CNN Is Part Of Mueller's 'Leak Strategy' / Court Of Public Opinion Prosecution Team


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN 'just happened to be' the only news agency at Mueller's & the FBI's pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's home.

"...there was one question which stuck out like a sore thumb. It had to do with how CNN just happened to be in place for the big show. Allahpundit offered a plausible answer later in the day, at least in theory. There were some irregularities in the coming and goings of Mueller’s team that suggested they might be getting ready to do something with Stone. But upon further consideration, those answers seemed rather thin and even AP admitted that it didn’t rule out the possibility that there still might have been a tip sent to CNN in addition to all the “clues.”

The network clearly knew that plenty of people were asking how they came to be on the scene, prompting CNN’s Jeremy Herb to publish a lengthy explanation. In addition, David Shortell, the reporter who was on the stakeout, went on New Day to explain how it was just a case of good journalism and examining the clues.

"But in all of these defensive maneuvers, there was one thing still missing. Unless I missed it somewhere along the line, there’s one sentence we never heard uttered.We didn’t receive a tip about this.”

The answers as to why CNN was at Roger Stone's house make little sense

CNN 'just happened to be' the only news agency at Mueller's & the FBI's pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's home.

"...there was one question which stuck out like a sore thumb. It had to do with how CNN just happened to be in place for the big show. Allahpundit offered a plausible answer later in the day, at least in theory. There were some irregularities in the coming and goings of Mueller’s team that suggested they might be getting ready to do something with Stone. But upon further consideration, those answers seemed rather thin and even AP admitted that it didn’t rule out the possibility that there still might have been a tip sent to CNN in addition to all the “clues.”

The network clearly knew that plenty of people were asking how they came to be on the scene, prompting CNN’s Jeremy Herb to publish a lengthy explanation. In addition, David Shortell, the reporter who was on the stakeout, went on New Day to explain how it was just a case of good journalism and examining the clues.

"But in all of these defensive maneuvers, there was one thing still missing. Unless I missed it somewhere along the line, there’s one sentence we never heard uttered.We didn’t receive a tip about this.”

The answers as to why CNN was at Roger Stone's house make little sense


It sounds like there are still some of Obama FBI people that need to be fired.
The FBI is supposed to be protecting Americans.
They are not supposed to be the Corrupt Democratic Party's banana republic secret police.
The only way to end it is not to protect the corrupt and to sweep the corruption under the rug.

McCabe was recommended for indictment MONTHS ago.

Comey was proven to have committed Perjury & Obstruction MONTHS ago.

Not only the FBI, but the NSA, NIA, CIA, the FBI, & also the DOJ still protecting them all.
CNN 'just happened to be' the only news agency at Mueller's & the FBI's pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's home.

"...there was one question which stuck out like a sore thumb. It had to do with how CNN just happened to be in place for the big show. Allahpundit offered a plausible answer later in the day, at least in theory. There were some irregularities in the coming and goings of Mueller’s team that suggested they might be getting ready to do something with Stone. But upon further consideration, those answers seemed rather thin and even AP admitted that it didn’t rule out the possibility that there still might have been a tip sent to CNN in addition to all the “clues.”

The network clearly knew that plenty of people were asking how they came to be on the scene, prompting CNN’s Jeremy Herb to publish a lengthy explanation. In addition, David Shortell, the reporter who was on the stakeout, went on New Day to explain how it was just a case of good journalism and examining the clues.

"But in all of these defensive maneuvers, there was one thing still missing. Unless I missed it somewhere along the line, there’s one sentence we never heard uttered.We didn’t receive a tip about this.”

The answers as to why CNN was at Roger Stone's house make little sense


It sounds like there are still some of Obama FBI people that need to be fired.
The FBI is supposed to be protecting Americans.
They are not supposed to be the Corrupt Democratic Party's banana republic secret police.
Most of the agents are just doing what they're told by corrupt senior officials.
While CNN is a joke, it's also how we can be positive Muellers got nothing on Trump
We need to demand em by the collar and tell them we demand justice....

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