C'mon Republicans...If You Think Your Position is the Right One...Why Ya Gotta Cheat?


Just sent the email below to the Wisconsin Elections office...


I'll post any reply I get.

First response is the typical form letter...

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

Boehner's favorite Beatles song, "Nowhere Man"

First response is the typical form letter...

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.

Actually, yes. If no law was broken, that kinda means it was perfectly legal. Is that concept beyond your comprehension? Apparently, PAC's sending flyers out to membership with absentee ballot requests, where it would first be sent back to the PAC... happens on both sides all the time. Could be because it's legal.

As for your nonsensical foaming at the mouth comment... you've obviously not been here long enough to realize I call out both sides fairly evenly, when they deserve it.
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First response is the typical form letter...

Got a response...

There is no law that restricts the ability of a PAC or any other person/organization from soliciting absentee applications to their own address.


David Buerger

Elections Specialist

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board

[email protected]

(608) 267-0951

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

Boehner's favorite Beatles song, "Nowhere Man"

care to stick with the actual thread topic?

Got a response...

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.

Actually, yes. If no law was broken, that kinda means it was perfectly legal. Is that concept beyond your comprehension? Apparently, PAC's sending flyers out to membership with absentee ballot requests, where it would first be sent back to the PAC... happens on both sides all the time. Could be because it's legal.

As for your nonsensical foaming at the mouth comment... you've obviously not been here long enough to realize I call out both sides fairly evenly, when they deserve it.

At what point did I mention its legality? I realize that the act was legal. I think I acknowledged that already. Is that beyond your comprehension?

Legal or not, it's morally reprehensible. It may go on regularly in politics, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be pointed out when it's done.

For the load on your face? Why don't you just lick it off like usual?

yeah. going after a long time member like him? that'll win you friends and influence people.

And? Am I supposed to be in awe or something? Sorry, pal, I'm not here for a popularity contest. I have enough friends, I don't need anonymous internet friends, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not too interested in trying to be influential on some political forum. Sounds like a heavy crown. You can wear it, my friend.

Got a response...

Seems pretty definitive. No law was broken.

I included the contact information so that anyone who wants to say I made this up can verify it for themselves.

Boehner's favorite Beatles song, "Nowhere Man"

care to stick with the actual thread topic?

What is it to you? Are you the hall monitor? I was responding to a similar post. I'm sure you chastised him for his post, right? Of course you did, Mr. Nonpartial.
For the load on your face? Why don't you just lick it off like usual?

yeah. going after a long time member like him? that'll win you friends and influence people.

And? Am I supposed to be in awe or something? Sorry, pal, I'm not here for a popularity contest. I have enough friends, I don't need anonymous internet friends, and I'm pretty sure that I'm not too interested in trying to be influential on some political forum. Sounds like a heavy crown. You can wear it, my friend.

I know why you're here. To shoot your mouth off about subjects you have little to no understanding of, and to troll around and make a general nuisance of yourself.

Have at it, cupcake.
Liberals are grasping as straws as they stand poised to lose all of their power. They are so desperate they make up stories from whole cloth and call anyone who dissents "terrorists" or "hostage takers". It's pathetic....sorry liberal/progressive/socialist/leftist/communists, the country is making a hard turn to the right. You can thank the failure that currently occupies the White House....he created the Tea Party!!
Legal or not, it's morally reprehensible. It may go on regularly in politics, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be pointed out when it's done.

I don't see the slightest thing "reprehensible" about it. All it does is keep stupid people from voting. That's a service to the community!
So what? Just because no law was technically broken, that makes it ok? Please don't act like you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth if we were talking about Dems.


For the load on your face? Why don't you just lick it off like usual?

You 0bama Fluffers sure do have a way with words....

BTW, you got a little 0bama in the corner of your mouth... Maybe you should take that tissue...

Just sayin'...
Legal or not, it's morally reprehensible. It may go on regularly in politics, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be pointed out when it's done.

I don't see the slightest thing "reprehensible" about it. All it does is keep stupid people from voting. That's a service to the community!

There you go, folks. Republicans in WI are using dirty tactics to try and keep Democrats from voting, and this morally defunct ass-clown is applauding. He actually supports voter fraud. Gee, conservatives are so patriotic.

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