Comey / FBI Hid Russia's hacking and propaganda efforts from Federal Officials-FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Gee....just like Mueller, Holder, and Obama in 2009, it turns out that Mueller, Comey, and possibly Lynch hid / withheld evidence and/or warnings of Russian crimes / hacking and propaganda...


(Same Shite Different Year / Same shite Same President / Same Shite Different Democrats)

Guess what the FBI kept quiet during the Russian hacking apocalypse? - Hot Air

scores” of US officials had never been notified of their targeting by “Fancy Bear,” the Russia-linked hacking effort, even though the FBI had apparently known of that targeting for two years"

Whattaya know - Comey IS Mueller's protégé after all. Like 'master', like

"The FBI failed to notify scores of U.S. officials that Russian hackers were trying to break into their personal Gmail accounts despite having evidence for at least a year that the targets were in the Kremlin’s crosshairs, The Associated Press has found.

Nearly 80 interviews with Americans targeted by Fancy Bear, a Russian government-aligned cyberespionage group, turned up only two cases in which the FBI had provided a heads-up. Even senior policymakers discovered they were targets only when the AP told them, a situation some described as bizarre and dispiriting.

“It’s utterly confounding,” said Philip Reiner, a former senior director at the National Security Council, who was notified by the AP that he was targeted in 2015. “You’ve got to tell your people. You’ve got to protect your people.”

Just like in 2009, the only people the FBI and Obama were protecting were Vlad and the Russians.
Further proof the FBI was out to torpedo Hillary.

Bwuhahaha...nice attempt to spin. You deliberately left out that in 2009 Mueller, Holder, and Obama hid the fact that the Russians were engaged in Bribery, Extortion, Intimidation, and BUYING POLITICIANS AND OFFICIALS .... LIKE BILL AND HILLARY. Keeping quiet helped protect them.
Anyone who says Trump was wrong to fire Comey NOW is either an idiot, an 'uber partisan' protecting criminals - 'going down with the ship', or one of those snowflake morons who took money from the Russians to organize and march for them. :p

Once again Trump has been proven 'RIGHT'!

Time to convene a Special Counsel to investigate Mueller, Holder, Comey, Lynch, and Obama for colluding and collusion with Russia, hiding Russia's crimes from the Committee responsible for either approving or denying the sale of Uranium One until after the sale was complete, for Obama's authorizing the sale of Uranium One to the Russians despite his knowledge of their crimes in attempting to corner the US uranium Market...for Bill and Hillary selling out this nation - collecting millions from the KGB Bank, as one of many US government politicians and officials the FBI had evidence of having been 'bought' by the Russians.

Investigate, as well, Comey, Lynch, and Obama, again, for knowing about Russia's attempt to infiltrate / hack key senior leaders of the US Govt, federal politicians, and different US agencies - knowing about it for TWO YEARS but never doing anything about it and never warning those being targeted by the Russians!

Several weeks ago evidence was released showing Muller, Holder, and Obama were aware of the Russians crimes and intent yet hid that evidence until the Uranium One sale was done.

Now there is evidence that the Obama administration once again acted to protect Russia and their crimes against the US, this time enabling Russia's attempt to hack the US govt.

*** There is ample evidence that during his Presidency, not only did Obama do these things, he also illegally spied on American citizens, reporters, the media, THE US SENATE, and THE US SUPREME COURT.
- In light of the evidence against Obama and his administration helping / protecting the Russians in 2009 and during the last 2 years of his Presidency, one truly objective now has to wonder if Obama did not provide the collected information to the Russians.

*** There is ample evidence that during the 2016 election President Obama and his Dept of Homeland Security attempted to hack the election systems of several US States (though failing) in an attempt to argue that the systems were vulnerable and that they needed to all be put under his control (and the control of the DNC that rigged their own primaries, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in debates).
- In light of the above, one truly objective must wonder if his attempt to wrest control of state elections from the states was a partisan attempt to secure a Hillary victory or was it done at the behest of Vladimir Putin / the Russians!

These questions should be investigated by an objective, outside Special Counsel, as the gravity of the evidence revealed in the last month suggest the potential of TREASON on behalf of the Obama administration!
Fire Sessions (who doesn't have the balls to go after the left wing mafia) and let's get on with prosecuting these criminal swamp dwellers in the Democratic Communist Party.

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