Clear-Cutting Sumatra Rainforest Pulp Used in German Children's Books


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Photo Gallery: Rainforests Dying for Children's Books

This is most disturbing. Our Greenies scream and rant about the horrid outpouring of Greenhouses gases here in the USA and Europe. But, where are their complaints about the rape of the environment in places like this – and including South American rain forests that are being totally ignored? The blind bias of the Looney Left never fails to amaze me!

Children's books are the second largest segment in Germany's billion-euro book industry. But publishers' profits are coming at the expense of rainforests in Asia, according to a new report from the WWF. Nearly 30 percent of German children's books use pulp from rainforest wood harvested in Sumatra and elsewhere in the region.

Read more @ Rainforest Pulp Used in Production of Books for Children - SPIEGEL ONLINE


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