CNN's Heads are Popping Over No Tapes


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO........ POTUS tweet is getting the response we wanted.

"What difference does it make"

Who gives a rip...


That is why when you hear someone say "The Donald needs to stop Tweeting," you know that person is a Swamp Rat! Drain the Swamp, every last puddle!
Comey forced Trump's bluff: brilliant! Comey = strong; Trump = weak orange anus.
The libs are outrage again, well STILL. They wanted a Watergate narrative so badly. Where does it say the president can't record anyway?
Comey forced Trump's bluff: brilliant! Comey = strong; Trump = weak orange anus.

Jake's gittin mad now.

But yes, Comey came aross as honest and ^^ saying he changed after he thought there were tapes is BS.

Check the dates dupes. Check the dates.


We all wish the cheeto would stop lying and apparently, he has lied about taping people before. It came out in court.

Three years from now, we will all still be wishing he would stop lying.

But, the more he lies, the more other countries know he can't be trusted.

Please, no more threads on this. Ask mods to combine.
Did anyone ever really believe there were tapes of Trump and Comey's conversations?
I figured it was a bluff but it was good to see Comey squirm.
That's how I see it this was done to try and get Comey to admit he did tell Trump on three seperate occassions he was not under investigation and he got that.
It's fun watching the far and alt right squirm at Trump's failure at bluffing.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! This tweet is worse than Watergate?

The tweet cannot logically be compared to Watergate.

The tweet does show how intimidated and weak is President Trump.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! This tweet is worse than Watergate?

The tweet cannot logically be compared to Watergate.

The tweet does show how intimidated and weak is President Trump.

So you're saying someone intimidated Trump, who did that.
Tweet looked more like a bluff and poor Comey fell for it . Now Loreta lynch and friends are being investigated too because Comey had to tell the truth, that's a good thing,right?

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