CNN pushes White Racism 24/7. Why?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
On any given day or night, you are assured of seeing a story on CNN being about White Racism against Blacks. How many times did they show that idiot SAE Frat boy doing his chant? How many hundreds of stories have they run on Ferguson? Do you ever see stories about Black Racism e.g. the Black Panthers? It hasn't helped their ratings so why do they keep pushing this crap? Compare the "problem" of White Racism against Blacks to the Refugee crisis or women's rights in the Middle East that receives almost no coverage. Who is running the show at CNN and why do they push the White Racism narrative so hard?
they work for Obama and the DNC and they can't wait to stir up things so they have some blood on their hands.

people needs to shun that station
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On any given day or night, you are assured of seeing a story on CNN being about White Racism against Blacks. How many times did they show that idiot SAE Frat boy doing his chant? How many hundreds of stories have they run on Ferguson? Do you ever see stories about Black Racism e.g. the Black Panthers? It hasn't helped their ratings so why do they keep pushing this crap? Compare the "problem" of White Racism against Blacks to the Refugee crisis or women's rights in the Middle East that receives almost no coverage. Who is running the show at CNN and why do they push the White Racism narrative so hard?
White people sure are a sensitive bunch. They cry about news stories as if they are being stabbed in the abdomen while telling blacks to get over any and every incident of racism that ever occurred.....

...Because when blacks complain it holds them back...not so much for whites tho.

Weird how that works
On any given day or night, you are assured of seeing a story on CNN being about White Racism against Blacks. How many times did they show that idiot SAE Frat boy doing his chant? How many hundreds of stories have they run on Ferguson? Do you ever see stories about Black Racism e.g. the Black Panthers? It hasn't helped their ratings so why do they keep pushing this crap? Compare the "problem" of White Racism against Blacks to the Refugee crisis or women's rights in the Middle East that receives almost no coverage. Who is running the show at CNN and why do they push the White Racism narrative so hard?
Sensationalism sells. TV is a money game. News is sensationalism at its best. "AWE" stories sell ad time. "SHOCK" sells ad time. Real news stories have always taken the backseat to sensationalism, and always will. It's all about money money money money money.
Apparently "victim" is the hot new label that Liberals use to dismiss a valid argument. Clever, it isn't quite as derogatory as "Racist" but accomplishes the same result.
On any given day or night, you are assured of seeing a story on CNN being about White Racism against Blacks. How many times did they show that idiot SAE Frat boy doing his chant? How many hundreds of stories have they run on Ferguson? Do you ever see stories about Black Racism e.g. the Black Panthers? It hasn't helped their ratings so why do they keep pushing this crap? Compare the "problem" of White Racism against Blacks to the Refugee crisis or women's rights in the Middle East that receives almost no coverage. Who is running the show at CNN and why do they push the White Racism narrative so hard?

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