CNN...has it become a 24 hour anti-Trump channel?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
...a serious question.
Over the past few days I have left CNN on while I am doing other things around the for the past 3 hours. And in that past three hours...100% of that time was completely dedicated to negative stories against Trump. Three hours straight.
Is there nothing else going on in the world? Nothing?
Over these past few days I would say it is accurate to say that CNN is spending 90% of their 24 hour broadcast doing some variation of a story that directly paints Trump in a bad light.
To the point - can one even consider them a news channel?
And that is an honest question.

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It was 100% pro Clinton in the 1990's as well. When FOX came on the air they lost a huge amount of viewers and it remains that way to this day.
I watched a channel called "America's voice" back in the mid 1990's on my C-Band satellite dish. Alan Keyes, Michael Reagan, and others were on.
I don't live in the States, but they do have CNN International. It doesn't cover US politics much, but whatever I see over the internet is just so fucking hacked.
In a word "yes". They have become a 24 hour anti-Trump channel. Even a dumb unsophisticated Canadian like myself has learned this. Can you believe there was a time I thought CNN was "cutting edge" and controversial? lol. How much I have learned in the last two years...
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In a word "yes". Even a dumb unsophisticated Canadian like myself has learned this. Can you believe there was a time I thought CNN was "cutting edge" and controversial? lol. How much I have learned in the last two years...

Sorry, don't understand that answer. Your saying "yes" - you mean you believe they are a news channel? The rest of your answer doesn't seem to be saying so
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.
I am asking this as a serious question.
In the 21 minutes that has past since writing the OP, it has been 21 minute of Trump-Bad, Trump-Bad and Trump-Bad.
In my opinion, that cannot be considered "news".
I am making the statement that I believe CNN is now a 24 hour propaganda channel. They are not even taking "breaks" talking about other is just pure anti-trump.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

Then where was this balance against Obama? Or, when they were leaking questions to Clinton and praising her? Where was the investigation demands from CNN in regards to the sale of 20% of uranium, her Foundation?

Clinton was going to destroy America and turn your Republic into another "global" socialist state, crushing your individuality, while her and her family benefited handsomely. CNN, MSNBC and others were just giddy with this prospect.

CNN is n less a propaganda piece than any other show, and they were so clear about it that it wasn't even up for debate. Just ask Bernie supporters how they felt about the balanced coverage...
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

That is a cop out and non-answer.
If you want to make a thread about Fox then go to it.
I watch Fox often, they absolutely report actual news...things that happen that have nothing to do with politics.
Not to say Fox is not biased, of course they are. It would be silly to say they are not. But they DO have news shows that are primarily news stories. At no time does Fox spend 24 straight hours with nothing but anti-Obama stories...never did. Did they have one hour opinion shows like Hannity that spend the whole time blasting Obama - absolutely. And anyone watching trash like Hannity should expect nothing else.
But did they ever spend hour after hour after hour on NOTHING but anti-Obama stories. No. They did not.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

Then why do they not take corrupt Dems to task as much as they take pubs to task? Why do they not report accurately what is being done, and instead manufacture a false narrative? Could this be the cause?

A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

That is a cop out and non-answer.
If you want to make a thread about Fox then go to it.
I watch Fox often, they absolutely report actual news...things that happen that have nothing to do with politics.
Not to say Fox is not biased, of course they are. It would be silly to say they are not. But they DO have news shows that are primarily news stories. At no time does Fox spend 24 straight hours with nothing but anti-Obama stories...never did. Did they have one hour opinion shows like Hannity that spend the whole time blasting Obama - absolutely. And anyone watching trash like Hannity should expect nothing else.
But did they ever spend hour after hour after hour on NOTHING but anti-Obama stories. No. They did not.

CNN doesn't do that either, it is only perceived as such by people biased against them.

Again, NEWS isn't supposed to be a nonstop line up of OPINION shows like Faux. Their core principle is to give opinion that is galactically biased in favor of Republicans. They aren't news.

For anyone to think Trump hasn't garnered continual chastising and investigation by journalists just shows they live in a bubble. Trump is conspiring with Devin Nunes to quash the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia to fix a US election.

News flash: that is no small story and in fact is likely the biggest story in US politics since Watergate. And the highest ranking elected officials in the Republican party are colluding to silence the investigation.

The only reason to stop an investigation is because there is some horrible thing to be found at the end of it. If there was nothing there then Trump would be all hands on deck to ASSIST the investigation. He is doing the exact opposite.

Adults understand what this means, and journalists SHOULD cover it all day every day.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

That is a cop out and non-answer.
If you want to make a thread about Fox then go to it.
I watch Fox often, they absolutely report actual news...things that happen that have nothing to do with politics.
Not to say Fox is not biased, of course they are. It would be silly to say they are not. But they DO have news shows that are primarily news stories. At no time does Fox spend 24 straight hours with nothing but anti-Obama stories...never did. Did they have one hour opinion shows like Hannity that spend the whole time blasting Obama - absolutely. And anyone watching trash like Hannity should expect nothing else.
But did they ever spend hour after hour after hour on NOTHING but anti-Obama stories. No. They did not.

CNN doesn't do that either, it is only perceived as such by people biased against them.

Again, NEWS isn't supposed to be a nonstop line up of OPINION shows like Faux. Their core principle is to give opinion that is galactically biased in favor of Republicans. They aren't news.

For anyone to think Trump hasn't garnered continual chastising and investigation by journalists just shows they live in a bubble. Trump is conspiring with Devin Nunes to quash the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia to fix a US election.

News flash: that is no small story and in fact is likely the biggest story in US politics since Watergate. And the highest ranking elected officials in the Republican party are colluding to silence the investigation.

The only reason to stop an investigation is because there is some horrible thing to be found at the end of it. If there was nothing there then Trump would be all hands on deck to ASSIST the investigation. He is doing the exact opposite.

Adults understand what this means, and journalists SHOULD cover it all day every day.

Replace your entire post, the word Fox with CNN...and you have it.
I don't argue that Fix is biased, of course they are. What I am saying, is that I have been been watching CNN for hours and that is all they are doing...including shows that are supposed to be the news hours.
Believe it or not, there is actually things going on in the country that is not about Trump.
Any network that presents the facts is anti Trump
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

That is a cop out and non-answer.
If you want to make a thread about Fox then go to it.
I watch Fox often, they absolutely report actual news...things that happen that have nothing to do with politics.
Not to say Fox is not biased, of course they are. It would be silly to say they are not. But they DO have news shows that are primarily news stories. At no time does Fox spend 24 straight hours with nothing but anti-Obama stories...never did. Did they have one hour opinion shows like Hannity that spend the whole time blasting Obama - absolutely. And anyone watching trash like Hannity should expect nothing else.
But did they ever spend hour after hour after hour on NOTHING but anti-Obama stories. No. They did not.

CNN doesn't do that either, it is only perceived as such by people biased against them.

Again, NEWS isn't supposed to be a nonstop line up of OPINION shows like Faux. Their core principle is to give opinion that is galactically biased in favor of Republicans. They aren't news.

For anyone to think Trump hasn't garnered continual chastising and investigation by journalists just shows they live in a bubble. Trump is conspiring with Devin Nunes to quash the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia to fix a US election.

News flash: that is no small story and in fact is likely the biggest story in US politics since Watergate. And the highest ranking elected officials in the Republican party are colluding to silence the investigation.

The only reason to stop an investigation is because there is some horrible thing to be found at the end of it. If there was nothing there then Trump would be all hands on deck to ASSIST the investigation. He is doing the exact opposite.

Adults understand what this means, and journalists SHOULD cover it all day every day.

Replace your entire post, the word Fox with CNN...and you have it.
I don't argue that Fix is biased, of course they are. What I am saying, is that I have been been watching CNN for hours and that is all they are doing...including shows that are supposed to be the news hours.
Believe it or not, there is actually things going on in the country that is not about Trump.

Comparing Fox to anyone else is a false equivalency. They are the masters of fake, everyone else isn't even in the stadium.

As far as news goes I'm not really interested in someone stopping in the middle of traffic to herd a gaggle of geese safely across the road, that's what Youtube is for.
Wow, you are drowning in koolaid, dear.
A primer for the conseravtive snowflakes.

Journalists aren't supposed to be 'fair and balanced' for 'fair and balanced'd' sake. This is a fake meme that Faux News has been putting out since they began. Hence Faux is not news or journalism, it is heavily biased opinion and qualifies that channel as the propaganda outlet for the Republican party. They aren't news.

Real journalists are tasked with opposing power and speaking truth to power. We have a steaming turd in the White House so their job is never ending. And CNN isn't alone in its opposition to this Kim Jong Un wannabe Trump.

They're duty is to expose and oppose him on every illegal and immoral thing he does. Don't like it?

Then turn over to the Republican propaganda network at Faux and melt into your easy chair listening to words that you need desperately to hear. They are lies, but soothing lies so get your pillow and blanky and find your bliss.

That is a cop out and non-answer.
If you want to make a thread about Fox then go to it.
I watch Fox often, they absolutely report actual news...things that happen that have nothing to do with politics.
Not to say Fox is not biased, of course they are. It would be silly to say they are not. But they DO have news shows that are primarily news stories. At no time does Fox spend 24 straight hours with nothing but anti-Obama stories...never did. Did they have one hour opinion shows like Hannity that spend the whole time blasting Obama - absolutely. And anyone watching trash like Hannity should expect nothing else.
But did they ever spend hour after hour after hour on NOTHING but anti-Obama stories. No. They did not.

CNN doesn't do that either, it is only perceived as such by people biased against them.

Again, NEWS isn't supposed to be a nonstop line up of OPINION shows like Faux. Their core principle is to give opinion that is galactically biased in favor of Republicans. They aren't news.

For anyone to think Trump hasn't garnered continual chastising and investigation by journalists just shows they live in a bubble. Trump is conspiring with Devin Nunes to quash the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia to fix a US election.

News flash: that is no small story and in fact is likely the biggest story in US politics since Watergate. And the highest ranking elected officials in the Republican party are colluding to silence the investigation.

The only reason to stop an investigation is because there is some horrible thing to be found at the end of it. If there was nothing there then Trump would be all hands on deck to ASSIST the investigation. He is doing the exact opposite.

Adults understand what this means, and journalists SHOULD cover it all day every day.

Replace your entire post, the word Fox with CNN...and you have it.
I don't argue that Fix is biased, of course they are. What I am saying, is that I have been been watching CNN for hours and that is all they are doing...including shows that are supposed to be the news hours.
Believe it or not, there is actually things going on in the country that is not about Trump.

Comparing Fox to anyone else is a false equivalency. They are the masters of fake, everyone else isn't even in the stadium.

As far as news goes I'm not really interested in someone stopping in the middle of traffic to herd a gaggle of geese safely across the road, that's what Youtube is for.

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Since Trump lies 24 hours a day, it takes a 24 hour news network to keep up with him

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