CNN Caught Faking Another "Live" Interview With Congressman?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

LOL at the fake news source and the left wing sheep who follow everything they say.

Lets not forget this about CNN anchor people. Remember when Deborah Feyerick of CNN asks if a meteor coming close to earth has anything to with "the global warming."

Post your favorite CNN moment where they were caught lying in fake news. Maybe we can start with that woman BLACK woman that was giving questions to hillary.

but but but the russians!!! lol
The screen was clearly divided and obviously taped, only the dummies for the 'republican do nothings' could see this as fake. One doesn't have to wonder why we have an embarrassment as president when these dupes can vote. Substance folks, substance, pointing fingers at another doesn't accomplish anything. I realize it keeps you guys occupied but then you must realize why your party can do nothing for all Americans. They play you fools and you accept.
The screen was clearly divided and obviously taped, only the dummies for the 'republican do nothings' could see this as fake. One doesn't have to wonder why we have an embarrassment as president when these dupes can vote. Substance folks, substance, pointing fingers at another doesn't accomplish anything. I realize it keeps you guys occupied but then you must realize why your party can do nothing for all Americans. They play you fools and you accept.
Ahhhhhh, it is THE global warming!!!!!!:ack-1:

Have any proof of russians doing stuff? We have proof that hillary lied.:dunno:

You have any proof?:dunno:

Whats the matter? Splitting hairs between the term wiretapping and claiming that surveillance is "totally different?":fu:

Say, we ever find out where those leaks have come from? Wait a minute. How do the lefty dicks like this cocksucker think the russians were behind anything if surveillance has never been done?

Well, do they have proof? If they have proof, how did they get proof?

Do you all see the art of their double talk? Actually it is not an art at all. These pieces of shit like this midcan creatuire is nothing but a fucking asswipe lying scumbag parroting soros bullshit.

Look at his posts.



LOL at the fake news source and the left wing sheep who follow everything they say.

Lets not forget this about CNN anchor people. Remember when Deborah Feyerick of CNN asks if a meteor coming close to earth has anything to with "the global warming."

Post your favorite CNN moment where they were caught lying in fake news. Maybe we can start with that woman BLACK woman that was giving questions to hillary.

but but but the russians!!! lol

Sasse on Gorsuch, Trump and public trust - CNN Video

Note in the real video of Tapper and Sasse (in the above link), he says earlier today, also Sasse is wearing the same red tie.

Who is doing fake news now??????????????????? FOX

LOL at the fake news source and the left wing sheep who follow everything they say.

Lets not forget this about CNN anchor people. Remember when Deborah Feyerick of CNN asks if a meteor coming close to earth has anything to with "the global warming."

Post your favorite CNN moment where they were caught lying in fake news. Maybe we can start with that woman BLACK woman that was giving questions to hillary.

but but but the russians!!! lol

You have to be desperate using MEDIA MANIPULATION to spread this kind of fake news to attack CNN. Then you have Faux News colluding on top of your fake news. Faux News is a good example of Fake News favored by Trump which is a pathological liar........ I strongly suggest you read the link.

Media manipulation - Wikipedia

Media manipulation is a series of related techniques in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their particular interests.[1] Such tactics may include the use of logical fallacies and propaganda techniques, and often involve the suppression of information or points of view by crowding them out, by inducing other people or groups of people to stop listening to certain arguments, or by simply diverting attention elsewhere. In Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes, Jacques Ellul writes that public opinion can only express itself through channels which are provided by the mass media of communication – without which there could be no propaganda.[2] It is used within public relations, propaganda, marketing, etc. While the objective for each context is quite different, the broad techniques are often similar.

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