Climate Change alarmists scrare problem!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Ive been talking about this for a climate alarmists need to go to a Plan B. Why? Because since 2007, their cause has been falling like a stone in water......waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overestimating shit.

"Making dire predictions is what environmental groups do for a living, and it’s a competitive market, so they exaggerate. Virtually every environmental threat of the past few decades has been greatly exaggerated at some point."

The Green Scare Problem - WSJ

These stoopid fucks evidently never heard the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Accordingly, most of the public no longer takes their bomb throwing seriously!!! And now, nobody is caring about global warming in 2015. But with the bomb throwing, they still keep going..........and going...........and going..........and going...............


"consensus"......."97%"......."arctic ice"........"forest fires"........."drought"........"greenhouse effect"..............."rising sea levels"




National Socialist Joseph Goebbels said:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
National Socialist Joseph Goebbels said:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Indeed.........Pete........this is a fascinating listen. Scientific dictatorship.......particularly since 2001......standardization of the cultures. Driven by the big banks who fund academia. Started in the 1800's. One of the ways you get there is spoonfeeding bogus science....people buy the scaremongering.......make the public come to government for salvation. Tax them into oblivion to set up the world state. A permanent underclass. Permanent power!!! Dupe people to follow the "experts"........and what better strategy than to use "science" to numb the mind.:2up:. Its fucking brilliant................

The people are being programmed and "climate change" is one of the cornerstones to meeting that ends...........

Remove the freedoms.........we must all be the "collective".:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Bogus Prediction: Global coffee production facing catastrophe from global warming

Remember when the Arctic sea ice was in a "death spiral"? - it's now "erratic and bumpy"

What about that prediction that the Arctic would be ice-free in 2008?

Climate Change Causes Predicted Species Extinction? Or Species Adaptation?

Catastrophic climate change: Pentagon's 2004 report prediction by CIA consultant and CIA's similar prediction from 1976

1988: Aussie's Top Climate Scientist Predicts 2-4° Global Warming By 2018

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Remember When The IPCC's Climate Experts Predicted Pacific Islands Would Disappear Due To Global Warming?

2015 UK Election: The Stunningly Wrong "Expert" Polls/Predictions

UK Newspapers: Predicted Global Warming Refugees Will Flee To Antarctica, Based On Virtual Climate Models

Was New York Times reporting the Arctic ice had all melted in year 2000 or was this a prediction?

Bogus Prediction: Yet Another Computer Simulation That Warming Hurts Crop Yields

What About Those Predicted 'More Frequent' Hurricanes? 3,500 Days Since U.S. Hit By Major Hurricane

Predicted Sea Ice Meltdown From Global Warming - It's Not Happening

Remember when UK "experts" back in 2000 predicted no more snow?

About That Prediction of U.S. Facing More Forest Fires: 2014 Was Below 10-Year Average

30 years ago U.S. scientists predicted NYC would be like Daytona Beach

Bogus Prediction: Fabricated species extinction speculation & climate model absurdities

Remember when experts predicted the Great Lakes will be ice-free in winter?

Epic Fails: The 7 Gigantic Past Prediction Bombs of Greens & Alarmists

NASA Expert's Over-The-Top Global Warming Predictions (Hysteria?) - 'Uh....It's Dead, Jim'

Mild U.S. East Coast Winters? The Expert & Elites’ Global Warming Predictions Become A LoL Joke

Remember When Global Warming Was Going To Melt Antarctica's Sea Ice?

NASA/Hansen Climate Model Predictions Vs. Climate Reality – Failure Is Always Ugly

Bogus Prediction: England to get warmer, says researcher with climate model crystal ball

Failure Expertise: 25 Years Of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’

Remember when this NYT's climate expert was speaking of cherry blossoms in December due to global warming? Ooops...2015

Climate Science Fiction: IPCC Climate Model Predictions of Global Warming 8X Greater Than Reality

Severe Tornadoes, Per NOAA: Prediction of More Falls Flat - Since 1950s On Declining Trend

"Experts" Predict Another "Running-out-of-time" Global Warming Deadline

Remember When Al Gore Predicted An Arctic Sea-Ice 'Tipping Point'? - Won't Happen Research Indicates

Bogus Prediction: AGW Alarmist Non-Climate Scientist Predicts Both North & South Pole To Melt Within Decade

NOAA Empirical Evidence: Predicted Extreme Weather Events Not On Rise, Climate Change Becomes A 'Yawn'

Actual Hurricane Activity Defies Consensus Climate Science: Now At A 45-Year Low

Uh-Oh: Lefties/Greens/Democrats Now Predict 'Climate Ruin'

Those Predicted Hotter Temps for Canada? Zero New Hot Records Since 1961

NASA’s Clouded Crystal Ball: Global Temps Since James Hansen's 1988 "Global Warming" Testimony

Unexpected: The Significant Warming Pause For UK Temperatures

Not Predicted: Global Warming Robustly Decelerates, Climate Change From CO2 Disappears

Remember when "experts" predicted the pine beetle would cause more forest fires?

Bogus Prediction: UK's Telegraph Predicts Giant Spiders To Overrun World Due To Global Warming

Climate Models Unable To Simulate Critical ENSO Asymmetry

CO2-Based Computer Simulations Prove They Can't Predict Great Lakes' Water Levels

Bogus Prediction: Modeling Study Says UK's 'Fish & Chips' Will Disappear

17 Scientists From 11 Countries That IPCC Climate Models' Flood Predictions Are Spectacular Failure

The Predicted Tropical Hotspot: Still Frigid After All These Years

Connect The Dots: Is CO2 Turning Earth's Atmosphere Into A Venus Cauldron As Predicted?

Remember That Prediction That Human CO2 Would Slow Down The Atlantic Ocean Current Circulations?

Smithsonian Magazine Ludicrous Prediction: Claim: ‘Up to 1 billion climate refugees by 2050′

Earth Day Predictions of 1970

99.9% Proof That IPCC "Expert" Climate Models Are Hugely Wrong - The Science Is Indisputable

Climate Models of Quackery – Completely Wrong for U.S. Breadbasket

Satellites Confirm That AGW “Consensus” Prediction Due To A Trillion Tonnes of CO2 Badly Wrong

Per NOAA, Current Global ‘Unpredicted’ Warming 'Pause' Unprecedented In Modern Era - 190 Months Long

Predicting Global Warming: Thru 2013, 60-Yrs of Warming Not Up To Expectations

Climate Agencies Confirm IPCC's Climate Model Predictions Fail - Since 1990s, Wrong 95% of Time

Bogus Prediction: Rabbits won’t adapt to climate change, instead computer simulations project they will just wither away

Remember The "Expert" Predictions Regarding Peak-Oil?

NOAA Confirms U.S. Drought Conditions Lessen, Opposite Of Expert Predictions

US Temps versus NASA 1988 Global Warming Predictions: 25 Years Later, NOAA Documents Embarrassing Failure

Remember when NYC was thinking of selling their snowplows in 1983 due to global warming?

Great moments in climate prediction, 2009: ‘World will warm faster than predicted in next five years, study warns’

The Prediction Reality: For The IPCC and Climate-Doomsday Cult Alarmists

IPCC Prediction-Fail: Tropical 'Hotspot' Refuted By Latest Empirical Evidence

35-Year Cooling of South Pole Confirmed By NASA - Antarctica Ice Sheets Safe, Predictions Very Wrong

Prediction of Earlier and Earlier Springs In Europe - Not Really It Turns Out

State-of-Art Climate Models Remain Worthless As Tools To Predict Global Warming

Prediction Failure: IPCC's Climate Models Remain Weak At Arctic Cloud, Sea Ice & Albedo Conditions, Say Researchers

Those Stubborn Facts: Climate Reality Refutes IPCC's Sea Level Predictions, Studies Show

2012 Obama Prediction: Drilling Won't Lower Gas Prices

The Predicted Spike In Global Temperatures From Melting Permafrost? Per science, highly doubtful

Climate Models Vs. Climate Reality: New Study Confirms Computer Simulations Unable To Accurately Predict Precipitation

NOAA Empirical Evidence Confirms New Study - Sea Levels Rising At Fraction Predicted

Ocean Acidification Science: Predicted Demise of Ocean Fish – Not Happening

20 Years of Satellite Global Measurements: No Significant Warming, Trend Robustly Below IPCC Expert Predictions

Bogus Prediction: Audubon's 'birds on the brink' due to climate change campaign

IPCC Models Unable To Simulate (ie, predict) The Critical 'Wind Stress' Element

Climate Models Can't Predict Squat: Latest IPCC Models Still Unable To Simulate Monsoons

Another Bupkes IPCC Prediction: Release of CO2 From Warming Peatlands Is Not Happening

The Significant Prediction Failure of IPCC's Models Ripped By Expert

Peer Reviewed Science: India's Experience Refutes IPCC's Climate Change Predictions

Failed Prediction: NASA's Incredible Climate Science Incompetence Has Wasted Billions

Climate Models & Antarctic Sea Ice: Same Old, Same Old...New IPCC Models Can't Predict Squat

Nature Mocks The IPCC & Its Climate Model Predictions - Modern Global Cooling Accelerates To Its Fastest Pace In Last 30 Years

Documented: Billions Wasted On 'GIGO' Science - Climate Models (All 73) Can't Predict Squat

C3 Failed Predictions The Travesties of Experts

When you get tired of this mental masturbation, you might wish to look at the reality many of us see. Such as the West on fire just as predicted. We have record droughts in Texas, California, and the Southwest. Droughts broken by record rainfalls and floods. At present, it looks like 2015 is going to be not only the warmest year on record, it is going be another large jump, like 1998 was.

1998, then in 7 years, 2005. In five years, 2010, then 4 years, and 2014. All about the same in warmth. However, in only one year we have 2015, which looks like it will be well above all of the last four warmest years. We still have a ways to go in 2015, and 2016 looks to have the El Nino clear up to at least March. Perhaps into early summer. And that is an election year, the GOP has tied it's fortunes closely to the denialists, and their energy corporation bankrollers. That will be remembered by many in the election.
2014: Among the 3 percent Coldest Years in 10,000 years?
Guest Blogger / January 21, 2015

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball

We were told in October, before 2014 was over, that it was heading toward being the warmest year on record (Figure 1). The visual link of Polar Bears underscored the message. In fact, 2014 was among the coldest 3 percent of years of the last 10,000, but that doesn’t suit the political agenda.

Figure 1

We know the headline referred to NOAA’s projection, but the public only remember “warmest year”. It is a routine of manipulation of headlines practiced by bureaucrats and supporters of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), from the start. The claim was not surprising, because NOAA was pushing 2014 as warm beginning in January with this headline NOAA: January 2014 fourth-warmest on record.” Various months were identified during the year, for example, “NOAA: August 2014 Was The Warmest On Record,” noting August was the warmest by a fraction. But they had already reported,

The summer of 2014 is officially the hottest since the modern instrumental record began more than 130 years ago, according to the latest state of the climate report from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center.

By October they were summarizing the year.

“This makes the first ten months of 2014 the warmest January to October period on record and puts 2014 on track to be the warmest year recorded in the NOAA archive, which dates back to 1880.”

Bob Tisdale provided an excellent summary of the “Anticipation” for two surface records from GISS and NCDC. He was not surprised when these records appeared, showing 2014 was the warmest, according to them, by 0.02°C. Remember, this is from a record that is restricted by the historic record to measurements of 0.5°C. We also know the two satellite records, RSS and UAH, both show it was not the warmest year.

To counteract the headline you need something very dramatic, because there is nothing significant about the 2014 temperature as Tisdale plans to identify in an upcoming article titled, The Uptick in Global Surface Temperatures in 2014 Doesn’t Help the Growing Difference between Climate Models and Reality. He is interested in seeing how Gavin Schmidt, who replaced James Hansen at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), is carrying the torch. History shows that GISS readings are consistently higher than all other sources. It is just one indicator of the temperature adjustments made so the AGW hypothesis fits the political agenda.

Challenges and IPCC Fixes

How valid is the 2014 claim? In the 10,000 – year context, it is significant because it is among the 3 percent coldest years, which is far more significant than the 100-year warm alarmists proclaim. There are two major reasons: Highest readings occur in the most recent years of a rising temperature record. Every alteration, adjustment amendment and abridgment of the record so far, was done to create and emphasize increasingly higher temperatures.

1. The instrumental data is spatially and temporally inadequate.Surface weather data is virtually non-existent and unevenly distributed for 85 percent of the world’s surface. There are virtually none for 70 percent of the oceans. On the land, there is virtually no data for the 19 percent mountains, 20 percent desert, 20 percent boreal forest, 20 percent grasslands, and 6 percent tropical rain forest. In order to “fill-in”, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), made the ridiculous claim that a single station temperature was representative of a 1200 km radius region. Initial claims of AGW were based on land-based data. The data is completely inadequate as the basis for constructing the models.

2. Most surface stations are concentrated in eastern North America and Western Europe and became the early evidence for human induced global warming. IPCC advocates ignored, for a long time, the fact that these stations are most affected by the urban heat island effect (UHIE).

The UHIE was one of the first challenges to the claim of AGW evidenced in the instrumental record. Two graphs produced by Warwick Hughes were the most effective and appeared in 1991, shortly after the first IPCC Report in 1990. Figure 2 shows temperature at six major Australian cities.

Figure 2

A most likely explanation for the increasing UHIE, is expansion of the suburban area until it encompassed airport weather stations originally outside the city. The automobile made this possible. Figure 3 provides a comparison with 26 rural stations.

Figure 3

The difference is marked. What is equally interesting is that temperatures were higher in the first part of the record from 1880 and 1900.

3. There is a consistent revision of the record to lower historic readings. This increases the gradient of supposed warming. It is apparent in the New Zealand record(Figure 4).

Figure 4

A search of WUWT, using the term “Temperature adjustments”, yields a plethora of evidence. Every adjustment serves to change the gradient of the curve making today warmer than the past. Explanations, when given, usually provide little justification for the adjustment. The other tell tale sign is that virtually all adjustments occur before the UAH satellite temperature record began in 1991.

4. Policy anticipated that satellite data would replace the need for surface weather stations. As a result many weather stations were abandoned (Figure 5), or at least not included in the calculation of the global average.

“The figures below indicate

a the number of stations with record length at least N years as a function of N ,

b the number of reporting stations as a function of time,

c the percent of hemispheric area located within 1200km of a reporting station.”

Figure 5

The number of surface stations was inadequate in 1960, but was further reduced in 1990. Notice that only approximately 1000 stations cover 100 years.

But how accurate can the global temperature be when Antarctica is omitted. Consider the IPCC conclusion

Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic GHG concentrations. It is likely that there has been significant anthropogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent (except Antarctic).

Antarctica is 14 million km2, an area almost equal to Russia, (17 million km2), the largest country on Earth.

Add to that the 14 million km2 of the Arctic Ocean, for which there is no data, as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) Report notes (Figure 6).

Figure 6

Extent of these regions is one thing, their role in world climate is another, and arguably far more important than almost any other region.

6. Figure 6 shows that fewer stations are a contributing factor to higher temperatures.

Figure 6

Stations NOAA used from the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN) in Canada illustrate the problem. (Figure 7).

Figure 7

There are 100 stations north of the Arctic Circle, but NOAA only uses Eureka, a known warm anomaly, to cover 1/3 of the second largest country on Earth. Even the 1200km measure doesn’t apply.

7. Alteration of the historic record includes the infamous hockey stick, in which a member of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) group is reported to have told Professor David Deming, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period? That involved creating the handle of the hockey stick. The blade was formed from CRU Director Phil Jones’ data that showed an increase of 0.6°C in approximately 120 years. The problem was the error factor was ±0.2°C or ±33 percent.

8. 20th century temperature trends begin with warming from 1900 to 1940, cooling from 1940 to 1980, warming from 1980 to 1998 and a slight cooling trend to 2014. Alarmists attributed the cooling to human addition of sulphate, but that failed when temperatures began to rise, with no decline in sulphate levels.

9. If we accept overall warming from 1900, which is reasonable as the Earth emerges from the Little Ice Age (LIA), then the highest temperatures will occur in the most recent record (Figure 8).

Figure 8

Identifying that 2014 was fractionally warmer than any other in the record does not change the trend of the “pause”. It does not enhance the CO2 causation claim.

10. The claim is 2014 is 0.02°C warmer than any other year. It is reasonable to assume that the US temperature record is among the best. Anthony Watts showed that only 7.9 percent of US stations are accurate to < 1°C. (Figure 9)

Figure 9

A Counter Headline Must Provide Perspective

Some form of the title for this article could work. “2014: Among the 3 percent Coldest Years in 10,000 year.” Figure 10 shows the Northern Hemisphere temperature for the period variously called the Climatic Optimum, the Hypsithermal, and the Holocene Optimum.

Figure 10

The red line, added to the original diagram, imposes the approximate 20th century temperatures (right side) against those of the last 10,000 years. As CO2Science noted from Dahl-Jensen (1998),

After the termination of the glacial period, temperatures increased steadily to a maximum of 2.5°C warmer than at present during the Climatic Optimum (4,000 to 7,000 years ago).

The key phrase in the 2014 claim is, “in the record”, but that only covers approximately 100 years. In the climatologically meaningful 10,000-year context, it is among the coldest.

The claim that 2014 was the warmest on record was politically important for proponents of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) story that human CO2 was causing global warming. Central to that argument was the need to prove late 20th century temperatures were the “warmest ever”. This is why the 2014 claim conveniently appeared before the Conference of the Parties (COP) meeting in Lima Peru, at which the false IPCC claim was desperately promoted. Political importance of the measure was accentuated by the continued, 18+ years lack of increase in global temperature.

Evidence keeps contradicting the major assumptions of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis. As T.H. Huxley (1825 – 1895) said,

The great tragedy of science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.

The problem is the facts keep piling up and the AGW proponents keep ignoring, diverting, or stick-handling (hockey terminology), their way round them. We know the science is wrong because the IPCC projections are wrong. Normal science requires re-examination of the hypothesis and its assumptions. The IPCC removed this option when they set out to prove the hypothesis. It put them on a treadmill of fixing the results, especially the temperature record. As Chinese General Tao Kan said, “It is like riding on the back of a tiger and finding it hard to get off.”

2014 Among the 3 percent Coldest Years in 10 000 years Watts Up With That
When you get tired of this mental masturbation, you might wish to look at the reality many of us see. Such as the West on fire just as predicted. We have record droughts in Texas, California, and the Southwest. Droughts broken by record rainfalls and floods. At present, it looks like 2015 is going to be not only the warmest year on record, it is going be another large jump, like 1998 was.

1998, then in 7 years, 2005. In five years, 2010, then 4 years, and 2014. All about the same in warmth. However, in only one year we have 2015, which looks like it will be well above all of the last four warmest years. We still have a ways to go in 2015, and 2016 looks to have the El Nino clear up to at least March. Perhaps into early summer. And that is an election year, the GOP has tied it's fortunes closely to the denialists, and their energy corporation bankrollers. That will be remembered by many in the election.

Ray.....not for nothing but maybe 184 people might pull the lever based upon the climate and I may well be overestimating. As a political bloc, environmentalist's hold very little sway in almost all states.............we saw that in the '14 mid-terms where environmentalist candidates got their clocks cleaned ( I can present about a billion links if you want ).

As the article posted by the OP makes clear........the strategy of the alarmist contingent has fallen flat the fuck on its face since 2007. If it had worked, we'd have seen a massive amount of congressional legislation from DC the past 8 years but we haven't seen dick. Because nobody is caring...........every poll on this makes it crystal clear. In 2015, people have faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar bigger concerns. Nobody is taking any notice about rain or drought except people who are kinda OCD on this stuff = relatively speaking, a handful..........because this shit has been happening consistently THEIR WHOLE LIVES!!!!!:coffee:
This idiot Tom Steyer spent 50 million of the 85 million spent mostly on the Senate races and well..........we all know that the DUMS got clobbered.

Were Tom Steyer and Environmentalists Successful in 2014 Midterms The New Republic

As the article astutely points out.......the environment is not a primary issue of concern for a majority of voters and as I have pointed out numerous times, it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list of public concerns compared to at least 20 other issues!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Rhetoric Flexing: Eco-Jaws

We have to think radically in all directions:

Hydro-Man (Marvel Comics), the fictional nemesis of the webbed wonder Spider-Man, is comprised entirely of water, and he uses this peculiar body composition to be very agile and ominously strong and unpredictable. However, Spider-Man poses a riddle to Hydro-Man --- "If you're so strong because your watery composition, how do you philosophically deal with the problem of pollution of Earth's waters by civilization industrialization?" This question/riddle freezes Hydro-Man who is suddenly compelled to evaluate what he thinks of eco-pollution.

Hey, if storytellers can invent ideas with simple avatars, then surely, politicians and leaders and researchers can entertain notions about how 'hyping' global warming could, in theory, at least motivate people to think of ways to constantly be generally vigilant about ecosystem management.


Hydro-Man (Marvel Comics - Wikipedia)


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