Code Pink mob shuts down Rove book event

If you refuse to admit that Code Pink is to a degree affiliated with the left wing party, the Democats, then would it also be true that you see no association of the Tea Party with the right wing party, the Republicans?

Let's be honest here.
You people fail to understand the difference in these groups. Republican congresscritters speak at tea party events. And while they are speaking, they overlook some pretty nasty signs and views. In fact, they pretty much encourage them.

Democratic congresscritters don't speak at fringe events.

isn't google cool..........

congressman speaks at code pink rally - Google Search
I looked at the links on that page and as far as I can tell they were all about Code Pink taking petitions to the offices of various Congress people telling them to stop the war. Even the video at the top of the page didn't seem to be of a Code Pink rally.

Nice try!

there's no fucking way any Republican can top you looonatics in looooooacy.. :cuckoo:

Actually the democrats want you to die quickly as they just cut 500 billion a year out of Medicare. You have your parties reversed and your panties all tied up in a wad over Carl Rove.:lol:

there's no fucking way any Republican can top you looonatics in looooooacy.. :cuckoo:

Actually the democrats want you to die quickly as they just cut 500 billion a year out of Medicare. You have your parties reversed and your panties all tied up in a wad over Carl Rove.:lol:

Damn you are ignorant! No...strike that. You are simply a liar. By now you should know better. Medicare "advantage" is being phased out because it was a scam from its inception. Medicare is not medicare advantage. "Advantage" was the most missued and corrupted program in health care.

How is it that you do not know these facts? If you is it that you feel you must lie about them?
February 23, 2003, is the submittal date of the report of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification, and Inspection Commission, (UNMOVIC), report. A full text copy is shown in the link herein posted.

Under, "Inspections and Inspection Capabilities in Iraq," anyone can read at 12. "Since the arrival of the first inspectors in Iraq on 27 November 20002, UNMOVIC has conducted more than 550 inspections covering 350 sites. . . .All inspections were performed without notice, and access was in virtually all cases provided promptly. In no case have the inspectors seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance of the impending arrival."

The report documents the increased abilities of the inspectors, over prior inspections: And the increase of cooperation of Iraq with the United Nations.

Anyone spots that Saddam's Iraq was being apologetic for any previous mistakes.

History notes that shortly after Saddam Hussein took over in Baghdad, that he commenced an eight-year war with Iran, invading Iran in 1980.

Unlike Moslem terrorist supporters, Cheney-Rove-Bush, Saddam Hussein was not an Islamic Fundamentalist supporter, and was in fact in opposition to his neighbor to the north. In the opposite direction, Kuwait he even invaded.

Notice that Karl Rove yelled at the book inspection demonstrators: To actually buzz off! In comparison, the UN inspectors in Iraq were able to go in unannounced, and to their internationally supported, mission of inspection and verification!

Cheney-Rove-Bush would denounce the cooperation of the beset, Baathist regime--a socialist regime. Cheney-Rove-Bush would fail completely to even try to find Osama bin laden, much less do the capture and Moslem trial which the Taliban had promised.

It is generally suggested that policy ought to be framed in a context wherein any negotiation with terrorists, like Cheney-Rove-Bush, be kept to a minimum. They made the United States a Rogue Regime. They don't apologize for it.

Sarah Palin even celebrates the Rogue Regime concept, in her own "analysis" of things. Looking Forward(?), "Sarah's not retreating, she's reloading." No one even can try to negotiate with that level mentality, Called The GOP! Anyone recalls that Patty Hearst, even: Had an excuse!

No one should place the Cheney-Rove-Bush regime in anything other than the War Crimes context. Their policy suggesting that the International Community itself should buzz off, just like Rove thought of the Book Inspection Protesters--failing to respect the accuracy of the UNMOVIC findings--Is an easily dated February 23, 2003. The Basis-Free, Criminal War would follow after thatl

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many nations negotiated with rogue regime, in the past. Treaties happened. History knows that!)
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show us your tapes!

I agree! Where are the tapes showing anyone called Rove a ****** or a faggot or spit on him??
Thanks, Willow!

Do you disagree he was called a war criminal? Is that not on par?

The only claim you own is that Rove is not a "convicted" criminal ...war or otherwise. To suggest he is not a known criminal is perverse.

Rove is evil on so many levels. Any who would defend him are sick psycophants with no conscience. Sociopathic groupies. They remind me of women that marry serial child killers and rapists while they serve life sentences or await thier deaths in prison.

Last night I dreamed I had Rove having drugged him and secured him in an old and abandoned slaughterhouse. The generator rumbled and the lights pulsed in the background as I laid the still incapacitated monster on a cot inside a steel king sizes metal box spring frame. The frame rail springs where still in place surrounding the cot and its hideous occupant. I had no emotion as I took #3 shark hooks with stainless steel leaders and drove the razor tips into the putrid flesh in various positions around the exterior of the devils spawn. Upon completion of the baiting of the hooks I connected each one to a spring and with a strong yank on each wire drove the hooks home and stretched the spring and tied off the wire. The strange web finished Rove came out of his coma induced by an anti drugging injection. He was a human trampoline and I could not resist climbing onto it standing on his chest. I started flexing my knees in rythim his eyes bugging out with each small bounce. He could not scream out from the force of my 230 pound on his chest. I started jumping with more and more vigor. The hooks tore deeper and deeper and blood came drooling out of the 50 or more gapping wounds. My phone is ringing and I must awake and finish this delightful excersize later.

The least of Roves concerns should be a few negative words.

You do know that is a photoshopped pic don't you??

It even admits that it is a "photo-ILLUSTRATION" in the upper left corner. LOL
And even if you did... why Karl Rove? That would be like going to protest at a James Carville event.... utterly STUPID.
Where is the outrage from our resident lefties condemning Code Pink's behavior?

The better question is, why is the right outraged? I thought disrupting things was the American patriotic way? Remember the town halls?

Why the hypocrisy when Rove is disrupted?

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