CNN doesn't want ANYONE to fact check the Democrats narrative. No doing your own research!

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

Must maintain control over the masses! This upcoming midterm should be pretty wild with democrats demanding everyone keep their head in the sand.
CNN (and the left) sure isn't alone in the regard.
far too many are out for validation, not honesty.

so media places line up to provide a service so they can get paid of the fighting.

viscous circle.

Must maintain control over the masses! This upcoming midterm should be pretty wild with democrats demanding everyone keep their head in the sand.
You are doing research but finding right wing wack job websites to support your false narrative. You cherry pick. I notice it's always this one small study out of the UK that you guys keep quoting as gospel.

If you did your research you'd be vaccinated. Every one of your arguments against are bad.

Must maintain control over the masses! This upcoming midterm should be pretty wild with democrats demanding everyone keep their head in the sand.
As the article mentioned, "do your own research" soon turns in to hitting up Facebook and practicing the fine art of confirmation bias. When I was in high school, and that was almost forty years ago, quite active on the High School Forensic circuit, I learned one thing, that you could find a fool to say anything. And I took that to an extreme level. I won major debate tournaments with energy plans that centered on aliens from Neptune and cactus plants that produced crude oil, health care plans that were based on Eugenics and dietary restrictions. I made a fine art of finding fools. Judges loved me, cackling through my rounds. Opposing coaches hated me, even to the extent that by my senior year I was banned from participating at the local level.

But today, the ability of fools to broadcast their ignorance has increased exponentially. Back then, I would scour obscure magazines and little circulating books. Today, the internet has enabled any fool, anywhere, to voice what they claim to be scientific information. And what few people realize is that much of the time that information is little more than "clickbait".

Like Covid and the anti-vaxers. Most of the information has originated from just a dozen or so sources. I doubt even a few of those sources actually believe the bullshit they perpetuate, just like I never believed the bullshit I was projecting back in the late 70's. I won rounds, and bought home a whole truckload of trophies, laughing at the system the whole time. They bring in the bucks, and they laugh at the system the whole time.

But I also learned, I had made a mockery of the whole forensic circuit. That is what those that perpetuate "fake news", or "fake science" are doing today, making a mockery of the entire system. Back then, I didn't make the rules, I just extorted them for my own benefit. Just like today, those individuals that provide that "clickbait" didn't make the rules, they are just extorting them for their own benefit. The answer is simple, just like back then. You change the rules. Time those that perpetuate bullshit are forced to pay for the damage they have done.
As the article mentioned, "do your own research" soon turns in to hitting up Facebook and practicing the fine art of confirmation bias. When I was in high school, and that was almost forty years ago, quite active on the High School Forensic circuit, I learned one thing, that you could find a fool to say anything. And I took that to an extreme level. I won major debate tournaments with energy plans that centered on aliens from Neptune and cactus plants that produced crude oil, health care plans that were based on Eugenics and dietary restrictions. I made a fine art of finding fools. Judges loved me, cackling through my rounds. Opposing coaches hated me, even to the extent that by my senior year I was banned from participating at the local level.

But today, the ability of fools to broadcast their ignorance has increased exponentially. Back then, I would scour obscure magazines and little circulating books. Today, the internet has enabled any fool, anywhere, to voice what they claim to be scientific information. And what few people realize is that much of the time that information is little more than "clickbait".

Like Covid and the anti-vaxers. Most of the information has originated from just a dozen or so sources. I doubt even a few of those sources actually believe the bullshit they perpetuate, just like I never believed the bullshit I was projecting back in the late 70's. I won rounds, and bought home a whole truckload of trophies, laughing at the system the whole time. They bring in the bucks, and they laugh at the system the whole time.

But I also learned, I had made a mockery of the whole forensic circuit. That is what those that perpetuate "fake news", or "fake science" are doing today, making a mockery of the entire system. Back then, I didn't make the rules, I just extorted them for my own benefit. Just like today, those individuals that provide that "clickbait" didn't make the rules, they are just extorting them for their own benefit. The answer is simple, just like back then. You change the rules. Time those that perpetuate bullshit are forced to pay for the damage they have done.
Wow thats a lot of hot air DImmer......

Must maintain control over the masses! This upcoming midterm should be pretty wild with democrats demanding everyone keep their head in the sand.
I understand their tunnel vision logic, but it's pretty darned condescending from on high. Don't mind them being a source, but doubt they and their ilk will ever be accepted as the only source, no matter which side of the divide you sit.
I wonder if you all even realize that the Main Stream Media is the very definition of "confirmation" bias?
As the article mentioned, "do your own research" soon turns in to hitting up Facebook and practicing the fine art of confirmation bias. When I was in high school, and that was almost forty years ago, quite active on the High School Forensic circuit, I learned one thing, that you could find a fool to say anything. And I took that to an extreme level. I won major debate tournaments with energy plans that centered on aliens from Neptune and cactus plants that produced crude oil, health care plans that were based on Eugenics and dietary restrictions. I made a fine art of finding fools. Judges loved me, cackling through my rounds. Opposing coaches hated me, even to the extent that by my senior year I was banned from participating at the local level.

But today, the ability of fools to broadcast their ignorance has increased exponentially. Back then, I would scour obscure magazines and little circulating books. Today, the internet has enabled any fool, anywhere, to voice what they claim to be scientific information. And what few people realize is that much of the time that information is little more than "clickbait".

Like Covid and the anti-vaxers. Most of the information has originated from just a dozen or so sources. I doubt even a few of those sources actually believe the bullshit they perpetuate, just like I never believed the bullshit I was projecting back in the late 70's. I won rounds, and bought home a whole truckload of trophies, laughing at the system the whole time. They bring in the bucks, and they laugh at the system the whole time.

But I also learned, I had made a mockery of the whole forensic circuit. That is what those that perpetuate "fake news", or "fake science" are doing today, making a mockery of the entire system. Back then, I didn't make the rules, I just extorted them for my own benefit. Just like today, those individuals that provide that "clickbait" didn't make the rules, they are just extorting them for their own benefit. The answer is simple, just like back then. You change the rules. Time those that perpetuate bullshit are forced to pay for the damage they have done.
I have found the same and done the same with stats. Economists are some of the worst, but they never get into trouble for theirs. Grad students thesis paper are often a misleading pain in the ass. Big difference in pure research for knowleged in an area and applied research to prove a point.
As the article mentioned, "do your own research" soon turns in to hitting up Facebook and practicing the fine art of confirmation bias. When I was in high school, and that was almost forty years ago, quite active on the High School Forensic circuit, I learned one thing, that you could find a fool to say anything. And I took that to an extreme level. I won major debate tournaments with energy plans that centered on aliens from Neptune and cactus plants that produced crude oil, health care plans that were based on Eugenics and dietary restrictions. I made a fine art of finding fools. Judges loved me, cackling through my rounds. Opposing coaches hated me, even to the extent that by my senior year I was banned from participating at the local level.

But today, the ability of fools to broadcast their ignorance has increased exponentially. Back then, I would scour obscure magazines and little circulating books. Today, the internet has enabled any fool, anywhere, to voice what they claim to be scientific information. And what few people realize is that much of the time that information is little more than "clickbait".

Like Covid and the anti-vaxers. Most of the information has originated from just a dozen or so sources. I doubt even a few of those sources actually believe the bullshit they perpetuate, just like I never believed the bullshit I was projecting back in the late 70's. I won rounds, and bought home a whole truckload of trophies, laughing at the system the whole time. They bring in the bucks, and they laugh at the system the whole time.

But I also learned, I had made a mockery of the whole forensic circuit. That is what those that perpetuate "fake news", or "fake science" are doing today, making a mockery of the entire system. Back then, I didn't make the rules, I just extorted them for my own benefit. Just like today, those individuals that provide that "clickbait" didn't make the rules, they are just extorting them for their own benefit. The answer is simple, just like back then. You change the rules. Time those that perpetuate bullshit are forced to pay for the damage they have done.
It paid off to tap into the human appreciation for humor during your successful debates. People like to feel good about themselves and we like having a good time, even during serious moments, not all serious moments of course but many. IMO, active humor is absolutely a necessity to live a healthy life.

Successful job interviews can work the same way. Let’s say there are two people being interviewed for the same position. First potential employee comes in a bit nervous and it shows. This candidate appears intelligent, up to speed about the particular industry info, and amiable, but his answers to the interviewer’s questions seem guarded due to his nervousness. His handshake is limpy and damp.

Second candidate also presents as intelligent, up to speed about the particulars, and amiable. He isn’t nervous in the least, and he inserts a few appropriate jokes during the interview which causes the interviewer to laugh. Because of the fact that the interviewer leaves the interview feeling “good” and had a positive experience during the process, he is most likely to hire that second guy. This could also be a stark contrast from the sometimes uncomfortable, often predictable interviews he’s used to conducting.

Now, let’s revisit that sweaty palm handshake of the first one and let’s say the second guy had the same thing going on, although he just sweats a lot. Realizing that his palm was sweaty when he shook the interviewer’s hand he makes a joke saying, “Agh, sorry about that, anytime I get fired up for a chance to be successful, my sweat glans go into overdrive!” Now, that 2nd guy already had the job prior to his exiting comment, but that is the way to change an embarrassing thing into something else.
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Must maintain control over the masses! This upcoming midterm should be pretty wild with democrats demanding everyone keep their head in the sand.
We would all be best served if we watched none of the 24 hour news stations, In order to keep you watching they have to exploit expand hype everything.
We would all be best served if we watched none of the 24 hour news stations, In order to keep you watching they have to exploit expand hype everything.
About the time they started adding that third running line at the bottom of the screen ,OK I exaggerated there- two running lines about extra information all viewers needed to know ASAP besides what they were putting on their main screen I thought OK this is enough this is lunacy it was pure entertainment for a while that is all it was in my humble opinion until I became actually interested in factual sources

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