Climate Change

How's the weather? So are we warming or cooling?

Just curious...

It depends on where you’re at.

Climate change is just that, change. Overall the earth is getting warmer.

There’s no doubt.

Due to the severe lack of education, Republicans see snow as proof the earth isn’t getting warmer. But the reality is there’s more snow because there’s more water in the atmosphere and that’s because the oceans are heating up.
It’s so obvious.

When I posted the water cycle on the USMB one poster referred to it as a wild liberal theory. But I think they might have mixed up evolution and evaporation.
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"When are people going to learn the difference between weather and climate?"

I know, right?

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How's the weather? So are we warming or cooling?

Just curious...

It depends on where you’re at.

Climate change is just that, change. Overall the earth is getting warmer.

There’s no doubt.

Due to the severe lack of education, Republicans see snow as proof the earth isn’t getting warmer. But the reality is there’s more snow because there’s more water in the atmosphere and that’s because the oceans are heating up.
It’s so obvious.

When I posted the water cycle on the USMB one poster referred to it as a wild liberal theory. But I think they might have mixed up evolution and evaporation.

Who said anything about Republicans?
Climate does change. It was 35 when I parked this truck yesterday afternoon. It's now 10 degrees and my door is frozen shut. At this point I'm praying for global warming and I'm begging everyone to idle their engines as much as possible.
How's the weather? So are we warming or cooling?

Just curious...

It depends on where you’re at.

Climate change is just that, change. Overall the earth is getting warmer.

There’s no doubt.

Due to the severe lack of education, Republicans see snow as proof the earth isn’t getting warmer. But the reality is there’s more snow because there’s more water in the atmosphere and that’s because the oceans are heating up.
It’s so obvious.

When I posted the water cycle on the USMB one poster referred to it as a wild liberal theory. But I think they might have mixed up evolution and evaporation.

I don't much bother getting into climate change with partisanshithead ideologues (not calling you one, just sayin'). They can figure it all out the hard way as the ecosystem devolves, I'm just glad I wasn't born any later than I was. The earth will go on evolving as it always has; the planet has no need for human beings. Hominids will not destroy the earth, that's hubris. We may very well destroy our ability to live on the earth; the antidote will come in time, but the earth will go on evolving. Eurocentric Christiocapitalist perceptual reality seems unable to grasp time on that scale, being so hopelessly tethered to quarterly returns. No connection to anything else. No spiritual connection to the past/ancestors or the future/descendants. This perception of reality has never seen the earth as our life support system. Our societal perception of reality has never seen the earth as anything other than a resource to be plundered for wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution that our male dominator God gave to us to exploit. But it’s only been for the true believers of course.
You lost me at: "as the ecosystem devolves"

Evo/Devo lution is subjective mate.

Good or bad for me is all relative...

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