Comey's Crimes


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Does anyone know if that sanctimonious turd, James Comey, will address his potential crimes in his new book?

More are being uncovered with metronomic regularity, but so far, we have:

1) Intentionally and with corrupt intent, tanking the FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-mail Crimes. (Obstruction of justice)

2) Stealing Government Documents. As Director and while at work in his officials duties, he prepared Memos of his meeting with the President--obviously FBI Property--and then he stole them.

3) Leaking Classified Documents. There is little doubt that the record of meeting between the President of the USA and the Director of the FBI are Classified Documents---and Comey stole them and then Leaked them to the New York Times.

4) Deceiving the FISA Court. The Bogus Clinton-Bought Dossier was the key evidence to get a FISA Warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. The Law requires that such evidence be VERIFIED and Comey signed the Application which is a representation that it has been verified---then 3 months letter admitted it was NOT Verified---a form of Perjury.

5) Perjury before Congress (Count 1) Said he made the decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook on her E-mail Crimes only after she testified to the FBI, but he drafted the Exoneration Memo three months before, and people who work for him (Strozk and Page) knew Hillary would be exonerated before the testimony and said so.

6) Perjury before Congress (Count 2) Said he never authorized any surreptitious leaks to the Press, but McCabe just said Comey knew of and approved of his leaks to the Press of Classified Information--for which he was fired.


My guess is that Mr. Comey will skip all this in his coming book. Perhaps he will write a second book with the time he will have on his hands in the Federal Penitentiary.
Does anyone know if that sanctimonious turd, James Comey, will address his potential crimes in his new book?

More are being uncovered with metronomic regularity, but so far, we have:

1) Intentionally and with corrupt intent, tanking the FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-mail Crimes. (Obstruction of justice)

2) Stealing Government Documents. As Director and while at work in his officials duties, he prepared Memos of his meeting with the President--obviously FBI Property--and then he stole them.

3) Leaking Classified Documents. There is little doubt that the record of meeting between the President of the USA and the Director of the FBI are Classified Documents---and Comey stole them and then Leaked them to the New York Times.

4) Deceiving the FISA Court. The Bogus Clinton-Bought Dossier was the key evidence to get a FISA Warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. The Law requires that such evidence be VERIFIED and Comey signed the Application which is a representation that it has been verified---then 3 months letter admitted it was NOT Verified---a form of Perjury.

5) Perjury before Congress (Count 1) Said he made the decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook on her E-mail Crimes only after she testified to the FBI, but he drafted the Exoneration Memo three months before, and people who work for him (Strozk and Page) knew Hillary would be exonerated before the testimony and said so.

6) Perjury before Congress (Count 2) Said he never authorized any surreptitious leaks to the Press, but McCabe just said Comey knew of and approved of his leaks to the Press of Classified Information--for which he was fired.


My guess is that Mr. Comey will skip all this in his coming book. Perhaps he will write a second book with the time he will have on his hands in the Federal Penitentiary.
You guys owe Comey for his letter lying about Clinton being back under investigation. So ungrateful.
Does anyone know if that sanctimonious turd, James Comey, will address his potential crimes in his new book?

More are being uncovered with metronomic regularity, but so far, we have:

1) Intentionally and with corrupt intent, tanking the FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton's E-mail Crimes. (Obstruction of justice)

2) Stealing Government Documents. As Director and while at work in his officials duties, he prepared Memos of his meeting with the President--obviously FBI Property--and then he stole them.

3) Leaking Classified Documents. There is little doubt that the record of meeting between the President of the USA and the Director of the FBI are Classified Documents---and Comey stole them and then Leaked them to the New York Times.

4) Deceiving the FISA Court. The Bogus Clinton-Bought Dossier was the key evidence to get a FISA Warrant to spy on the Trump Campaign. The Law requires that such evidence be VERIFIED and Comey signed the Application which is a representation that it has been verified---then 3 months letter admitted it was NOT Verified---a form of Perjury.

5) Perjury before Congress (Count 1) Said he made the decision to let Hillary Clinton off the hook on her E-mail Crimes only after she testified to the FBI, but he drafted the Exoneration Memo three months before, and people who work for him (Strozk and Page) knew Hillary would be exonerated before the testimony and said so.

6) Perjury before Congress (Count 2) Said he never authorized any surreptitious leaks to the Press, but McCabe just said Comey knew of and approved of his leaks to the Press of Classified Information--for which he was fired.


My guess is that Mr. Comey will skip all this in his coming book. Perhaps he will write a second book with the time he will have on his hands in the Federal Penitentiary.
You guys owe Comey for his letter lying about Clinton being back under investigation. So ungrateful.

And yet, if he had done his job---not tanked the Clinton E-mail Investigation---and instead, recommended an Indictment of the dishonest, depraved, drunk old crone, as the Law required him to do.....Hillary Clinton would likely have been dis-qualified as the Democratic Candidate, and the avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders, who Honeymooned in the old Soviet Union before it collapsed---would have gotten his ass beat by "The Donald" even worse.

I didn't list as a Crime, Comey's usurpation of the powers of the DOJ in taking it upon himself to exonerate Hillary---that was the Job of the Deputy Attorney General since the Crook Lynch was conflicted out of it---but that might have been a crime too, and certainly it was out of proper procedure. So, if he hadn't done that, and if he hadn't told Congress he would update his finding if any new evidence came to light (it did, see Carlos Danger's Computer)---then he wouldn't have had to write that letter that made you all bitchy and whiney.

Logic and Reason are not your friends here, and your other customarily inane posts indicate that you are not even remotely acquainted with them.


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