CNN: Senior US Intel Briefer “Overstated” Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Intel official, Shelby Pierson “overstated” the IC’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, according to CNN.

The US intelligence community’s top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.

The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected.

The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one senior national security official told CNN. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

One intel official said Pierson’s characterization was “misleading” and a national security official said Pierson failed to provide the “nuance” needed to accurately convey the US intelligence conclusions, reported CNN.

And Here it is... Senior US Intel Briefer "Overstated" Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference

I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you. :p
Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.

Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.
Obama hold overs are going crazy before they get fired lol
Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.
Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.

So, you're REALLY trying to spin the top US Intel Security Official misleading America by overstating the official Intel Community's official assessment of Russian 'interference' in the 2020 election as TRUMP's FAULT?!

The Intel official, Shelby Pierson “overstated” the IC’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, according to CNN.

The US intelligence community’s top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.

The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected.

The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one senior national security official told CNN. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

One intel official said Pierson’s characterization was “misleading” and a national security official said Pierson failed to provide the “nuance” needed to accurately convey the US intelligence conclusions, reported CNN.

And Here it is... Senior US Intel Briefer "Overstated" Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference

I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you. :p

Don't worry

the board dims know better than to believe that.

They've got 'proof'.
Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.
Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.

So, you're REALLY trying to spin the top US Intel Security Official misleading America by overstating the official Intel Community's official assessment of Russian 'interference' in the 2020 election as TRUMP's FAULT?!


Absolutely. What were the names of the officials whom CNN cited? Three Banana Republicans told what to say by the top Banana himself. Probably scripted their statements an everything. They've proven they have no problem lying to the American people everyday.
Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.
Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.

So, you're REALLY trying to spin the top US Intel Security Official misleading America by overstating the official Intel Community's official assessment of Russian 'interference' in the 2020 election as TRUMP's FAULT?!


Absolutely. What were the names of the officials whom CNN cited? Three Banana Republicans told what to say by the top Banana himself. Probably scripted their statements an everything. They've proven they have no problem lying to the American people everyday.

"Catherine Herridge reported on Friday that after pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia was backing Trump in 2020, NOTHING was offered to the DNI.

Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence – such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” – to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 21, 2020"

"Pierson is a senior official in the ODNI who was ‘providing her view of the intelligence.’ Pierson’s inaccurate information was then leaked to the New York Times which caused a firestorm — and Democrats wonder why Trump doesn’t trust the intel community!"
-- CNN


Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.
Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.

So, you're REALLY trying to spin the top US Intel Security Official misleading America by overstating the official Intel Community's official assessment of Russian 'interference' in the 2020 election as TRUMP's FAULT?!


Absolutely. What were the names of the officials whom CNN cited? Three Banana Republicans told what to say by the top Banana himself. Probably scripted their statements an everything. They've proven they have no problem lying to the American people everyday.

and, how is that different than the House 'Intelligence' Committee, overseen by Schiff, claiming it is happening?
Sound an awful lot like the "Deal Maker's" specific propaganda.
Americans are wising up to the Banana Republicans and their Russian allies.

So, you're REALLY trying to spin the top US Intel Security Official misleading America by overstating the official Intel Community's official assessment of Russian 'interference' in the 2020 election as TRUMP's FAULT?!


Absolutely. What were the names of the officials whom CNN cited? Three Banana Republicans told what to say by the top Banana himself. Probably scripted their statements an everything. They've proven they have no problem lying to the American people everyday.

"Catherine Herridge reported on Friday that after pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia was backing Trump in 2020, NOTHING was offered to the DNI.

Source familiar w/house briefing @CBSNews says briefers pressed for evidence to back up claims Russia “trying to help POTUS in 2020.” Asked if there was signals intelligence – such as phone intercepts or “SIGINT” – to back up claims, source said briefers had none to offer #DNI
— Catherine Herridge (@CBS_Herridge) February 21, 2020"

"Pierson is a senior official in the ODNI who was ‘providing her view of the intelligence.’ Pierson’s inaccurate information was then leaked to the New York Times which caused a firestorm — and Democrats wonder why Trump doesn’t trust the intel community!"
-- CNN



Unnamed sources giving a scripted conversation to conservative reporter Catherine Herridge.

False narrative to counter what got the head of DNI fired by an Angry Trumpybear..
I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you.
Nothing could be so predictable as Trump ordering some push back on the intel. Why do you think he named his hack buttboy Grenell to be the acting DNI. Gosh, you folks are so wonder you support an adulterous, pathologically lying conman.
The Intel official, Shelby Pierson “overstated” the IC’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, according to CNN.

The US intelligence community’s top election security official appears to have overstated the intelligence community’s formal assessment of Russian interference in the 2020 election, omitting important nuance during a briefing with lawmakers earlier this month, three national security officials told CNN.

The official, Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected.

The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said.

“The intelligence doesn’t say that,” one senior national security official told CNN. “A more reasonable interpretation of the intelligence is not that they have a preference, it’s a step short of that. It’s more that they understand the President is someone they can work with, he’s a dealmaker.”

One intel official said Pierson’s characterization was “misleading” and a national security official said Pierson failed to provide the “nuance” needed to accurately convey the US intelligence conclusions, reported CNN.

And Here it is... Senior US Intel Briefer "Overstated" Assessment of 2020 Russian Interference

I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you. :p
No shit!
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that talks shit about even our allies on the regular.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.

If Trump wasn't such a fucking degenerate he would long ago say this in prime time:

"Russia, China, Ukraine, if you are listening I don't need your help winning. Stay the hell out of American elections"

But he is a degenerate and learned absolutely nothing even after he got impeached for exactly this sort of solicitation out foreign "favors".
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I am shocked....just SHOCKED, I tell you.
Nothing could be so predictable as Trump ordering some push back on the intel. Why do you think he named his hack buttboy Grenell to be the acting DNI. Gosh, you folks are so wonder you support an adulterous, pathologically lying conman.
What does JFK have to do with this?
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

1. Only 20% of electorate discribe themself as liberal.

2. Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
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1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?
1. It was firmly established that Russians hacked DNC and Podesta and others to help Trump against Hillary. NOTHING changed since then, except maybe Russians realizing that American presidency is very different from Russian Czar they nowadays call President.
2. Russians just recently hacked Burisma - pretty obviously to get damaging info on Bidens.
3. Putin himself openly talks about support for Trump, because he thinks "Trump can be worked with to normalize relationship". Which to Russians of course means lifting of sanctions.
4. To date Trump STILL calls Russian interference reportng a hoax, still has yet to utter even a SINGLE criticism of Putin's regime. And let me remind you that this for a guy that ruglarly berates our allies.

To know what has been going on since 2016 and STILL be thinking that Russians ARE NOT interfering to help Trump is to wilfully burry your head in the sand.
Tell us how many Liberals voted for Trump.

I'm telling you to stop asking stupid questions.

Foremost effect of negative information (DNC/Podesta email dump and Comey's mishandling of the email case) is depression of turnout, not votes for the other guy.
I did stop asking stupid questions; I am now asking a stupid person (yourself) a relevant question.
I have not met one Liberal after 3.5 years of your bullshit claim, which means, according to your mental illness, that Russia wasted money.
And now you insist that Russia is going to waste their money again.
How mentally ill are you?

idiot re-read my answer and try again.

You didn't understand anything I just explained, so obviously you couldn't put up anything resembling a refute.

There were many liberals (which is fractional minority of voters) that didn't bother to go vote because supposedly Clinton was as bad as Trump.
Unnamed sources giving a scripted conversation to conservative reporter Catherine Herridge.
False narrative to counter what got the head of DNI fired by an Angry Trumpybear..

So you are saying FAKE NEWS CNN is doing what they do best?

Nothing could be so predictable as Trump ordering some push back on the intel.
....except Democrats and snowflakes spreading the same old debunked lies from 2016.....


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