Cologne sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

Germany must contemplate deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said "clear signals" had to be sent to those not prepared to abide by German law.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks.

Police also received reports of sexual attacks in cities in Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year's Eve.

Meanwhile, four young Syrians are being held over the suspected gang rape of two teenage girls in the southern German town of Weil am Rhein on the same night, according to German media.

Cologne sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel - BBC News

What is there to "contemplate"?

There should be express deportation policy for these animals!

These animals should be held in detention until they can be deported!

Germany must contemplate deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said "clear signals" had to be sent to those not prepared to abide by German law.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks.

Police also received reports of sexual attacks in cities in Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year's Eve.

Meanwhile, four young Syrians are being held over the suspected gang rape of two teenage girls in the southern German town of Weil am Rhein on the same night, according to German media.

Cologne sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel - BBC News
Knowing Europe, it will be illegal to deport them, or all they'll be able to do is to deport them to the first 'safe' (European) country the bastards entered on leaving wherever they came from, as per the Dublin agreement. However, the authorities probably don't have any proper documentation and probably don't even know where they really come from.

Germany must contemplate deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said "clear signals" had to be sent to those not prepared to abide by German law.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks.

Police also received reports of sexual attacks in cities in Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year's Eve.

Meanwhile, four young Syrians are being held over the suspected gang rape of two teenage girls in the southern German town of Weil am Rhein on the same night, according to German media.

Cologne sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel - BBC News

Germany must contemplate deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks

Conviction, execution, deportation.
Followed by deporting the rest, execution optional.
All predators of both sexes should be jailed, yes, and, if they are American, they should be exiled to Alabama.

Germany must contemplate deporting foreigners convicted of crimes following the Cologne sex attacks, Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said "clear signals" had to be sent to those not prepared to abide by German law.

Gangs of men described as of North African and Arab appearance were reported to be behind the attacks.

Police also received reports of sexual attacks in cities in Finland, Austria and Switzerland on New Year's Eve.

Meanwhile, four young Syrians are being held over the suspected gang rape of two teenage girls in the southern German town of Weil am Rhein on the same night, according to German media.

Cologne sex attackers risk deportation - Merkel - BBC News

They should also be branded as criminals so that when they return they are treated as pariah's. This way we will see how their own nations view rapists and sex offenders.
Nah, dey just gonna take away their pool privileges...

Cologne attacks: Migrant men banned from German swimming pool
Fri, 15 Jan 2016 - A town near Cologne in Germany bans male asylum seekers from a public swimming pool after complaints from women of sexual harassment.
A German town has banned male asylum seekers from a public swimming pool after women complained of harassment. A government official in Bornheim said men from a nearby asylum shelter would be barred until they "got the message" that such behaviour was not acceptable. It follows outrage over hundreds of sexual assaults in nearby Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve. Those attacks, by men of mainly Arab and North African origin, raised tensions over the influx of migrants. More than 1.1 million people claimed asylum in Germany in 2015.


The behaviour of men from a nearby asylum seekers' shelter apparently caused women to leave​

The head of the social affairs department in Bornheim - about 20km (12 miles) south of Cologne - said the move to ban migrant men followed increasing number of reports of inappropriate behaviour from female swimmers and staff members. "There have been complaints of sexual harassment and chatting-up going on in this swimming pool... by groups of young men, and this has prompted some women to leave," Markus Schnapka told Reuters. He said none of the complaints involved a crime being committed, but that social workers in the town would help to ensure the asylum seekers changed their behaviour. It is unclear how this rule will be enforced, although Germany is set to introduce new ID cards for migrants in February.

Support falling

Correspondents say the pool ban is the latest sign of increased tensions following the Cologne attacks. On Thursday, the authorities in another town in west Germany, Rheinberg, cancelled a carnival parade planned for February over security concerns. Rheinberg's public security chief, Jonny Strey, told German media that events in Cologne had influenced the decision and that officials were worried about from men from migrant backgrounds misbehaving. Rheinberg Mayor Frank Tatzel later denied this, according to Reuters. Cologne authorities expressed concern about the city's own carnival in February following the NYE attacks, promising to step up security and public awareness.


It is unclear how the ban will be enforced​

An opinion poll on Friday showed public anxiety increasing over the number of refugees and migrants arriving in Germany. In the research, published by broadcaster ZDF (in German), 66% of the 1,203 respondents said Germany could not handle the arrivals, up from 46% in December. Support for Chancellor Angela Merkel, under pressure over her policies to welcome refugees, also fell - with 39% of people agreeing the chancellor was doing a "good job" in this area, down from 47% in December.

Cologne attacks: Migrant men banned from German swimming pool - BBC News
Rapeugees scare the bejeebers outta Europe...

The Latest: Macedonia closes border to refugees
Jan 27,`16 -- The Latest on the continuing influx of asylum-seekers and migrants in Europe: All times local:
8:15 p.m.

Greek authorities say neighboring Macedonia has stopped letting in refugees heading north to central Europe, leaving about 2,600 people stranded on the Greek side of the border. Macedonian police stopped letting refugees through on Wednesday afternoon, but the reason was not clear and authorities were not available for comment. The country took similar action for two days last week. After a five-month free-for-all that ended in November, Macedonia started to only allow in migrants whom it deems to be bona fide refugees - Syrian, Iraqi and Afghan nationals. All others are considered economic migrants and left trapped in Greece, where they are told to seek asylum, agree to voluntary repatriation or be deported. Macedonia later limited transit to refugees whose stated country of destination is Austria or Germany.


Refugees and migrants disembark from a Ferry at the Athens' main port of Piraeus, early Wednesday, Jan 27, 2016. Greek authorities say a total of seven bodies, including those of two children, have been recovered from the sea off the eastern Aegean island of Kos after a boat carrying migrants or refugees sank early Wednesday​

7:55 p.m.

Greece says a European Union investigation that found major flaws in its border management is outdated and that the situation with migrant screening and registering has become much better. Government spokeswoman Olga Gerovassili said Wednesday that it is "not constructive to try to create a mood isolating Greece" based on an assessment from Nov. 10, when conditions were very different. The EU report could pave the way for other member states to isolate Athens and introduce long-term ID checks to restrict migrants from entering further into the continent. Gerovassili said Greece is doing its best but has received only partial response to its appeal for greater EU help in registering migrants, while an EU agreement to relocate 160,000 refugees from the country has only been implemented for 414 people so far.

7:25 p.m.

A German court official says a Moroccan and a Tunisian have been charged over a theft on New Year's Eve in Cologne, the first indictments related to assaults blamed largely on foreigners that caused public uproar. Cologne administrative court spokeswoman Sonja Heidel said the two men, who weren't identified, were charged over the alleged theft from a man of a bag containing a camera near the city's main station, news agency dpa reported. She said the men are in custody and could go on trial in February. The unease caused by the New Year's Eve events has centered on reported sexual assaults on women. Almost 1,000 criminal complaints have been filed, more than half alleging sexual assaults. Authorities have identified 35 suspects, of whom 32 are from North Africa.

4:45 p.m.

See also:

Sweden 'to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers'
27 Jan.`16 - The authorities in Sweden are making plans to expel as many as 80,000 failed asylum-seekers, the interior minister was quoted as saying.
Anders Ygeman said that charter aircraft would be used to deport the migrants over several years. "We are talking about 60,000 people but the number could climb to 80,000," Swedish media quoted him as saying. Some 163,000 migrants applied for asylum in Sweden in 2015, the highest per capita number in Europe. Of the approximately 58,800 cases processed last year, 55% were accepted.


Sweden had the highest per capita number of asylum applications of any European country in 2015​

Earlier on Wednesday, Greece's government responded to allegations in a draft European Commission report that it had "seriously neglected" its obligations to control the external frontier of Europe's passport-free Schengen zone. Greek government spokeswoman Olga Gerovasili accused the Commission of "blame games" and said it had failed to act on a programme agreed last year to relocate tens of thousands of migrants and refugees stranded in Greece.


Europe is struggling to deal with a crisis that has seen tens of thousands more migrants arrive on Greek beaches, undeterred by cold wintry conditions. The UN says more than 46,000 people have arrived in Greece so far this year, with more than 170 people killed making the dangerous crossing.Mr Ygeman was quoted as giving the figure of 80,000 by Swedish Public TV and Dagens Industri business newspaper (in Swedish). He later tweeted to say he had not taken a position on how many migrants had grounds for asylum, it being a matter for the authorities and the courts.


Sweden recently introduced temporary border checks in a bid to control the influx of people. Along with Germany, the Scandinavian country is is a prime destination for refugees and other migrants entering the EU illegally.


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