CNN poll shows support for Obamacare down to 39%

The question we must ask is how do we fix the health care system????America wants a better system then we had....

1.defunding the obamacare 2.Tort overhaul. 3. EMTALA reform.

then, finally, addressing the economy and jobs.

when the economy starts growing FOR REAL and when the unemployment is again around 5% as it was during Bush years - THEN, and only THEN the issue of healthcare reform should be addressed.
Obamacare =cheap affordable Healthcare



It's telling that of the people who expose themselves to CNN's bullshit that less than %40 approve of their fuhrer's "signature program".
[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]

I think that what's really sickening is that we are the only western nation in which its citizens can go into bankruptcy because of health care needed and received.
Since corporate America doesn't want to contribute, it's long overdue to have a national health care system. You walk into a medical facility and not pay out of pocket, just higher taxes to cover it.

Yeah, we need higher taxes to screw the middle class some more by preventing job creation.
Free government health care has brought Europe to the verge of bankruptcy.

National Health Care works great until countries run out of money.

In a weak economy, you reduce taxes to increase consumption and create jobs.
This administration continues to pursue the Keynesian Economic Theory that has never worked to bring back a strong economy.
Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures - Forbes

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