CNN Op-Ed Admits "Mueller's Report Looks Bad For Obama"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
LMAO... Jockey Boy had best lawyer up too. Maybe the cabal can get a group rate and then adjoining rooms


With Congressional Democrats tantruming over redactions, presidential candidates out-virtue-signalling one another in denigration of Trump (for what it is unclear) calling for impeachment (again, for what is unclear) and the liberal media desperate for a distraction from the embarrassment of their two-year harassment in lieu of the main headline - "no collusion, no obstruction;" few if any among the mainstream have noticed (or mentioned) one tiny little detail in the Mueller Report... the 'confirmed' interference by Russia in the 2016 US Election took place - knowingly - under President Obama's watch.


But amid all this sound and fury, something odd happened. The 'powers-that-be' at CNN - ground zero for the Trump's-a-traitorous-Putin-Puppet propaganda - have allowed the publication of an op-ed amid their hallowed pages that casts blame at the anointed one. CNN contributor Scott Jennings - soon to be exiled from every social media platform we suspect - dared to point out that the Mueller report looks bad for Obama.

CNN Op-Ed Admits "Mueller's Report Looks Bad For Obama"
It does look bad for BO, Hillary too, but sadly both are untouchable.

It boggles the mind that the entire MSM pushed the obviously false narrative of collusion, because it was all based on the dossier by a Clinton lackey. Since when does opposition research generate mass hysteria in the MSM, leading to warrants and FBI spying on the opposing presidential campaign?

We sure have fallen a long way down.
LMAO... Jockey Boy had best lawyer up too. Maybe the cabal can get a group rate and then adjoining rooms


With Congressional Democrats tantruming over redactions, presidential candidates out-virtue-signalling one another in denigration of Trump (for what it is unclear) calling for impeachment (again, for what is unclear) and the liberal media desperate for a distraction from the embarrassment of their two-year harassment in lieu of the main headline - "no collusion, no obstruction;" few if any among the mainstream have noticed (or mentioned) one tiny little detail in the Mueller Report... the 'confirmed' interference by Russia in the 2016 US Election took place - knowingly - under President Obama's watch.


But amid all this sound and fury, something odd happened. The 'powers-that-be' at CNN - ground zero for the Trump's-a-traitorous-Putin-Puppet propaganda - have allowed the publication of an op-ed amid their hallowed pages that casts blame at the anointed one. CNN contributor Scott Jennings - soon to be exiled from every social media platform we suspect - dared to point out that the Mueller report looks bad for Obama.

CNN Op-Ed Admits "Mueller's Report Looks Bad For Obama"
Yet the right continues to ostracise CNN for the worse.
You missed the point obviously
Yeah, I kind of did, too. I am wondering how this guy managed to submit his OP-ed without a single suggestion as to what Obama should have done, but didnt.

Would anyone else like to give an answer to that?
It does look bad for BO, Hillary too, but sadly both are untouchable.

It boggles the mind that the entire MSM pushed the obviously false narrative of collusion, because it was all based on the dossier by a Clinton lackey. Since when does opposition research generate mass hysteria in the MSM, leading to warrants and FBI spying on the opposing presidential campaign?

We sure have fallen a long way down.

Nope. With the men on trumps side. Obama is NOT untouchable

The men are rising daily upset on this and they will not let women vote in destruction of the nation

If they have to they will take over the govt and set up a new voting system where only the most wise gets to vote
An opinion writer expressed and opinion?

How unusual!


You know Barr is coming for your crooked party, right? :dunno:

Mewler failed in his witch hunt, he couldn't fabricate a single charge against the president.

The sleazy and corrupt fucker was reduced to MSNBC hating point "firing Comey obstructed the investigation." Really you corrupt fuckwad? So why didn't you levy a charge? Well, because LEGALLY he had every right to fire the crooked and treasonous pile of shit Comey. And LEGALLY is the only thing shithead Mueller has any say about. Pt. 2 is just another leftist democrat spewing demagoguery.

Torquemada is a pathetic turd.

But McCabe and the other crooks who cooked this shit up are going to prison. You DO grasp that, right?
The problem with America...or at least ONE of the main problems......gullibility

Generation after generation.

The overwhelming desire to believe in "something" so strongly, that the truth is never seen or accepted.
An opinion writer expressed and opinion?

How unusual!


You know Barr is coming for your crooked party, right? :dunno:

Mewler failed in his witch hunt, he couldn't fabricate a single charge against the president.

The sleazy and corrupt fucker was reduced to MSNBC hating point "firing Comey obstructed the investigation." Really you corrupt fuckwad? So why didn't you levy a charge? Well, because LEGALLY he had every right to fire the crooked and treasonous pile of shit Comey. And LEGALLY is the only thing shithead Mueller has any say about. Pt. 2 is just another leftist democrat spewing demagoguery.

Torquemada is a pathetic turd.

But McCabe and the other crooks who cooked this shit up are going to prison. You DO grasp that, right?

It does look bad for BO, Hillary too, but sadly both are untouchable.

It boggles the mind that the entire MSM pushed the obviously false narrative of collusion, because it was all based on the dossier by a Clinton lackey. Since when does opposition research generate mass hysteria in the MSM, leading to warrants and FBI spying on the opposing presidential campaign?

We sure have fallen a long way down.

Nope. With the men on trumps side. Obama is NOT untouchable

The men are rising daily upset on this and they will not let women vote in destruction of the nation

If they have to they will take over the govt and set up a new voting system where only the most wise gets to vote
What? Please explain.

At any rate if BO, Comey, Clapper, Brennan and company get off Scot free, it is yet another proof that we have become a banana republic.
Unfortunately, its more than just us griping this and that about justice. The left say blacks face injustice, but will never tell you the elite are exempt. Today, lady justice is not blind but instead has 20/20 vision when applied to division instead of equal protection under the law

You missed the point obviously
Yeah, I kind of did, too. I am wondering how this guy managed to submit his OP-ed without a single suggestion as to what Obama should have done, but didnt.

Would anyone else like to give an answer to that?
Sure... He should not have enabled the Russians....

His action was to tell Russia to 'Cut it out'


The problem with America...or at least ONE of the main problems......gullibility

Generation after generation.

The overwhelming desire to believe in "something" so strongly, that the truth is never seen or accepted.

YA think

There’s also the fact that America has been a social democracy for close to a century now. Mostly what the Right in America has done since WW2 is perpetuate a fantasy that is not based in fact. Just about every aspect of American life is socialized to some degree.

There is no area of American life where the state does not play an active role and there is no redistributive goal of their involvement. The core of both parties, both sides of the ruling class, is packed to the gills with central planners. Their only dispute is about the resulting patronage.

A lot of people have snapped out of it .....probably not enough and to late anyway


Nope. With the men on trumps side. Obama is NOT untouchable

The men are rising daily upset on this and they will not let women vote in destruction of the nation

If they have to they will take over the govt and set up a new voting system where only the most wise gets to vote

Agree.....the Kenyan has no power behind him now, and not enough fortune to defend himself through years of appeals. He's every bit as dirty as Comey and rest of these rodents and if Barr can prove it, he's in deep shit. A coup against a sitting president can't be tolerated and being satisfied with nailing subordinates won't be either.
LMAO... Jockey Boy had best lawyer up too. Maybe the cabal can get a group rate and then adjoining rooms


With Congressional Democrats tantruming over redactions, presidential candidates out-virtue-signalling one another in denigration of Trump (for what it is unclear) calling for impeachment (again, for what is unclear) and the liberal media desperate for a distraction from the embarrassment of their two-year harassment in lieu of the main headline - "no collusion, no obstruction;" few if any among the mainstream have noticed (or mentioned) one tiny little detail in the Mueller Report... the 'confirmed' interference by Russia in the 2016 US Election took place - knowingly - under President Obama's watch.


But amid all this sound and fury, something odd happened. The 'powers-that-be' at CNN - ground zero for the Trump's-a-traitorous-Putin-Puppet propaganda - have allowed the publication of an op-ed amid their hallowed pages that casts blame at the anointed one. CNN contributor Scott Jennings - soon to be exiled from every social media platform we suspect - dared to point out that the Mueller report looks bad for Obama.

CNN Op-Ed Admits "Mueller's Report Looks Bad For Obama"

Soo....we regress to Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Sure... He should not have enabled the Russians....
Sorry,thats general, meaningless hand wrining.

Lets try this again:

What, specifically, should obama have done, that he didnt do?

Should be a softball for all you guys. Yet,not one answer.
Sure... He should not have enabled the Russians....
Sorry,thats general, meaningless hand wrining.

Lets try this again:

What, specifically, should obama have done, that he didnt do?

Should be a softball for all you guys. Yet,not one answer.
You mean beyond telling Putin to 'Cut it out'? First of all, instead of that effective reprisal, Obama should have ensured his Justice Dept. briefs BOTH campaigns about their concerns. Then perhaps both parties could have paid more attention for the potential threat. But no, that didn't happen at least for Trump. Barr will find out if Hillary got a briefing though


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