CO2 from power generation rises, but the peak is here.


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
It's bad news and good news. Global emissions of CO2 from power generation hit a new peak, but they're expected to decline from now on.

Why? Wind and solar are cheap and profitable, and new wind and solar will outstrip new demand. At this stage, the "renewables don't work!" crazies can't be taken seriously about anything, given the magnitude of their delusion. Wind and solar currently make up 12% of global power generation, and the figure is rising.

Wind and solar are slowing the rise in power sector emissions. If all the electricity from wind and solar instead came from fossil generation, power sector emissions would have been 20% higher in 2022. The growth alone in wind and solar generation (+557 TWh) met 80% of global electricity demand growth in 2022 (+694 TWh). Clean power growth is likely to exceed electricity demand growth in 2023; this would be the first year for this to happen outside of a recession. With average growth in electricity demand and clean power, we forecast that 2023 will see a small fall in fossil generation (-47 TWh, -0.3%), with bigger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar grow further. That would mean 2022 hit “peak” emissions. A new era of falling power sector emissions is close.
Anyone with a brain knows you cannot run a power grid with wind and solar as primary sources.

Thus China, India, and Pakistan are feverishly building new coal-fired power plants.
The best news is that Co2 does absolutely NOTHING and hence adding more to the atmosphere also does NOTHING.

That is the DATA before Mamooo's heroes FUDGED....

Co2 went up

highly correlated satellites and balloons both recorded NO WARMING in the atmosphere


and then those behind the fraud had a choice, accept the data, resign and file for unemployment, or fudge the data and keep bilking the taxpayer...


Co2 does NOTHING
It's bad news and good news. Global emissions of CO2 from power generation hit a new peak, but they're expected to decline from now on.

Why? Wind and solar are cheap and profitable, and new wind and solar will outstrip new demand. At this stage, the "renewables don't work!" crazies can't be taken seriously about anything, given the magnitude of their delusion. Wind and solar currently make up 12% of global power generation, and the figure is rising.

Wind and solar are slowing the rise in power sector emissions. If all the electricity from wind and solar instead came from fossil generation, power sector emissions would have been 20% higher in 2022. The growth alone in wind and solar generation (+557 TWh) met 80% of global electricity demand growth in 2022 (+694 TWh). Clean power growth is likely to exceed electricity demand growth in 2023; this would be the first year for this to happen outside of a recession. With average growth in electricity demand and clean power, we forecast that 2023 will see a small fall in fossil generation (-47 TWh, -0.3%), with bigger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar grow further. That would mean 2022 hit “peak” emissions. A new era of falling power sector emissions is close.

Wind and solar are cheap and profitable,

It's bad news and good news. Global emissions of CO2 from power generation hit a new peak, but they're expected to decline from now on.

Why? Wind and solar are cheap and profitable, and new wind and solar will outstrip new demand. At this stage, the "renewables don't work!" crazies can't be taken seriously about anything, given the magnitude of their delusion. Wind and solar currently make up 12% of global power generation, and the figure is rising.

Wind and solar are slowing the rise in power sector emissions. If all the electricity from wind and solar instead came from fossil generation, power sector emissions would have been 20% higher in 2022. The growth alone in wind and solar generation (+557 TWh) met 80% of global electricity demand growth in 2022 (+694 TWh). Clean power growth is likely to exceed electricity demand growth in 2023; this would be the first year for this to happen outside of a recession. With average growth in electricity demand and clean power, we forecast that 2023 will see a small fall in fossil generation (-47 TWh, -0.3%), with bigger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar grow further. That would mean 2022 hit “peak” emissions. A new era of falling power sector emissions is close.

Oh no!
That is the DATA before Mamooo's heroes FUDGED....
I can see why you act like you do. The data says you're a cult loser, so you see no other option but to scream that all the data is faked. It's so good to be on the rational side. We just follow the data wherever it leads, so we never have to humiliate ourselves like you do.

Anways, stop deflecting from the thread topic, which is about the stunning success of wind and solar, and how that success humiliates the deniers.
but to scream that all the data is faked


and then your taxpayer funded heroes FUDGED the DATA to show "warming" that does not exist

And if they had not done that, they would have confessed the truth that


and lost their jobs and filed for unemployment

EMH needs to be (back) in an institution: a Crazy ConspiracYst Fvck.
I could care less what he has to say about anything.
Any decent board would have tossed him. (and probably has)
Anyone who graces him with a response is an idiot.


If they could debate the issue, they would.

They cannot.

The theory that climate change is all about land near the poles is irrefutable, they know it, and that is why they are "reduced" to this....
Given how many years you've been a shit-eating liar, you really have no excuse for sucking so badly at it.

Come on, cult boi. Put some effort into your lying.

There's the antisemite filth we all know and get disgusted by.

Needless to say, the right is thrilled to have such people among them.

The raw data was flat to trending down. Your heroes then plugged the raw data into a computer model, and viola, it changed to warming.
Thread has been cleaned and it it barely started. Take the bitch fights downstairs. Any further derailing will be met with thread bans and that includes the OP.
Wind and solar are not cheap and profitable, because you can't show any examples.
Then why are installations accelerating across the whole world? Your side's usual "IT'S ALL TAX BREAKS" big lie won't work as an excuse here, because it's not just happening in the USA.

Face it. You've all been completely wrong about renewables, and the hard data shows it.
The theory that climate change is all about land near the poles is irrefutable,
Nah. It's babbling nonsense. You can't even explain it, that's how insane it is

Go on. Tell us exactly what your theory is. Give exact times frames. If you're not just making crazy stuff up, you should have no problem doing that.

We know how this will end up. You'll say something completely at odds with reality, I'll rip it apart, you'll scream insults and run, and then you'll just keep repeating the lie. You may as well get started.
The raw data was flat to trending down. Your heroes then plugged the raw data into a computer model, and viola, it changed to warming.
If all the data said I was wrong, I'd tell the same kind of crazy stories you do.

Oh wait. I wouldn't. I'm honest. If all the data said I was wrong, I'd change my position.

You're another one who has spent years being competely wrong about renewables. You also pushed the "It's the tax breaks" big lie, which we know is a big steaming pile, given that renewable installations are exploding all around the world. Given that the data says you're totally wrong here, are you going to change your position? Or will you just double down on being wrong?
It's bad news and good news. Global emissions of CO2 from power generation hit a new peak, but they're expected to decline from now on.

Why? Wind and solar are cheap and profitable, and new wind and solar will outstrip new demand. At this stage, the "renewables don't work!" crazies can't be taken seriously about anything, given the magnitude of their delusion. Wind and solar currently make up 12% of global power generation, and the figure is rising.

Wind and solar are slowing the rise in power sector emissions. If all the electricity from wind and solar instead came from fossil generation, power sector emissions would have been 20% higher in 2022. The growth alone in wind and solar generation (+557 TWh) met 80% of global electricity demand growth in 2022 (+694 TWh). Clean power growth is likely to exceed electricity demand growth in 2023; this would be the first year for this to happen outside of a recession. With average growth in electricity demand and clean power, we forecast that 2023 will see a small fall in fossil generation (-47 TWh, -0.3%), with bigger falls in subsequent years as wind and solar grow further. That would mean 2022 hit “peak” emissions. A new era of falling power sector emissions is close.

We shut the global economy down for 2 years and that didn't move the needle on CO2, why should this?


CO2 is an atmospheric rounding error

Moreover the Vostock Ice cores show that temperature plummet for tens of thousands of years when CO2 peaks


". . . In his annual shareholder letter, Mr Dimon said: “Permitting reforms are desperately needed to allow investment to be done in any kind of timely way.
“We may even need to evoke eminent domain – we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives.”
Eminent domain is when a government or state agency carries out a compulsory purchase of private property for public use and compensates the asset holder. . . "

Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief​

Green projects must be fast-tracked to meet net zero targets

If it is so competitive, why do they need to seize the people's land to get it done?

And why are other indicators in the free market, pointing to the fact, that no, it is not working w/o government interference and manipulation? It seems, to be falling apart.

Mark Carney’s climate group is ‘dragging its feet’ on green investment​

Accusations call former Bank of England governor’s climate credentials into question

". . Last year, it joined GFANZ, the umbrella climate finance organisation set up by Mr Carney. Vanguard will leave both groups.
At the time, it said: “We have decided to withdraw from NZAM so that we can provide the clarity our investors desire about the role of index funds and about how we think about material risks, including climate-related risks — and to make clear that Vanguard speaks independently on matters of importance to our investors.”
It comes as asset managers are increasingly coming under fire from Republican politicians in the US over their commitment to so-called ethical investing, with politicians accusing companies of pursuing a “woke” agenda.
A spokesman for GFANZ said: “This report does not provide a comprehensive view of clean energy investment. For example, the report excludes 70pc of power generation companies, the bulk of which accounts for most of the world's wind and solar power. Analysis by the IEA suggests that between 2021 and 2022 around 48pc of total energy investment went to low carbon energy supply.
“That would be impossible if GFANZ members weren’t financing the transition. Further, the comparison between GFANZ and non-GFANZ members really just compares global financial institutions with those in China – where renewable buildout in recent years has been extremely strong.”
We shut the global economy down for 2 years and that didn't move the needle on CO2, why should this?
It clearly slowed the rate of increase. Your inabality to read a graph is only your problem.

CO2 is an atmospheric rounding error
There's that "a trace can't have any effect" idiot fallacy.

Moreover the Vostock Ice cores show that temperature plummet for tens of thousands of years when CO2 peaks
If anyone had ever said CO2 was the only thing affecting climate, that would mean something. But nobody has ever said that. I mean, except for you.
If it is so competitive, why do they need to seize the people's land to get it done?
They don't.

_One_ guy who would make money from such a policy endorsed it. It's not honest to extend that mindset to anyone else.

And why are other indicators in the free market, pointing to the fact, that no, it is not working w/o government interference and manipulation? It seems, to be falling apart.
Again, you point to _one_ company, and then declare how that applies to the whole world.

Me? I point to the whole world, where renewables now make up 12% of power generation.
It's bad news and good news. Global emissions of CO2 from power generation hit a new peak, but they're expected to decline from now on.

That's just really hard to predict. As an example, Germany just shuttered its only nuclear energy facility. Renewables can't make up that deficit, so it's left to fossil fuels. Obviously, Germany is just one country, but it's an example of how the switch to renewables in energy production isn't going to be linear.

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