Columbia Students Illegally Occupying University Demand Columbia Feed Them

They should all be expelled from school and ejected from the property, their records sealed so they aren't transferable and banned from the school.

But the school won't do that because they care more about tuition money than education, safety, sanity, rules and other students not involved.
This is the level of intellect of that generation.
I’m waiting for the D-Day comparisons from the press.

The entitlement of the American leftwing youth knows no bounds.

"After we trash your buildings, please be humanitarian enough to send in food".
If any of the students have purchased a meal plan I have no doubt they can walk into the cafeteria and get a meal. I know of no meal plan that includes service supplied outside of the cafeteria.
To stand there and claim that catering services should be provided is complete idiocy
This is the level of intellect of that generation.
I’m waiting for the D-Day comparisons from the press.

lol, if you’re hungry…get up and go to the chow hall and get some food, or go down to Taco Bell.

Your student meal plan doesn’t mean they have to bring it to you…

Get your own food…it’s just down the road I’m sure.

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