CNN Bombshell on Russia hacking the election


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
We all know that the breathless nation awaited the devastating news that would destroy the object of CNN's hatred, Donald Trump yesterday.

CNN promised that they had something that may or may not have come from ranking demagogue Intelligence committee member Adam "Republicans starved children" Schiff. Schiff had earlier put out a vague smear that he had evidence of "coordination with the Russians, beyond mere "circumstantial" conjecture:" So the speculation that the DNC controlled network would broadcast illegally leaked information from Schiff was high.

America waited, MSNBC drooled at the prospect that they would FINALLY "get" Trump.

Then at last the magic moment arrived, finally the democrats would get their revenge and bring down the Trump government..

CNN exuberantly reported the damning facts, unnamed sources have revealed that it is possible that persons who may or may not be associated with the Trump campaign or administration could have met with persons who may or may not be connected to the Russian government, though the subject of these meetings which might possibly have occurred is unknown, as is whether the meeting ever happened or the people in the meetings ever existed,

While CNN is not able to confirm that any meetings occurred, there is speculation that if the people who might have attended these meetings were in fact associated with the Russian government, that any meeting they might have had with unnamed persons in the Trump administration could have violated laws, if those people were found to have existed and there were laws that were broken.

THIS is our so-called press. Pravda under Stalin was FAR more reliable for accurate information.
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a whole lotta reporting of absolutely nothing.....and some people actually believe it :banghead:

They have to fill the paper or 24 hour news with something.

Maybe more save the duckling as they cross the street or something instead of this nonsense
I took a LITTLE literary liberty, but really very little. CNN is utterly full of shit, as are Schiff and the democrats, yet no one seems to call them on the utter bullshit they spew. Double talk that amounts to nothing at all is the sum total of the entire "Russian Hacking" farce.

CNN is by far the worst offender in this fake news onslaught, but the Washington Post is a close second. These absurdly partisan propaganda sources craft sentences that say nothing in the attempt to slime and smear those whom they hate, particularly the American people.
I took a LITTLE literary liberty, but really very little. CNN is utterly full of shit, as are Schiff and the democrats, yet no one seems to call them on the utter bullshit they spew. Double talk that amounts to nothing at all is the sum total of the entire "Russian Hacking" farce.

CNN is by far the worst offender in this fake news onslaught, but the Washington Post is a close second. These absurdly partisan propaganda sources craft sentences that say nothing in the attempt to slime and smear those whom they hate, particularly the American people.

......and NBC/MSNBC are down right rabid
I took a LITTLE literary liberty, but really very little. CNN is utterly full of shit, as are Schiff and the democrats, yet no one seems to call them on the utter bullshit they spew. Double talk that amounts to nothing at all is the sum total of the entire "Russian Hacking" farce.

CNN is by far the worst offender in this fake news onslaught, but the Washington Post is a close second. These absurdly partisan propaganda sources craft sentences that say nothing in the attempt to slime and smear those whom they hate, particularly the American people.
CNN went overboard this week after the Nunes nonsense. My theory is that CNN is fighting bullshit fire with bullshit fire. Nunes has had nothing to brag about either. It's become so ridiculous I'm fast forwarding through all of it.
Out of curiosity, has anyone posted the link to the CNN story that's been referenced? It'd be nice to read the actual story and see for myself whether the claims I'm seeing in this thread actually are "on point" or not.
I took a LITTLE literary liberty, but really very little. CNN is utterly full of shit, as are Schiff and the democrats, yet no one seems to call them on the utter bullshit they spew. Double talk that amounts to nothing at all is the sum total of the entire "Russian Hacking" farce.

CNN is by far the worst offender in this fake news onslaught, but the Washington Post is a close second. These absurdly partisan propaganda sources craft sentences that say nothing in the attempt to slime and smear those whom they hate, particularly the American people.

The fact is when any MSM get ahold of any tidbit with Trump's name on it......they make it into a big story by filling in all the blanks with their own ideas. Problem is, most of the sheeple don't know how to filter out the 'alleged, could be, maybe, possible....etc' and just take it as fact
Out of curiosity, has anyone posted the link to the CNN story that's been referenced? It'd be nice to read the actual story and see for myself whether the claims I'm seeing in this thread actually are "on point" or not.

Pick a story....any story, that includes or has ANYTHING to do with Trump. :thup:
Out of curiosity, has anyone posted the link to the CNN story that's been referenced? It'd be nice to read the actual story and see for myself whether the claims I'm seeing in this thread actually are "on point" or not.

Pick a story....any story, that includes or has ANYTHING to do with Trump. :thup:

The thread title alludes to one particular story. That's the only one I'm interested in as goes this thread.
Out of curiosity, has anyone posted the link to the CNN story that's been referenced? It'd be nice to read the actual story and see for myself whether the claims I'm seeing in this thread actually are "on point" or not.
I was watching it early this a.m. Don't know about articles.
We all know that the breathless nation awaited the devastating news that would destroy the object of CNN's hatred, Donald Trump yesterday.

CNN promised that they had something that may or may not have come from ranking demagogue Intelligence committee member Adam "Republicans starved children" Schiff. Schiff had earlier put out a vague smear that he had evidence of "coordination with the Russians, beyond mere "circumstantial" conjecture:" So the speculation that the DNC controlled network would broadcast illegally leaked information from Schiff was high.

America waited, MSNBC drooled at the prospect that they would FINALLY "get" Trump.

Then at last the magic moment arrived, finally the democrats would get their revenge and bring down the Trump government..

CNN exuberantly reported the damning facts, unnamed sources have revealed that it is possible that persons who may or may not be associated with the Trump campaign or administration could have met with persons who may or may not be connected to the Russian government, though the subject of these meetings which might possibly have occurred is unknown, as is whether the meeting ever happened or the people in the meetings ever existed,

While CNN is not able to confirm that any meetings occurred, there is speculation that if the people who might have attended these meetings were in fact associated with the Russian government, that any meeting they might have had with unnamed persons in the Trump administration could have violated laws, if those people were found to have existed and there were laws that were broken.

THIS is our so-called press. Pravda under Stalin was FAR more reliable for accurate information.
Schiff has been involved in a lot of strange propaganda tactics lately including trying to demonize Nunes to deny what's about to destroy their complaints about Trumps tweet. If you notice, all the California Dems are involved in this propaganda campaign about to eat their words, in fact Schiff is proving himself part of the coup. According to their crys about not being fit, they inadvertantly admitted they are the ones not fit for office and should not continue to serve. Drain the swamp! Vote these propagandist artists out of office !
We all know that the breathless nation awaited the devastating news that would destroy the object of CNN's hatred, Donald Trump yesterday.

CNN promised that they had something that may or may not have come from ranking demagogue Intelligence committee member Adam "Republicans starved children" Schiff. Schiff had earlier put out a vague smear that he had evidence of "coordination with the Russians, beyond mere "circumstantial" conjecture:" So the speculation that the DNC controlled network would broadcast illegally leaked information from Schiff was high.

America waited, MSNBC drooled at the prospect that they would FINALLY "get" Trump.

Then at last the magic moment arrived, finally the democrats would get their revenge and bring down the Trump government..

CNN exuberantly reported the damning facts, unnamed sources have revealed that it is possible that persons who may or may not be associated with the Trump campaign or administration could have met with persons who may or may not be connected to the Russian government, though the subject of these meetings which might possibly have occurred is unknown, as is whether the meeting ever happened or the people in the meetings ever existed,

While CNN is not able to confirm that any meetings occurred, there is speculation that if the people who might have attended these meetings were in fact associated with the Russian government, that any meeting they might have had with unnamed persons in the Trump administration could have violated laws, if those people were found to have existed and there were laws that were broken.

THIS is our so-called press. Pravda under Stalin was FAR more reliable for accurate information.
It's just as likely that CNN got trolled by 4Chan- again
THIS is our so-called press. Pravda under Stalin was FAR more reliable for accurate information.

I would be glad to compare the record of honest news from CNN with that tweeted out by Donald Trump.

Because CNN has a far, far better record.
THIS is our so-called press. Pravda under Stalin was FAR more reliable for accurate information.

I would be glad to compare the record of honest news from CNN with that tweeted out by Donald Trump.

Because CNN has a far, far better record.

Honest news???? Seriously, Syriusly???? When have they ever stuck with just the facts & not spun the story(ies) so far that it didn't give a false impression???

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