipulates folks from the hood.

If anything, this is a Mockumentary ala Best of Show, only without any sense of humor.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Jones - link about convicted criminals in the white house?

I dont have a link to an internet site on hand.
But YOU still have not answered my question. " Why did we drop out of the international war crimes court?"
Originally posted by jones
I dont have a link to an internet site on hand.
But YOU still have not answered my question. " Why did we drop out of the international war crimes court?"

What the hell does that have to do with your assertion about criminals in the white house? I never stated they did or didn't drop out, I don't know why you continue to ask me that question, I have no clue why they may have dropped out.

You stated there were never this many convicted criminals in the white house. You obviously got your data from somewhere, or did you just make that up?
Originally posted by jones
Benito Mussolini - "Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism as it is a merge of state and corporate power."

Benito Mussolini is not someone from whom I divine guidance.

Hitler invaded poland under the disguise of liberation too.

This would be a valid comparison if the U.S. were rounding up people and gassing them in ovens. As it is not the case, it is another bit of sophistry.

ie: Hitler had a dog, Bush has a dog, therefore Bush is just like Hitler.

I dont even need a link. Whitehouse leaked the name of a CIA operative.

*ALERT* Theres a traitor in the whitehouse.
Originally posted by jones
I dont even need a link. Whitehouse leaked the name of a CIA operative.

*ALERT* Theres a traitor in the whitehouse.

It's not that easy. Even so, that would be ONE person! You said there were more convicted criminals in the white house now than ever before. Whoever leaked the operatives name certainly hasn't been convicted, so even that one doesn't count.

Why do you guys just make shit up? You refusal to backup your own statements is sad.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Benito Mussolini is not someone from whom I divine guidance.

This would be a valid comparison if the U.S. were rounding up people and gassing them in ovens. As it is not the case, it is another bit of sophistry.

ie: Hitler had a dog, Bush has a dog, therefore Bush is just like Hitler.


Oh my goodness you dont know what your talking about.

It does NOT matter if people are being baked in ovens. This is a different war. This goverment has different religious views.

This goverment calls countrys "evil". And trys to blur the line for the american public, so they 70% actually thought that iraq had something to do with 9/11.
Oh Jeebus!

First of all, the Independent Counsel has not completed an investigation.

Secondly, Plame's "secret identity" is well-known in the DC cocktail circuit due to her husband's attention-whoring. It is not clear that an "outing" even took place. How does one out someone who is not in the closet.

Even Slate magazine things this is a cooked up affair.
Originally posted by jones
This goverment calls countrys "evil". And trys to blur the line for the american public, so they 70% actually thought that iraq had something to do with 9/11.

That's a crock of horseshit too. ONE poll was taken of a whole 1000 participants to get the 7 out of 10 figure. What about the other hundreds of millions of people?
Originally posted by jimnyc
It's not that easy. Even so, that would be ONE person! You said there were more convicted criminals in the white house now than ever before. Whoever leaked the operatives name certainly hasn't been convicted, so even that one doesn't count.

Why do you guys just make shit up? You refusal to backup your own statements is sad.

We dont make shit up, Bush actually ADMITTED to it.

"I dont know, we're gonna find out the, senior administration official. But this is a large administration and theres alot of senior officials. I don't have any Idea."

Bob Novak knows who it is, he helped leak the name. We should go ask him.
Name all the CONVICTED criminals. Remember, there are more in there now than ever before.

Either you provide a link, or name names, otherwise it looks like your just spouting crap that you know absolutely nothing about.
Originally posted by jones
"I dont know, we're gonna find out the, senior administration official. But this is a large administration and theres alot of senior officials. I don't have any Idea."

How is that an admission? What part of "I don't know" and "I don't have any idea" didn't you understand?
Originally posted by jimnyc
That's a crock of horseshit too. ONE poll was taken of a whole 1000 participants to get the 7 out of 10 figure. What about the other hundreds of millions of people?

YA, lets quote the whole population while we're at it. That poll is above average concerning the amount of people involved.
Originally posted by jones
Oh my goodness you dont know what your talking about.

It does NOT matter if people are being baked in ovens. This is a different war. This goverment has different religious views.

This goverment calls countrys "evil". And trys to blur the line for the american public, so they 70% actually thought that iraq had something to do with 9/11.

Sorry, kiddo.

Evil does exist. And denying it only makes it powerful and a bigger threat.

Saddam Hussein is a textbook case of evil. He murdered hundreds of thousand of his own citizens; and tortured and raped countless others. His regime looted an estimated $40B from the Iraqi people. You are so eager to believe that Bush is evil. How about applying some of that critical ability to totalitarian regimes who systematically kill their own citizens?
Originally posted by jimnyc
How is that an admission? What part of "I don't know" and "I don't have any idea" didn't you understand?

He doesnt know WHO the person is.
Originally posted by jones
He doesnt know WHO the person is.

So you're saying he admitted it was someone from the white house, but he doesn't know who. Sources?

And I'm still waiting for the names of the convicted criminals.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Sorry, kiddo.

Evil does exist. And denying it only makes it powerful and a bigger threat.

Saddam Hussein is a textbook case of evil. He murdered hundreds of thousand of his own citizens; and tortured and raped countless others. His regime looted an estimated $40B from the Iraqi people. You are so eager to believe that Bush is evil. How about applying some of that critical ability to totalitarian regimes who systematically kill their own citizens?

We can't go policing the world! To systematically destroy each regime through military confrontation would require the deaths of BILLIONS of people. AND could possibly erupt an atomic war that has never been seen before.
Hell its probly already started, Bu$h team are already developing a new mini-nuke, three would be the equivalant to nagasaki. no matter if its above or below. Its still kills, and continues killing after releasing tons of radiation into the atmosphere.
Originally posted by jones
Jr's grandpa was a Nazi of the worst sort. Traded with the Nazis and ran the most well know concentration camp in germany. He was tried and convicted of trading with the enemy. Did the Bush family ever a acknowledge this fact? NO! They only try to hide it.
And my grandparents ran a speak easy. I suppose because of that I should be in jail now! Who the hell cares what his grandfather did or didn't do. What utter nonsense.

Originally posted by jones

For the first time in history!! we have 2 ex oil business executives running the country, as Vice president and President.
More convicted criminals in our whitehouse than ever!
So what? At one point I believe we had farmers running the country...or lawyers...what does someone's prior career have to do with anything????? That's just ridiculous, we're not the soviet union. People in this country are allowed to change careers you know.

Originally posted by jones

Our founders fought the revolutionary war against big business
Oh? What big business was that? Great Britain? This is absurd. You are just rambling.

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