CNN anchor parents concerned about restroom bills over protective and intolerant


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN Anchor Calls Parents Concerned about Restroom Bills 'Overprotective' and 'Intolerant'
CNN Anchor Christopher Cuomo took to Twitter this week to express his unhappiness with President Trump rescinding the Obama administration’s directive on transgender students using the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity instead of the sex they were assigned at birth. Other users began responding to Cuomo’s comments. One asked him, “what do you tell a 12 year old girl who doesn’t want to see a penis in the locker room?” Cuomo quoted the tweet and.....................

Well CNN is just so full of themselves . They just can't stop spewing their bs.
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Much of the more liberal issues should be state matters not federal.

Schools and universities can set their own policies ahead of state votes if they so want.

Without federal mandates, businesses will begin to create their own bathroom changes.

States with a large LGBT population will push bathrooms changes while states with a much smaller minority of LGBT will wait.

The larger the LGBT population in schools will also push for bathroom changes to accommodate the students. Schools with just a few will perhaps to seek to change in a few years.

In a time of cutting the federal budgets and waste, why should such things be federal problems?

Businesses will take their own initiative before states if they so choose for their customers.
End Times Headlines? I'll pass. Let me know when you get this story from a website that isn't dedicated to weirdos and weirdo shit
For as long as I remember, Ladies' rooms were for Ladies and Gentlemen's rooms were for Gentlemen. I do not see how pretending to be the opposite sex equals being the opposite sex.
For as long as I remember, Ladies' rooms were for Ladies and Gentlemen's rooms were for Gentlemen. I do not see how pretending to be the opposite sex equals being the opposite sex.

bathrooms have stalls with doors, what are people really going to see?

I thinks transgender should b treated as there identified sex. They would have gone through therapy and gotten a name change and legal recognition.

OK showers are a bit more problematic, but one shower stall with a curtain can solve that problem.

I don't how ever thing it should b forced by a federal mandate. Business and schools will likely choose to precede state laws.

The school I visit a few times a week has an extra bathroom that is for either gender. No one is worried. Dorms have gays and the world has not stopped. This issue is really a tempest in a tea pot, but it should be a state teapot, not federal.
For as long as I remember, Ladies' rooms were for Ladies and Gentlemen's rooms were for Gentlemen. I do not see how pretending to be the opposite sex equals being the opposite sex.
You have to be a liberal and long for all the stupid you can.

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