Comey admits in book: my leadership style was "selfish & weak" during the Obama years


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
what about the Trump years, Jimbo?

he also says General Kelly wanted to quit to protest Trump firing Comey. fake news! he never quit, did he?
Comey, in his book:

Declared Lynch had a proven Conflict of Interest...

Revealed Lynch Obstructed Justice by ordering / directing him to mislead the nation about the investigation - to call it an issue / matter instead of an investigation, and pressured him to make it all go away...

Eluded to a still-secret event involving Lynch that, if exposed, would have possibly brought down the whole investigation...

Claimed McCabe broke the law, committi g perjury

He even admitted he broke laws...

Comey, through his book and interviews, has single-handedly provided the justification for the recent, over-due, criminal investigation of himself, McCabe, Strzok, Lynch, Holder, Hillary, and even Obama himself.
During the Obama years!? still are "selfish and weak".

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