Clinton Promises To Move To Haitian sh1thole!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
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Give her a couple more years to accumulate interest from the monies, from the banks they had taxpayers bail out for them, that they never paid out on all the relief funds they supposedly sent to nations around the world and they'll probably be able to buy Haiti outright.


"The president's reported comments about our allies in Latin America and Africa are disgusting. They diminish America's standing in the world and should be denounced by every member of Congress." - Sneaky Dianne Feinstein
She’s Now Promising to move to Haiti and give back all The Haitian Earthquake Relief Funds she and Bill stole.

It should take her a couple million years to complete that task.

The Clintons’ Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary’s Emails

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Haiti Needs $2 Billion the Clinton Foundation Stole From Its Relief Funds

Imagine how much nicer a shithole Haiti would be if Hillary Rotten Clinton gave that $6 Billion she stole back?
with a 450 dollar per capita income, that would make em rich!!!!!!!
why dont we just give Haiti to Guam,,maybe call it "East Guam" and just start all over again like with what we are doing with Puerto Rico
Haitians have turned their country into an absolute wasteland. It wasn't like that when the French ruled. It was a wealthy trading port
Hilarious that The Dominican Republic Despite living on the same Island with Haiti thinks Haiti is such a Shit Hole that they built a Wall between them and Haiti!
She’s Now Promising to move to Haiti and give back all The Haitian Earthquake Relief Funds she and Bill stole.

It should take her a couple million years to complete that task.

The Clintons’ Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary’s Emails

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Haiti Needs $2 Billion the Clinton Foundation Stole From Its Relief Funds

Imagine how much nicer a shithole Haiti would be if Hillary Rotten Clinton gave that $6 Billion she stole back?
God, I hope she does.

OF COURSE this is just her failed attempt to 'stay relevent' for her '2020 run', but all it accomplished was to remind people, as the OP pointed out, how the Clintons raped and pillaged Haiti, helping the corrupt government make it such a sh!thole...
She’s Now Promising to move to Haiti and give back all The Haitian Earthquake Relief Funds she and Bill stole.

It should take her a couple million years to complete that task.

The Clintons’ Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary’s Emails

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Haiti Needs $2 Billion the Clinton Foundation Stole From Its Relief Funds

Imagine how much nicer a shithole Haiti would be if Hillary Rotten Clinton gave that $6 Billion she stole back?
God, I hope she does.

OF COURSE this is just her failed attempt to 'stay relevent' for her '2020 run', but all it accomplished was to remind people, as the OP pointed out, how the Clintons raped and pillaged Haiti, helping the corrupt government make it such a sh!thole...

And in the Process, The Clinton Theft of Billions from impoverished Haiti made The Broke Ass Clintons Filthy Shit Hole Rich!
The longer Hillary hangs around the more she reminds us what a low-life criminal POS she and Bill are...

I hope the Democrats sell her the nomination again in 2020...

Meanwhile you got Lefty being more vulgar about Trump and Americans in general more than President Trump could ever be.

They go nuts over the word ShitHole but have no problems with murdering babies and calling for the President’s Assasination.

And then of course there is their sexual perversions and their heros like Oprah who was nothing but Weinstein’s Pimp Assistant.

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