Communist Party USA; in total agreement with the US Government

Aug 18, 2008
CPUSA Online - Communist Party Statement on Honduras Crisis

by CPUSA said:
The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) joins with the world in denouncing the coup d’etat this morning against the legally elected president of the Republic of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, by the Honduran military, in which, according to a statement by the president’s wife, Mr. Zelaya was threatened and beaten before being sent into exile in Costa Rica.

• The CPUSA denounces alarming reports of physical attacks by troops against the ambassadors of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in Tegucigalpa, and calls for protection of all diplomatic personal; and, if the reports of the attacks are confirmed, punishment of all the responsible parties for this gross violation of Honduran and international law.

The CPUSA further:

• Demands that president Zelaya and other members of his government be returned to power immediately, and that the troops return to their barracks.

• Demands the immediate release of all labor, community and student leaders who have reportedly been rounded up by the army, and the restoration of freedom of the press.

• Recognizes that the Obama administration has repudiated the coup, and insists that President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton hold firm to this position, refusing diplomatic recognition and any military aid to Honduras until President Zelaya is restored to power.

• Calls upon unions and other people’s organizations in the United States to actively support our brothers and sisters in Honduras in resisting this brutal military coup d’etat.

Frankly, that's all I need to know about this to know that the US Government is wrong...

But here's some more insight... from others...

A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras

"Complicating plans by the Obama White House and its U.N. allies for a forced return of the former president, Honduras Foreign Minister Enrique Ortez told CNN en Espanol that Zelaya was implicated in drug trafficking from Venezuela into the U.S. "

AIM said:
The people of Honduras are pleading for media fairness and understanding of how they saved their democratic system of government from an international conspiracy based in Venezuela and Cuba. In desperate messages to the outside world, Hondurans want America to know they do not want former President Manuel "Mel" Zelaya returned to power through the intervention of the United States and the United Nations.

On Tuesday the leftist governments of Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez sponsored a United Nations resolution that condemned the people of Honduras for resisting the spread of communism by evicting a would-be dictator. Many people in Honduras view "Mel" as a puppet of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who is destroying the democratic system and the opposition in that country.

In Honduras, demonstrators have appealed to the media to tell the truth. One sign said in Spanish: "CNN: That the entire world opens its eyes...Honduras wants peace not a dictatorship."

Our media are content to report on the turnout of a couple hundred pro-Zelaya protesters in Honduras, ignoring the many thousands that have demonstrated in support of what their government has done. Some of the demonstrators carried signs saying, "Peace and democracy. Out with Mel and Chavez." Others said, "Democracy yes; communism no."

Anyone need anything else?

"Change" indeed... 'careful what ya ask for kids... 'cause ya just might get it...

Here are some of my thoughts from some recent discussions of same:
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LOL... It's just so easy to spot those times when the majority of members present are communists. But cool is it, that they run from discussions which speak to the deceit of their own ideology.

A virtuous ideology would run to take any such discussion head on.
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That's quite a misleading headline, but you already know that....

You're a very excitable person aren't you Publius?
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That's quite a misleading headline, but you already know that....

You're a very excitable person aren't you Publius?

Is it? How so, and please, be as specific as your intellectual limitations allow...

WOW~! That is some SERIOUS limitations you're demonstrating there...

SOME people would consider your silence to be a certain sign of the door slamming on the viability of your little position there...
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Shades of Reagan and the Contras.


What it is, is shades of the subversive Boland Amendment, which prevented Reagan from directly funding the Contras, thus US leftist passing law which promoted the expansion of communism in the Western Hemisphere...

But as I said, there is no actual, valid, sustainable RIGHT to vote for Communism, as to do so usurps the freedom of those who vote against it; and the RESPONSIBILITY which is inherent IN ACTUAL, VALID, SUSTAINABLE RIGHTS, precludes one from exercising their RIGHTS to the detriment of the right of another...

Was that what you were driving at?
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this is FASCINATING...

Our own El Presidente is out there demanding that a Marxist Dictator be restored to power after HIS own military tosses his commie ass out of his own country, because HE was trying to side step HIS OWN Constitution and NO ONE wants to discuss this...

Particularly where the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE US is touting the SAME stance as El Presidente Hussein...

Absolutely HILARIOUS!

RNC... Take a note... Here's 2010 issue... gather up your video tape; take those screen shots of the CPUSA website, as THAT will have been LONG since removed by the mid-term elections; gather those comments of El Presidente coming down HARD on the Army of Honduras; who removed their President to SAVE their nation and SUSTAIN THEIR CONSTITUTION... so as to contrast THOSE comments with his soft handed reticence of the week prior, in which he assured Iran's newly re-elected President who has sworn himself to the DESTRUCTION OF THE US and was shooting College students who were protesting a fraudulent election, in the street; that he was steadfastly standing behind HIM!

It's the FIRST fairly obvious crack in the Dike... even the true believers know he stepped in ALL IN this one; and all they want this issue to do is to GO AWAY!

Tomorrow's the 4th of July kids... expect a tragedy; some kind of real head-snapper. We're at the point where El Presidente needs another EMERGENCY, which will of course require IMMEDIATE ACTION by the congress to concede MORE POWER to the Executive. (Which will be hysterical on so many levels... particularly given the Marxist Majority in the Legislature, which would just rubber stamp anything he wanted anyway...)
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this is FASCINATING...

Our own El Presidente is out there demanding that a Marxist Dictator be restored to power after HIS own military tosses his commie ass out of his own country, because HE was trying to side step HIS OWN Constitution and NO ONE wants to discuss this...

Particularly where the COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE US is touting the SAME stance as El Presidente Hussein...

Absolutely HILARIOUS!

RNC... Take a note... Here's 2010 issue... gather up your video tape; take those screen shots of the CPUSA website, as THAT will have been LONG since removed by the mid-term elections; gather those comments of El Presidente coming down HARD on the Army of Honduras; who removed their President to SAVE their nation and SUSTAIN THEIR CONSTITUTION... so as to contrast THOSE comments with his soft handed reticence of the week prior, in which he assured Iran's newly re-elected President who has sworn himself to the DESTRUCTION OF THE US and was shooting College students who were protesting a fraudulent election, in the street; that he was steadfastly standing behind HIM!

It's the FIRST fairly obvious crack in the Dike... even the true believers know he stepped in ALL IN this one; and all they want this issue to do is to GO AWAY!

Tomorrow's the 4th of July kids... expect a tragedy; some kind of real head-snapper. We're at the point where El Presidente needs another EMERGENCY, which will of course require IMMEDIATE ACTION by the congress to concede MORE POWER to the Executive. (Which will be hysterical on so many levels... particularly given the Marxist Majority in the Legislature, which would just rubber stamp anything he wanted anyway...)
What can anyone say when our own political leaders act like nazis and communist. Shit, we can't even get anyone to go by the rule of law here, many of these people do not believe in freedom or in the constitution here much less down there.
First off, my silence was simply a symptom of being on vacation for the fourth of July weekend.... you putz. Secondly, the headline, "Communist Party USA; in total agreement with the US Government" is quite misleading. To think that these two groups agree on all things is false. You knew this but decided to use that line anyway. You're excitable, evangelistic, and you choose not to look into the "facts" you proclaim as truth.

If you really wish to convince me of something, put up an argument with some substance and verifiable truth.

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