Coal miners protesting time they should listen to what the guy says...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I can't sympathize with the coal miners...obama was really, really clear on where he stood on the coal industry...the coal miners simply didn't listen because "Republican good." and so they all voted for the guy about to destroy their jobs and their ability to take care of their families...welcome to the party guys...some of this actually knew what this guy was about the first time should have listened...

Coal Miners Union In Full Revolt After Supporting Obama In 2008 | The Daily Caller - Part 2

It’s unlikely that United Mine Workers of America president Cecil Roberts thought he would be arrested protesting the energy policies of the very politician his union supported in 2008. But things have come full circle for coal miners, who now see President Obama’s climate agenda threatening their livelihoods.

Roberts and other UMWA members were arrested Thursday marching through Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, towards the federal building the Environmental Protection Agency was holding field hearings for a new rule that could very well force more coal mines and plants to shut down.

Although it is fun to watch liberal pressure groups go at each other...unions vs. greens...I would get a bag of chips...but it is going to be cold this winter, and energy obama said in 2008, are going to sky rocket under his policies...I have to save my pennies...

In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, he stated his energy plan would “bankrupt” coal plant owners, adding that “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” under his cap-and-trade system.

“So, if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them, because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted,” Obama told the SF Chronicle.

“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket, regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gases,” Obama added. “Coal power plants, natural gas, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money onto consumers.”

Soooo, I wonder how much energy solar and wind can actually generate...because they are trying to shut down the only reliable methods of generating electricity...coal, oil, natural gas...for energy sources that don't work, won't work for a long time if ever...and yet, people in cold states will still need heat in the middle of January...
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It’s unlikely that United Mine Workers of America president Cecil Roberts thought he would be arrested protesting the energy policies of the very politician his union supported in 2008. But things have come full circle for coal miners, who now see President Obama’s climate agenda threatening their livelihoods.

Serves him right for turning on the greatest leader this country has ever had.

All racists like him should be arrested.
It’s unlikely that United Mine Workers of America president Cecil Roberts thought he would be arrested protesting the energy policies of the very politician his union supported in 2008. But things have come full circle for coal miners, who now see President Obama’s climate agenda threatening their livelihoods.

Serves him right for turning on the greatest leader this country has ever had.

All racists like him should be arrested.


It does ones heart good to see the "Worst President the U.S. has ever had" having all the union people that supported this community organizer, who still doesn't know what a "CORPSEMAN" is, having to now protest and get arrested after the flaming idiot in the WH will try to PUNISH American worker with closing down coal mines. Coal currently produces 44% of our energy, WHAT replaces that much energy? Shall we just go back to candle's for light at night?...Solar and wind are almost useless when it comes to making up this difference!
Union thugs get what they deserve. They supported that incompetent ape, helped put him in office, helped him pass Obamacare. And now they're shocked--shocked--that he's throwing them under the bus.
Fuck them. They deserve it. Losers.
It does ones heart good to see the "Worst President the U.S. has ever had" having all the union people that supported this community organizer, who still doesn't know what a "CORPSEMAN" is, having to now protest and get arrested after the flaming idiot in the WH will try to PUNISH American worker with closing down coal mines. Coal currently produces 44% of our energy, WHAT replaces that much energy? Shall we just go back to candle's for light at night?...Solar and wind are almost useless when it comes to making up this difference!

Spending more for electricity will replace the power lost. :(
Not sure what the miners are bitchin' about. Coal production has taken a hit but that hit is more releated to the economy then to anything else. The use by America of American coal is going down exports of the same coal is going up. So this grand idea that the politices of Obama will reduce pollution due to coal is pure BS. Instead of being burned in EPA regulated generation stations the coal will now be burned in places where environmental concerns take a back seat to the much needed electricity. So the policy will likely result in MORE pollution not less.

That said, it isn't all the failed politics of the administration it is also what the electric companies want. They want higher prices that allows them to close their expensive coal stations and blame it on the administration.

The Coal miners and the rest of us are screwed their is not other way around it. Like it or not America was made great through cheap energy. Imagine a world where people can't freely travel and you will be imagining the liberal utopia.
Obama made it very clear he was going to fuck over the coal industry.
So now it dawns on these guys they are getting fucked over.

Boo Hoo hoo.
It’s unlikely that United Mine Workers of America president Cecil Roberts thought he would be arrested protesting the energy policies of the very politician his union supported in 2008. But things have come full circle for coal miners, who now see President Obama’s climate agenda threatening their livelihoods.

Serves him right for turning on the greatest leader this country has ever had.

All racists like him should be arrested.

Your kidding right? If not our educational system needs to be shut down, immediately.
It does ones heart good to see the "Worst President the U.S. has ever had" having all the union people that supported this community organizer, who still doesn't know what a "CORPSEMAN" is, having to now protest and get arrested after the flaming idiot in the WH will try to PUNISH American worker with closing down coal mines. Coal currently produces 44% of our energy, WHAT replaces that much energy? Shall we just go back to candle's for light at night?...Solar and wind are almost useless when it comes to making up this difference!

Solar is becoming cheaper by the day. Wind too. And there are more and more solar jobs being created where in a number of states, there are more solar jobs than coal jobs. In some areas, wind energy is priced at $0.045 per kwH. That's not the $0.03 coal is at but the point is it's getting cheaper. So wind and solar aren't useless.

And the EPA regulations aren't calling for an all out ban on coal. It's a 30% reduction of our carbon emissions from 2005. Guess what? We have already as a nation decreased our carbon emissions by 17% from their 2005 levels. So actually the "green" people are fighting for a much higher goal because we will reach 30% easily just by having natural gas plants, cleaner burning coal plants and the retirement of older plants.

Besides, coal is finite. It won't last forever. We must as a nation, to secure our financial freedom, must invest in renewable energies because they are renewable!!!
Unions vote for Democraps without ever reading the fine print.

They were told some 1/2 black from Chicago was going to walk on water and increase their paycheck/benefits....they never figured out he is a enviro-kook.
It does ones heart good to see the "Worst President the U.S. has ever had" having all the union people that supported this community organizer, who still doesn't know what a "CORPSEMAN" is, having to now protest and get arrested after the flaming idiot in the WH will try to PUNISH American worker with closing down coal mines. Coal currently produces 44% of our energy, WHAT replaces that much energy? Shall we just go back to candle's for light at night?...Solar and wind are almost useless when it comes to making up this difference!

Solar is becoming cheaper by the day. Wind too. And there are more and more solar jobs being created where in a number of states, there are more solar jobs than coal jobs. In some areas, wind energy is priced at $0.045 per kwH. That's not the $0.03 coal is at but the point is it's getting cheaper. So wind and solar aren't useless.

And the EPA regulations aren't calling for an all out ban on coal. It's a 30% reduction of our carbon emissions from 2005. Guess what? We have already as a nation decreased our carbon emissions by 17% from their 2005 levels. So actually the "green" people are fighting for a much higher goal because we will reach 30% easily just by having natural gas plants, cleaner burning coal plants and the retirement of older plants.

Besides, coal is finite. It won't last forever. We must as a nation, to secure our financial freedom, must invest in renewable energies because they are renewable!!!

So genius, when will solar and wind cover the 44% of our energy produced from coal...2090?...... What about all you environuts, now you people don't give a shit about all the birds FRIED or chopped to death?....Hypocrisy should be your logo!
It does ones heart good to see the "Worst President the U.S. has ever had" having all the union people that supported this community organizer, who still doesn't know what a "CORPSEMAN" is, having to now protest and get arrested after the flaming idiot in the WH will try to PUNISH American worker with closing down coal mines. Coal currently produces 44% of our energy, WHAT replaces that much energy? Shall we just go back to candle's for light at night?...Solar and wind are almost useless when it comes to making up this difference!

Solar is becoming cheaper by the day. Wind too. And there are more and more solar jobs being created where in a number of states, there are more solar jobs than coal jobs. In some areas, wind energy is priced at $0.045 per kwH. That's not the $0.03 coal is at but the point is it's getting cheaper. So wind and solar aren't useless.

And the EPA regulations aren't calling for an all out ban on coal. It's a 30% reduction of our carbon emissions from 2005. Guess what? We have already as a nation decreased our carbon emissions by 17% from their 2005 levels. So actually the "green" people are fighting for a much higher goal because we will reach 30% easily just by having natural gas plants, cleaner burning coal plants and the retirement of older plants.

Besides, coal is finite. It won't last forever. We must as a nation, to secure our financial freedom, must invest in renewable energies because they are renewable!!!

So genius, when will solar and wind cover the 44% of our energy produced from coal...2090?...... What about all you environuts, now you people don't give a shit about all the birds FRIED or chopped to death?....Hypocrisy should be your logo!

I read this and I just of Brick from Anchorman.


Your ad hominem is duly noted.
No sympathy. O made it very clear that he was going to regulate the coal industry into extinction.

If you have no sympathy for the coal miners, you are an Obama loving supporter of a transformed-in-His-image of America.

Don't ever be a hypocrite of pretending to dislike or disagreeing with Obama, again.
No sympathy. O made it very clear that he was going to regulate the coal industry into extinction.

I think what he said was, coal fired utilities. As I pointed out coal production has not dropped, coal mining productivity has increased.
No sympathy. O made it very clear that he was going to regulate the coal industry into extinction.

If you have no sympathy for the coal miners, you are an Obama loving supporter of a transformed-in-His-image of America.

Don't ever be a hypocrite of pretending to dislike or disagreeing with Obama, again.

You've got me mistaken with someone else if you think I have ever agreed with O. I have sympathy for the coal miners who voted against O and his plans against the coal industry. No sympathy for the unions who lied to the coal miners.
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Solar is becoming cheaper by the day. Wind too. And there are more and more solar jobs being created where in a number of states, there are more solar jobs than coal jobs. In some areas, wind energy is priced at $0.045 per kwH. That's not the $0.03 coal is at but the point is it's getting cheaper. So wind and solar aren't useless.

And the EPA regulations aren't calling for an all out ban on coal. It's a 30% reduction of our carbon emissions from 2005. Guess what? We have already as a nation decreased our carbon emissions by 17% from their 2005 levels. So actually the "green" people are fighting for a much higher goal because we will reach 30% easily just by having natural gas plants, cleaner burning coal plants and the retirement of older plants.

Besides, coal is finite. It won't last forever. We must as a nation, to secure our financial freedom, must invest in renewable energies because they are renewable!!!

So genius, when will solar and wind cover the 44% of our energy produced from coal...2090?...... What about all you environuts, now you people don't give a shit about all the birds FRIED or chopped to death?....Hypocrisy should be your logo!

I read this and I just of Brick from Anchorman.


Your ad hominem is duly noted.

I know you can't face the hypocrisy... the solar and wind industry PAY into you environuts, while the birds are only convenient for you to use at certain times! ....Duly noted! :cuckoo:

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