tiff lol


she was no dummie...she came in and made friends with the largest thing here..thor does like for her to meow in pain or yelp...if one of the other animals is going towards her ..he will place himself between them...i am letting her out a little but staying with her...a hawk can snatch her..
Here are photos of the cats and I hiking in Colorado wilderness.


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Here's Chloe with nothing but open trail ahead. And that's the girls, Christy and I on the summit of Papoose Mountain 11,178 feet. Not very big, but huge for cats.


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Here's the girls crossing a primitive log bridge over a roaring snow melt creek. You can only see Chloe but she did three times! I think she got a rush out of doing it.


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o clark doesnt walk that far...he likes to be carried..roland would just stop at the water and tiff walks 10 ft and its a 5 mile hike for her.....(old fat lady acts like she could make that hike)
i think she is growing...not much but more...she is on straight kitty chow...purina...i would like to find some canned kitty chow...but i wont fill her tummy with worthless food ..she need the protein and all..
she could just be a small cat by nature....i have found roundstone sliders for a cat collar..skull....but she is not big enough for that...
for the midget cat and i pointed out if my dobie didnt kill her he would not kill a chininaha puppy (or as hubby calls them...rats on a string...) then i found all these feline fancy sites....a collar 270 bucks...o right this is gonna happen...and if she refuses to grow...i cant risk sending her to asheville for the reduced clinic....i would have to pay vet fees..
for the midget cat and i pointed out if my dobie didnt kill her he would not kill a chininaha puppy (or as hubby calls them...rats on a string...) then i found all these feline fancy sites....a collar 270 bucks...o right this is gonna happen...and if she refuses to grow...i cant risk sending her to asheville for the reduced clinic....i would have to pay vet fees..
It takes a long time for them to grow, when they aren't getting real feline momma's milk. Most of what you're giving her just passes in the poop, she can't process alot of it yet. Keep going like you are, you're doing plenty for her and she's looking really good. The coat is glossy, shiny and slick, won't be too long before you start to notice real growth and alot of activity.

It took 2 weeks for Minnit to get out of the eat-poop-sleep-eat-poop-sleep cycle. Then she started growing like a weed. Now she is indistinguishable in size from her one surviving sibling, "sibby" who still lives outside and is only just recently fully weaned. But for those coupla weeks and for a time after, Sibby was obviously bigger then Minnit.

Don't let the perceived lack of growth bother ya, it'll come as soon as her little system can process all the good food you're giving her.
she is now on kitty milk said as soon as she would drink water the kitty chow would do it...i looked for a good canned one but none of them were for kittens only.....

i think she is beginning to grow...we are taking her outside...thor is attached:


her first attempt at the steps:



thor helps her by pushing her down the step:

you can barely see one of her paws:


i canz do this:


i can still do this:


no i cant:


parting shot, she got into her little box:


"you could have picked me up and carried me up them steps minutes ago"
I'm so envious. In a way. I have my hands full enough with my two cats, but I wish I could pet and love on your little midget there. She is sooo fucking cute that it literally hurts. Her eyes look so much better. Good for you, Bones.
o we are going outside for short walks....doesnt take much to wear her out...she comes the hiding areas arent so bad...we just assume she is off asleep till she pops back out...i now have 5...3 cats, 2 dogs...i assure you....i am looking forward to everyone coming non bio came home last night and helped...we went out to eat ....o it was terrible..we didnt think about it being so early...and got to the place before it opened...i said...we are gonna be with a bunch of old people...when we got back they were already lined up to get in...but the company and the prime rib was good....the numbers are why i have to have pet sitters...and i trust a total of 3 people to do that....hubby, son and son...they know if they are working and i will cancell plans...instead of boarding or hiring a service...but yea....she is getting active..playing..darting in and out...peeping a lot...
roland the tux cat still considers her vermin...he wont even look at her...unless he is flicking his tail...
i have an old afghan...i use for my lap most of the was tossed on my computer chair today....she found a pouch:




okay lets play with the camera strap:


no i couldnt be any cuter:


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