CNN director exposed in secret recording. CNN trying to help BLM, knowing about the pattern of behavior of black violence against Asians, and more

The guy said CNN would show Biden jogging and wearing his aviators to make him seem like a YOUNG GERIATRIC. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

They also brought on people to speculate that Trump had brain damage with zero evidence just to damage Trump.

The dude fucking admits it.
Classic trump tactic. I’m not saying hillary had a stroke but that’s what we’re talking about.
We knew this about CNN. For four years, their coverage of the Trump White House reflected it. It was no secret that the network hated Trump. All of their coverage was negative. If Trump had cured cancer, they would have found an angle to attack the president.

A new video today exposing CNN Director Charlie Chester, who admitted that his network engaged in propaganda to benefit Biden’s candidacy during the 2020 election.

CNN Technical Director Admits What We All Knew What That Outlet Was Doing Throughout Trump's Presidency

Note you left out the fact that this is just another Veritas lying smear job.

Start with a lie, nothing you say is trusted.
Can we please create a section of sub-forum called "2020 Election Stuff" and move all these topics to that sub-forum?

It's almost May for god sakes, the election was 6 months ago.
I think this is more about lying/dishonest media than the election. At least... That's what it's about for me at any rate.
What did they lie about? Let’s first establish that we agree they lied.
Sure... Watch the video and tell me which thing he lied about.
We knew this about CNN. For four years, their coverage of the Trump White House reflected it. It was no secret that the network hated Trump. All of their coverage was negative. If Trump had cured cancer, they would have found an angle to attack the president.

A new video today exposing CNN Director Charlie Chester, who admitted that his network engaged in propaganda to benefit Biden’s candidacy during the 2020 election.

CNN Technical Director Admits What We All Knew What That Outlet Was Doing Throughout Trump's Presidency

Why did Zionist media Jews so desperately want trump out?

Anyone still pretending Zionists did not do 911 has credibility at absolute zero....

I didn't know Osama bin Laden or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed were Zionists. I learn something new every day.

Yeah. And CNN's founder was Ted Turner. Was he Jewish? I doubt it.

Yes he was. CNN was the number 1 supporter of using the US military to kick saddam out of Kuwait. Then CNN wanted more. CNN wanted HW to dump the UN alliance and order just the US to invade and occupy Iraq. That became a central Bill Clinton talking point in 1992, that HW didn't "finish the ( Zionist, not American) job in Iraq."

Ted turner - 100 percent Zionist jew
We knew this about CNN. For four years, their coverage of the Trump White House reflected it. It was no secret that the network hated Trump. All of their coverage was negative. If Trump had cured cancer, they would have found an angle to attack the president.

A new video today exposing CNN Director Charlie Chester, who admitted that his network engaged in propaganda to benefit Biden’s candidacy during the 2020 election.

CNN Technical Director Admits What We All Knew What That Outlet Was Doing Throughout Trump's Presidency
Why do Trumpers hate and fear the free press so much?

The US press is not free. They are not free to dot he following

1. Criticize israel
2. Tell the truth about 911
3. Tell the truth about global warming, covid, the steal etc.

The us media is 100 percent owned and controlled by the Zionist demographic. They count on morons like you,who are devoid of patriotism to America and are just selfish leeches off the taxpayer, to parrot lies and never question them. They love idiots like you. They will hand you a government check. When they feel like it, they will off you, and lie about it.
Everything you mention in your post about being 100% controlled is readily available via your fingertips on the computer you are using for posting your whining bullcrap complaint.
Anyone who thinks the WTC attacks were an inside job or some Jewish conspiracy just made my Reynolds Aluminum stocks double.

To be a republican Christian today requires an IQ under 20.

The republican Christians in America are the only demographic on the planet that is still fooled by 911.

The only thing that matches that level of idiocy is the idiot who still claims Michelle is a woman

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