Colorado Passes Un-Constitutional Election Law To Award Electoral Votes To Popular-Vote Winner

The president was not supposed to be elected by the popular vote. That's the bit that the left can't seem to grasp. He/she was supposed to be elected by electors from the states, and the states were supposed to be free to pick the electors. Bottom line, the office of the presidency was not supposed to be the result of a national popularity contest.
Whether he was or wasn't isn't the issue, the issue is people want to change the system to a popular vote, if these people have the majority they can legally do it..
...and do the exact opposite of what the Constitution and Founding Fathers intended, changing the 'WE the People' to 'SOME of The People', stripping Americans of their equal right to have a voice and to equal representation...which the Democrats couldn't give a shit about. They care about THEM winning, and THEM seizing and wielding power...which they proved the last 4 years, and in this election, they will do ANYTHING to make that happen.
Yet there is no clear guidelines in the Constitution as to how the delegates must vote...
The delegates (electors) are supposed to be trusted and responsible members of their respective party

in some states they are bound by law to vote for the candidate they are pledged to and in others states they are not
The president was not supposed to be elected by the popular vote. That's the bit that the left can't seem to grasp. He/she was supposed to be elected by electors from the states, and the states were supposed to be free to pick the electors. Bottom line, the office of the presidency was not supposed to be the result of a national popularity contest.
Whether he was or wasn't isn't the issue, the issue is people want to change the system to a popular vote, if these people have the majority they can legally do it..
...and do the exact opposite of what the Constitution and Founding Fathers intended, changing the 'WE the People' to 'SOME of The People', stripping Americans of their equal right to have a voice and to equal representation...which the Democrats couldn't give a shit about. They care about THEM winning, and THEM seizing and wielding power...which they proved the last 4 years, and in this election, they will do ANYTHING to make that happen.
What's new in politics and it goes for both sides...They want to win and will do anything they can to win-duh...What is the diff between a representative of the EC giving their vote to the candidate with the most popular vote count in the state or a direct election of the voter doing the same and not having an unnecessary middleman?
Yet there is no clear guidelines in the Constitution as to how the delegates must vote...
The delegates (electors) are supposed to be trusted and responsible members of their respective party

in some states they are bound by law to vote for the candidate they are pledged to and in others states they are not
If I'm not mistaken, I think the SC just ruled recently that faithless electors are illegal.
Yet there is no clear guidelines in the Constitution as to how the delegates must vote...
The delegates (electors) are supposed to be trusted and responsible members of their respective party

in some states they are bound by law to vote for the candidate they are pledged to and in others states they are not
If I'm not mistaken, I think the SC just ruled recently that faithless electors are illegal.
You could be right but I dont know
Yet there is no clear guidelines in the Constitution as to how the delegates must vote...
The delegates (electors) are supposed to be trusted and responsible members of their respective party

in some states they are bound by law to vote for the candidate they are pledged to and in others states they are not
If I'm not mistaken, I think the SC just ruled recently that faithless electors are illegal.
You could be right but I dont know
He is..
How is it unconstitutional?

The Constitution leaves it up to the states to decide how they award their Electoral Votes
States are supposed to look after states interests, not a national referendum.

So states that are forgone conclusions are thinking that they have more power (today they have next to none) if they sign on to a popular vote.. At least that way they get a look in...

It is not just Blue States but many Red States are asking why Presidential Candidates never visit them either... They never get the National Conferences... They don't get the special attention of being a swing state...

So when you are being ignored you might as well get some say... Smart States...

The with the RWNJs here is they don't know why America by the will of the people. They see nothing wrong with themselves taking power against the will of the people... This is a common trait by dictators, they justify it by saying that some people are too stupid to understand how great of a leader they are...
Then those people complain and they are disappeared, murdered or sent to a work camp(called reeducation camp) because they don't understand how great there leader is..
The leader tells them there country is the best (e.g. best economy ever, least racist,...) and knows more than than expert (Generals, Medical Experts, economists). When it is pointed that is factually wrong, he and his supporters deride the complains as fake and the source is anti American....

Is any of this familar?
The president was not supposed to be elected by the popular vote. That's the bit that the left can't seem to grasp. He/she was supposed to be elected by electors from the states, and the states were supposed to be free to pick the electors. Bottom line, the office of the presidency was not supposed to be the result of a national popularity contest.
Whether he was or wasn't isn't the issue, the issue is people want to change the system to a popular vote, if these people have the majority they can legally do it..
They can, but hopefully enough voters in the states would realize they would be ceding their voice to the major urban population centers and would stop it.
How is it unconstitutional?

The Constitution leaves it up to the states to decide how they award their Electoral Votes
States are supposed to look after states interests, not a national referendum.
Doesn’t make it unconstitutional. The states are allowed to determine for themselves how their electors are cast. If they go with a national popular vote, that’s their decision.
It may not be unconstitutional, but it is usurping the will of the people of their state and the very reason the electoral college was instituted.
And it's up to the state's populace to realize their voice is being nullified by the state doing so, and pressure their legislatures to not do it.
Nope. So long as the people of the state’s votes are included in the national popular vote, their voice is not nullified.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
How is it unconstitutional?

The Constitution leaves it up to the states to decide how they award their Electoral Votes
States are supposed to look after states interests, not a national referendum.

So states that are forgone conclusions are thinking that they have more power (today they have next to none) if they sign on to a popular vote.. At least that way they get a look in...

It is not just Blue States but many Red States are asking why Presidential Candidates never visit them either... They never get the National Conferences... They don't get the special attention of being a swing state...

So when you are being ignored you might as well get some say... Smart States...

The with the RWNJs here is they don't know why America by the will of the people. They see nothing wrong with themselves taking power against the will of the people... This is a common trait by dictators, they justify it by saying that some people are too stupid to understand how great of a leader they are...
Then those people complain and they are disappeared, murdered or sent to a work camp(called reeducation camp) because they don't understand how great there leader is..
The leader tells them there country is the best (e.g. best economy ever, least racist,...) and knows more than than expert (Generals, Medical Experts, economists). When it is pointed that is factually wrong, he and his supporters deride the complains as fake and the source is anti American....

Is any of this familar?
It's a naked power grab by the democrats since they realized that it simply doesn't matter how many extra votes they get in CA, they still get the same number of EC votes. That's why they were whining for the last 4 years about Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the election.
The EC was created to elect the president and vice president because the Founders didn't want you corn shuckers having that ability.
Yup. They didn't want it to be a popularity contest, even to the extent that the VPOTUS was elected separately from the POTUS.
Electoral College reps are supposed to cast the vote exactly as their state's voters voted,

Not every state is the same....It is not a requirement of what you claim to vote in that manner. Some do it along party lines and some do it according to popular vote there is not law on the federal level as to how the vote is cast.
From the way Im reading Moonglow is correct.

Electors almost always cast their vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote in their state, which explains why we have election results available on Election Day. However, the Constitution does not require them to do so. There have been a few instances where electors defected from their pledged vote, but it has not changed the outcome of an election.

Im trying to figure out how this effects the EC, and how, or should this be constitutionally amended without infringement on the states, for future elections.
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What's new in politics and it goes for both sides...

Negative, dickhead.

Never in US history has a sitting President and his administration ever illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russian Intel Service to acquire known Russian-authored propaganda to use to affect the outcome of an election and when that failed to use in an attempt affect a politically partisan coup to overthrow the US govt and the newly elected President...until Obama.

Never has a President illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposition political party candidates, and on a sitting newly elected President and his team...until Obama.

Never has a member of the FBI confessed to the entire thing and began naming names.

Never has the FISA Court come out publicly and revealed the FBI has been engaging in FISA Court Crimes for DECADES and that they DID commit FISA Court crimes to illegally spy on a sitting President and his team...until Obama.

Never in US history has a political party attempted again and again to remove a President based on BS narratives while undermining that President's administration and engaging in such sedition...until the Democrats under this President.

Never in US history has a political party - admittedly - attempt a politically partisan Impeachment coup based on ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and zero witnesses...until the Democrats under this President.

Never has a political party so blatantly, publicly criminally attempted to overthrow our government through seeking to UN-DO an election simply because they did not like the outcome...until today's Democrats.

Never has the liberal fake news media been this politically partisan and complicit in the crimes of a political party than the last 4 years.

Never in our nation's history has the election fraud been to this level, this extent.

Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes used to claim election fraud not exist and then they were FORCED to change that and start saying 'Not ENOUGH happens to change an election'. They can NOT say that any more.

Like I said, don't piss on me and try to tell me it's raining. That BS of tour may work on weak, uneducated sheep, but it doesn't on me.
What's new in politics and it goes for both sides...

Negative, dickhead.

Never in US history has a sitting President and his administration ever illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russian Intel Service to acquire known Russian-authored propaganda to use to affect the outcome of an election and when that failed to use in an attempt affect a politically partisan coup to overthrow the US govt and the newly elected President...until Obama.

Never has a President illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposition political party candidates, and on a sitting newly elected President and his team...until Obama.

Never has a member of the FBI confessed to the entire thing and began naming names.

Never has the FISA Court come out publicly and revealed the FBI has been engaging in FISA Court Crimes for DECADES and that they DID commit FISA Court crimes to illegally spy on a sitting President and his team...until Obama.

Never in US history has a political party attempted again and again to remove a President based on BS narratives while undermining that President's administration and engaging in such sedition...until the Democrats under this President.

Never in US history has a political party - admittedly - attempt a politically partisan Impeachment coup based on ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and zero witnesses...until the Democrats under this President.

Never has a political party so blatantly, publicly criminally attempted to overthrow our government through seeking to UN-DO an election simply because they did not like the outcome...until today's Democrats.

Never has the liberal fake news media been this politically partisan and complicit in the crimes of a political party than the last 4 years.

Never in our nation's history has the election fraud been to this level, this extent.

Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes used to claim election fraud not exist and then they were FORCED to change that and start saying 'Not ENOUGH happens to change an election'. They can NOT say that any more.

Like I said, don't piss on me and try to tell me it's raining. That BS of tour may work on weak, uneducated sheep, but it doesn't on me.
Great, you prove that you have no idea what you are claiming as truth.
What's new in politics and it goes for both sides...

Negative, dickhead.

Never in US history has a sitting President and his administration ever illegally colluded with foreign ex-spies and the Russian Intel Service to acquire known Russian-authored propaganda to use to affect the outcome of an election and when that failed to use in an attempt affect a politically partisan coup to overthrow the US govt and the newly elected President...until Obama.

Never has a President illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, US Senators, USSC Justices, opposition political party candidates, and on a sitting newly elected President and his team...until Obama.

Never has a member of the FBI confessed to the entire thing and began naming names.

Never has the FISA Court come out publicly and revealed the FBI has been engaging in FISA Court Crimes for DECADES and that they DID commit FISA Court crimes to illegally spy on a sitting President and his team...until Obama.

Never in US history has a political party attempted again and again to remove a President based on BS narratives while undermining that President's administration and engaging in such sedition...until the Democrats under this President.

Never in US history has a political party - admittedly - attempt a politically partisan Impeachment coup based on ZERO crimes, ZERO evidence, and zero witnesses...until the Democrats under this President.

Never has a political party so blatantly, publicly criminally attempted to overthrow our government through seeking to UN-DO an election simply because they did not like the outcome...until today's Democrats.

Never has the liberal fake news media been this politically partisan and complicit in the crimes of a political party than the last 4 years.

Never in our nation's history has the election fraud been to this level, this extent.

Democrats, fake news media, and snowflakes used to claim election fraud not exist and then they were FORCED to change that and start saying 'Not ENOUGH happens to change an election'. They can NOT say that any more.

Like I said, don't piss on me and try to tell me it's raining. That BS of tour may work on weak, uneducated sheep, but it doesn't on me.
Great, you prove that you have no idea what you are claiming as truth.

Your 'Nuh-uh' is duly noted. :p
It may not be unconstitutional, but it is usurping the will of the people of their state and the very reason the electoral college was instituted.
It’s hard to make the case that the law was usurping the will of the people when it was passed as a ballot measure by 52% of the population.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
So long as their votes count to the total, their voice is not nullified.

Losing a vote is not the same as nullification.

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