Climate denial finally paying off s0ns!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Outstanding article that highlights the rigging of climate science Ive been saying and others in here have been saying for a decade!!! More importantly, that "climate science" is losing.:2up:

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off
A series of Journal editorial page-bashing ads shows the climate cause in mid-crackup.


Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.
June 28, 2016 6:07 p.m. ET

Yet how ploddingly conventional my views have been: I’ve written that evidence of climate change is not evidence of what causes climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change agrees, in its latest report estimating with less than 100% confidence that a human role accounts for half the warming between 1951 and 2010.

I’ve written that it would be astonishing if human activity had no impact, but the important questions are how and how much.

Here’s what you also won’t learn from most climate reporting: Climate models that predict significant warming presume natural feedbacks that magnify the impact of human-released carbon dioxide by 100% to 400%. Models that presume no dominant feedbacks see warming of only about one degree Celsius over the entire course of a doubling of atmospheric CO2. Who knows what future scientific advances will reveal, but models that assume minimal feedback are more consistent with the warming seen so far—and remember, we’ve been burning coal for 200 years and accumulating temperature records for longer than that.

Climate Denial Finally Pays Off

So clearly, the alarmists obfuscate to the degree of being profound...........

The presentation of all of this shit = faux = ghey :gay: always, the alarmist bozos will do the automatic kneejerk and shoot the messenger......but a close reading displays that the IPCC that kind of stunt would be ghey.........:funnyface::funnyface::gay:
These magnifying feed-backs are bogus as you can easily verify with an IR thermometer which converts IR watts/ m^2 to Temperature as per St.Boltzmann.( j = T^4 x 5.67 X10^(-8) )
Pointing the instrument at the sky on a clear day at > 25 C ground temperature it reads -18 C.....which corresponds to 240 W/m^2 "back radiation"
However on a day like today in Manitoba on June 29th at only +9 C ground & air temperature with 10/10 overcast I get a reading of +14 C from the clouds above which is the result of 385 W/m^2. "back radiation".
That`s 145 W/m^2 more "back-radiation" from an overcast sky which is 5 degrees warmer than the ground and the air below.. It hasn`t been warming up from that and is not expected to do so till Saturday when clear and sunny weather is forecast..
The overcast shields the ground below it from solar radiation and the cooling effect overpowers the "back-radiation" warming effect by a long-shot..
Clouds not only reflect sunlight up and away from the ground below but H2O vapor also strips out a wide band in the IR region. which is then not available to warm the ground and low altitude air.
CO2 does the same thing at it`s absorption bands in the IR region to incoming solar radiation at high altitude.
Which in turn accounts for at least the same amount of energy that is "back radiated" from the CO2 near the ground. Overall there is no net gain in temperature as we have observed during the last 30 years.
These magnifying feed-backs are bogus as you can easily verify with an IR thermometer which converts IR watts/ m^2 to Temperature as per St.Boltzmann.( j = T^4 x 5.67 X10^(-8) )
Pointing the instrument at the sky on a clear day at > 25 C ground temperature it reads -18 C.....which corresponds to 240 W/m^2 "back radiation"
However on a day like today in Manitoba on June 29th at only +9 C ground & air temperature with 10/10 overcast I get a reading of +14 C from the clouds above which is the result of 385 W/m^2. "back radiation".
That`s 145 W/m^2 more "back-radiation" from an overcast sky which is 5 degrees warmer than the ground and the air below.. It hasn`t been warming up from that and is not expected to do so till Saturday when clear and sunny weather is forecast..
The overcast shields the ground below it from solar radiation and the cooling effect overpowers the "back-radiation" warming effect by a long-shot..
Clouds not only reflect sunlight up and away from the ground below but H2O vapor also strips out a wide band in the IR region. which is then not available to warm the ground and low altitude air.
CO2 does the same thing at it`s absorption bands in the IR region to incoming solar radiation at high altitude.
Which in turn accounts for at least the same amount of energy that is "back radiated" from the CO2 near the ground. Overall there is no net gain in temperature as we have observed during the last 30 years.

Love how not a single AGW regular in here every has a response to your stuff Polar except to hurl incoherent insults.......but its great entertainment!!:spinner:

Hey Polar.........the epic SKEPTICS ARE WINNING thread is a few posts shy of 5,000 ( and 170,000 "views":ack-1:). 500 fucking hysterical is that on a forum like this!?????:rock::rock:
Careful with wording. Global Warming - CO2 based climate change - that is a fraud. Climate change is a science. When Earth goes from two polar oceans to two polar continents, there is dramatic climate change, but CO2 has nothing to do with it..
"record" fudging, more precisely.

Meanwhile, 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica continues to grow, and the FRAUD has to cherry pick islands on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire to show us "sinking" islands...
Then why are the "sinking islands" all right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire?

Why am I asking a PARROT who cannot think?

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