Class Warfare And Race-Baiting: The Democratic Party Platform For 2012...

How unfortunate you're on the verge of nominating for the GOP Candidate a guy already indulging in Class Warfare....Newt Gingrich.

If he wins the nomination it's going to be because he successfully attacked Romney for being successful. That's going to make crying "CLASS WARFARE" awfully hard to do for Newt when you can play the clips of him complaining about how rich Romney is.

This is true, but you cannot say that the GOP Platform is class warfare and race baiting.
That's all they got since they cant run on their record.

Can anybody currently running? Seriously. It's looking like Newt is going to be the nominee and if you want to run on his record, you need help. Romney isn't that much better as his record will win over Democrats and probably run off the Conservatives.

If you want someone that can run on their record, your best bet at this point is Ron Paul.

BTW: @Lovebear: Point 2 on your Avatar has been accomplished. All of the the Borders are closed. It's too bad too because I really enjoyed that store ;)
yeah how many illegals come across the border? Until that is stopped the borders are not closed. They found 2 beheaded people in AZ that was Cartel related..
That's all they got since they cant run on their record.

Can anybody currently running? Seriously. It's looking like Newt is going to be the nominee and if you want to run on his record, you need help. Romney isn't that much better as his record will win over Democrats and probably run off the Conservatives.

If you want someone that can run on their record, your best bet at this point is Ron Paul.

BTW: @Lovebear: Point 2 on your Avatar has been accomplished. All of the the Borders are closed. It's too bad too because I really enjoyed that store ;)
yeah how many illegals come across the border? Until that is stopped the borders are not closed. They found 2 beheaded people in AZ that was Cartel related..

Pssstttt....It was a joke.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Race-baiting? It seems the GOP is more concerned about race than the Dems,,they talk about it constantly.

And, explain these graphs and why this trend is good for our country's capitalistic economy that is driven 70% by consumer spending. It's no wonder the economic turn-around is dragging, the consumer class doesn't have the expendable income it once had.
By the way, on the graph it shows the top 20% gaining in income, knock out the top 1% and how does that effect that demographics graph lineage? As the graph clearly displays, most Americans are losing while a small group are reaping just about all the rewards of the economy, so we have winners and losers, something like a war.
Have you seen TM's posts? She's always talking about racism....for no reason at all. I personally think the left baits with the race card then the right seems to go on the defense about it. Regardless, the word racism has really lost its meaning these days. Now if you disagree with Obama's policies you're labeled a racist.
Too bad because when there is actual racism, it's really lost with the morphed word.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012.

How is this different from any other year?

I hear ya. But it looks like it's gonna be even worse this time around. 'Divide and Conquer.' That's what it's all about for the Democrats. We'll see if the American People buy into it in November. I sure hope not.

Divide and Conquer for the democrats in 2012 eh? Well to be fair in these types of situations, I know people/friends whom work for the repubs/clicksters, and it is some of the worst conditions and lack there of in real wages, job security, benefits and etc. found imaginable in their cases. They (these ones that if the shoe fits then wear it) are short term profiteers the whole lot of them now found in these cliques, who are going about raping and pilaging companies and the middle class or working class poor, in hopes to bail just before the ship goes under, and this is simply disgusting as being found in them more often than not these days.

They are providing the Dems with all the heavy amunition easily to defeat them everytime, so why do they do this? I know why, it's because they figure they (with their wealth) can control the ballot box with that wealth, and thus they fear not that box if they think they can totally control the outcome of it with their wealth. The other side just does it another way, but the game is always the same at that box each time around.

All people want is structure and security at some level in their lives anymore, but greed has won the day again and again in the so called new deal being found in this century.

If we could target the bad ones, and reward the good ones as it should be, then America as a whole will win again as a whole. The way this can and should be done, is to create grade systems at the federal level, that will give each company in America a grade, and this grade will then go against their record as to be viewed by all their customers, and their future workforce employee's, whom are hoping to be attracted to them by a good grade when reviewed, also being based upon their productivity, their soveriengty as an individual stand alone company in their field (i.e. not linking up with others who are bad) in order to form a trend of greed and bad amongst them all when aligned with others in this way, and last but not the least, their grades to be posted on national bill boards for all to see in their state or in the nation in which they do business in as corporations or smaller individual companies.

Now this is a first step in the overall right direction, to then aquiring responsible actions of companies towards their employee's and their customers, as to becoming a top quality business in America or within their states which ever is the case, and that would also qualify them for all kinds of assistance and help if need be in their futures, based upon the grades that they would then recieve or carry with them as a good corporate so called citizens or good companies all across America.

This is the actions or promises that I would be taking or making if were the President or attempting to become the President in this nation for all. This would be the way to not intrude upon buisnesses freedoms and rights that are garanteed them, just as long as they don't take advantage of their American employee's or their customers while operating as a business within this nation, where as at that point they would aquire a bad grade that will then follow them in many ways, yet would not cause the government to personally by invasion of intrude upon them, but instead to allow the people to decide once the bad grade is given or is known by them upon what to do next.

The vote by the peoples pocket books, and the refusal of government assitance when required of them by that business in application there of, will ultimately shut them down or change their ownership if operating in a way that is ant-American, just plain greedy or anti-customer service, anti-customer friendly, anti- living wage advocates, anti-employee friendly, anti-profit sharing with it's employee's, anti-community, anti-benefit oriented, anti-structured, anti-government-anti-America and/or etc.

Come on people, why can't we do these things without infringement upon or government forcing themselves upon us by way of taxation, thus trying to change the game in that way?:eusa_eh:

PS. How much do you think it would cost the local or federal government, to come up with a viable grading system in America that would work ? Not half as much as what the governments (federal/state/local) are doing now in response to it all. If a company is mis-treating it's employee's in a greedy manor, where as an employer is paying an employee who is worth a living wage, far less than a living wage, when infact the employer can easily pay that living wage, well then what happens next? The employee seeks help from the federal & state governments in the way of assistance (foodstamps and welfare), in order to make up the difference, not to mention the healtcare that is needed also by them, so what is the governments response to it all? More taxation in order to take care of the citizens who are being duped by the employers.

Now who is really growing government in this nation? Don't be fooled people, paaalease stop being fooled ok.......
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Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Ah, the Race Card Card.
That's all they got since they cant run on their record.

Can anybody currently running? Seriously. It's looking like Newt is going to be the nominee and if you want to run on his record, you need help. Romney isn't that much better as his record will win over Democrats and probably run off the Conservatives.

If you want someone that can run on their record, your best bet at this point is Ron Paul.

BTW: @Lovebear: Point 2 on your Avatar has been accomplished. All of the the Borders are closed. It's too bad too because I really enjoyed that store ;)
yeah how many illegals come across the border? Until that is stopped the borders are not closed. They found 2 beheaded people in AZ that was Cartel related..

Is that the two beheaded people that the Governor talked about?
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?
Yes, come on people, lets get this conversation going on to what is the truth here....COME ON PEOPLE !

I liken these issues to a family/company living and operating within the nation, that let's say is living within a community or state amongst us, in which we might wonder about them when ride by their beautiful places in awe of, where as this family/company is then putting up a smokescreen and therefore hides it's lack of good or true values in which is somehow exhibited without, yet doesnot actually exist within, where as in many cases found now, either of them try to give the impression that they have solid moral and decent values, and are good stewards of their communities, families, towns, states or nation for which they do live in or operate in, until we find out differently about them somehow next (or) their children/employees go to school or rather go out into the communities and into the public to tell it differently about them. They tell this in concerning their so called decency and values in which are supposedly held by them, when they weren't being held by them at all.

This is the same found in companies in this nation and their familes, where as you have some who keep putting up this smoke screen of being good, and then we have others who do exactly what they say in which is good and trustworthy when they say it. We must seperate these things out, before finding the real truth... Fear not the class warfare coming, because if you have done nothing wrong, then you should have nothing to fear, and basically you have done what is right so, I say quickly team up with others who have done right also, and then get to the booth and make your statement loud and clear.
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Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Oh YEAH--it's going to be class warfare--and hey they've got the perfect GOP candidate for it--Mitt Romney--making 21 million last year with an effective tax rate of 13.7% along with Swiss and Cayman Island bank accounts. Talk about the icing on the cake for the Obama reelection campaign--:cuckoo:

Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

Because Newt dying to be invited to speak at the NAACP so he can "teach" black people how they are supposed to live has nothing to do with race. Right?
Newt might be Bill Clinton all over again, the patterns seem the same in his connecting with all in this way, so if Billy Clinton did good for everyone on whole, and this with Newt by his side back then, well you all know what to do next, ((VOTE FOR NEWT)).
This is one great thread. I am especially impressed by how the OP carefully lays out the case for the assertions made. The evidence and information provided makes doubting the claims so very difficult.

Way to set the bar so high, Pauli.

As if......

It's pretty clear that Obama does nothing but class-warfare. All he talks about is how the rich need to pay more. That's class-warfare.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

I feel sorry for you and other conservatives.

The GOP leads your right to where they want you to go, then they abandon well as the rest of middle class Americans in favor of their wealthy contributors. And you seem oblivious to it.

Yeah, they get you all worked up about social issues like abortion, or gay rights, or the so-called decline of the culture. And you march to the polls with your outrage, and your fears.

Then, what happens when the GOP takes over the leadership of the country like under Reagan and Bush 43? Get any action on any of those things? Overwhelmingly not.

But you get deregulation by the bushel.

The family farmers and ranchers lose out to agribusiness.
Main street loses out to Walmart.
American jobs get shipped overseas or south of the border.
Wages get slashed.
Benefits get cut.
Job security is gone.
The tax rates of the wealthy are lowered again, and again.

And, of course, we get all kinds of fraud that never seems to get caught until the house of cards is already falling. I wonder how that happens.

Yup, the S&L scandal, Enron, Arthur Anderson, MCI/Worldcom, Qwest, Tyco International, Health South Corporation, Adelphia, Lehman Bros, Wall Street Banks, Rating agencies, AIG, Bernie Madoff, and a host of lesser known ones.

Yeah, individual investors, pension funds, employees, families, and of course, the taxpayers ALL take a bath.

But what do we hear now on the eve of another election? We hear talk about how we need LESS regulation! And any complaints are met with shouts of class warfare?

You and other middle class conservatives are men and women who have been sacrificed on the altar of economic darwinism for years, just like the rest of us. The powerful interests in this and other countries (otherwise known as the big economic winners) are going to continue to do what they've been doing for years. But for some reason that I can't fathom, you don't see it. Not only that, you're helping the forces that are undercutting your (our) futures. That's right. When they yell class warfare, I'll be damned if YOU don't yell class warfare too. You mock the OWS movement which just so happens to be fighting a fledgling rear guard action that's meant to try to stop the bleeding of your economic blood as well as theirs, but you don't even realize it.

A hundred years ago, the railroads economically screwed the American farmer because of their monopolistic power and political clout. Today, powerful wealthy men are stripping away the American dream because they place importance on record profits and not people, or communities...or countries.

And what are you doing? You're out there digging your own economic graves by supporting the very people who are going to sell us all down the river eventually.

It's a funny thing about betrayal. Most people don't see it until the damage is done. Sure wish you guys would wake up because there's still time to prevent it from happening. But not if they manage to keep us distracted by other issues, and hence, divided.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

I feel sorry for you and other conservatives.

The GOP leads your right to where they want you to go, then they abandon well as the rest of middle class Americans in favor of their wealthy contributors. And you seem oblivious to it.

Yeah, they get you all worked up about social issues like abortion, or gay rights, or the so-called decline of the culture. And you march to the polls with your outrage, and your fears.

Then, what happens when the GOP takes over the leadership of the country like under Reagan and Bush 43? Get any action on any of those things? Overwhelmingly not.

But you get deregulation by the bushel.

The family farmers and ranchers lose out to agribusiness.
Main street loses out to Walmart.
American jobs get shipped overseas or south of the border.
Wages get slashed.
Benefits get cut.
Job security is gone.
The tax rates of the wealthy are lowered again, and again.

And, of course, we get all kinds of fraud that never seems to get caught until the house of cards is already falling. I wonder how that happens.

Yup, the S&L scandal, Enron, Arthur Anderson, MCI/Worldcom, Qwest, Tyco International, Health South Corporation, Adelphia, Lehman Bros, Wall Street Banks, Rating agencies, AIG, Bernie Madoff, and a host of lesser known ones.

Yeah, individual investors, pension funds, employees, families, and of course, the taxpayers ALL take a bath.

But what do we hear now on the eve of another election? We hear talk about how we need LESS regulation! And any complaints are met with shouts of class warfare?

You and other middle class conservatives are men and women who have been sacrificed on the altar of economic darwinism for years, just like the rest of us. The powerful interests in this and other countries (otherwise known as the big economic winners) are going to continue to do what they've been doing for years. But for some reason that I can't fathom, you don't see it. Not only that, you're helping the forces that are undercutting your (our) futures. That's right. When they yell class warfare, I'll be damned if YOU don't yell class warfare too. You mock the OWS movement which just so happens to be fighting a fledgling rear guard action that's meant to try to stop the bleeding of your economic blood as well as theirs, but you don't even realize it.

A hundred years ago, the railroads economically screwed the American farmer because of their monopolistic power and political clout. Today, powerful wealthy men are stripping away the American dream because they place importance on record profits and not people, or communities...or countries.

And what are you doing? You're out there digging your own economic graves by supporting the very people who are going to sell us all down the river eventually.

It's a funny thing about betrayal. Most people don't see it until the damage is done. Sure wish you guys would wake up because there's still time to prevent it from happening. But not if they manage to keep us distracted by other issues, and hence, divided.

Without reading the rest of your drivel, I'll respond to this one statement of yours. With all the lip service that your democrats have promised the blacks over the last 50 years, why has very little changed for the majority of them?
Come on, Mustang....this is something both parties are guilty of, right down to the lobbyists from big corporations. Don't be so naive.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

I feel sorry for you and other conservatives.

The GOP leads your right to where they want you to go, then they abandon well as the rest of middle class Americans in favor of their wealthy contributors. And you seem oblivious to it.

Yeah, they get you all worked up about social issues like abortion, or gay rights, or the so-called decline of the culture. And you march to the polls with your outrage, and your fears.

Then, what happens when the GOP takes over the leadership of the country like under Reagan and Bush 43? Get any action on any of those things? Overwhelmingly not.

But you get deregulation by the bushel.

The family farmers and ranchers lose out to agribusiness.
Main street loses out to Walmart.
American jobs get shipped overseas or south of the border.
Wages get slashed.
Benefits get cut.
Job security is gone.
The tax rates of the wealthy are lowered again, and again.

And, of course, we get all kinds of fraud that never seems to get caught until the house of cards is already falling. I wonder how that happens.

Yup, the S&L scandal, Enron, Arthur Anderson, MCI/Worldcom, Qwest, Tyco International, Health South Corporation, Adelphia, Lehman Bros, Wall Street Banks, Rating agencies, AIG, Bernie Madoff, and a host of lesser known ones.

Yeah, individual investors, pension funds, employees, families, and of course, the taxpayers ALL take a bath.

But what do we hear now on the eve of another election? We hear talk about how we need LESS regulation! And any complaints are met with shouts of class warfare?

You and other middle class conservatives are men and women who have been sacrificed on the altar of economic darwinism for years, just like the rest of us. The powerful interests in this and other countries (otherwise known as the big economic winners) are going to continue to do what they've been doing for years. But for some reason that I can't fathom, you don't see it. Not only that, you're helping the forces that are undercutting your (our) futures. That's right. When they yell class warfare, I'll be damned if YOU don't yell class warfare too. You mock the OWS movement which just so happens to be fighting a fledgling rear guard action that's meant to try to stop the bleeding of your economic blood as well as theirs, but you don't even realize it.

A hundred years ago, the railroads economically screwed the American farmer because of their monopolistic power and political clout. Today, powerful wealthy men are stripping away the American dream because they place importance on record profits and not people, or communities...or countries.

And what are you doing? You're out there digging your own economic graves by supporting the very people who are going to sell us all down the river eventually.

It's a funny thing about betrayal. Most people don't see it until the damage is done. Sure wish you guys would wake up because there's still time to prevent it from happening. But not if they manage to keep us distracted by other issues, and hence, divided.

Without reading the rest of your drivel, I'll respond to this one statement of yours. With all the lip service that your democrats have promised the blacks over the last 50 years, why has very little changed for the majority of them?
Come on, Mustang....this is something both parties are guilty of, right down to the lobbyists from big corporations. Don't be so naive.

A lot has changed for black people over the last 50 years. A lot has changed for women, and gays, as well.

And the war on poverty was pretty successful in general considering just how many poor people used to live in areas with no running water, or electricity, or paved roads.

But the point that I was trying to make is about economics and the economic system under which we live. One thing that is absolutely true is that unfettered capitalism (like the kind that existed in the late 19th century) enriched some, while impoverishing many in the process.

Read about the abuses of the railroads, or how Andrew Carnegie operated, or the practices and vertical integration monopoly of Standard Oil.

We're headed in that general direction again in the sense that powerful interests (worldwide as opposed to national) are using gov't to help pave the way for further dominance at the expense of average citizens.
Looks like the Talking-Point Marching Orders have been sent and received. It's gonna be Class Warfare & Race-Baiting for the Democrats in 2012. The Party Platform has now been set. I know it's despicable, but you better get used to it. Because it's gonna get a whole lot worse the closer we get to November. So much for that President who was gonna unite the People. Pretty cool 'Hope & Change' huh?

I feel sorry for you and other conservatives.

The GOP leads your right to where they want you to go, then they abandon well as the rest of middle class Americans in favor of their wealthy contributors. And you seem oblivious to it.

Yeah, they get you all worked up about social issues like abortion, or gay rights, or the so-called decline of the culture. And you march to the polls with your outrage, and your fears.

Then, what happens when the GOP takes over the leadership of the country like under Reagan and Bush 43? Get any action on any of those things? Overwhelmingly not.

But you get deregulation by the bushel.

The family farmers and ranchers lose out to agribusiness.
Main street loses out to Walmart.
American jobs get shipped overseas or south of the border.
Wages get slashed.
Benefits get cut.
Job security is gone.
The tax rates of the wealthy are lowered again, and again.

And, of course, we get all kinds of fraud that never seems to get caught until the house of cards is already falling. I wonder how that happens.

Yup, the S&L scandal, Enron, Arthur Anderson, MCI/Worldcom, Qwest, Tyco International, Health South Corporation, Adelphia, Lehman Bros, Wall Street Banks, Rating agencies, AIG, Bernie Madoff, and a host of lesser known ones.

Yeah, individual investors, pension funds, employees, families, and of course, the taxpayers ALL take a bath.

But what do we hear now on the eve of another election? We hear talk about how we need LESS regulation! And any complaints are met with shouts of class warfare?

You and other middle class conservatives are men and women who have been sacrificed on the altar of economic darwinism for years, just like the rest of us. The powerful interests in this and other countries (otherwise known as the big economic winners) are going to continue to do what they've been doing for years. But for some reason that I can't fathom, you don't see it. Not only that, you're helping the forces that are undercutting your (our) futures. That's right. When they yell class warfare, I'll be damned if YOU don't yell class warfare too. You mock the OWS movement which just so happens to be fighting a fledgling rear guard action that's meant to try to stop the bleeding of your economic blood as well as theirs, but you don't even realize it.

A hundred years ago, the railroads economically screwed the American farmer because of their monopolistic power and political clout. Today, powerful wealthy men are stripping away the American dream because they place importance on record profits and not people, or communities...or countries.

And what are you doing? You're out there digging your own economic graves by supporting the very people who are going to sell us all down the river eventually.

It's a funny thing about betrayal. Most people don't see it until the damage is done. Sure wish you guys would wake up because there's still time to prevent it from happening. But not if they manage to keep us distracted by other issues, and hence, divided.

Yes it is ashame for sure, but the otherside is not always the answer either sadly enough (IMHO), because it has a whole different reasoning for it's class warfare , in which they do weild just as well as a weapon upon their opponents.. However the bomb is dropped for complete different reasons, as is being found on either side of the isle these days when being run brutally by them all also. Class warfare on the left, involves wildly some shady and immoral type characters, many differing groups, their issues and/or ideologies in which are to be found within their multi-culturalist and anti-American thinking found in some or many all depending, for which then skews badly afterwards the lines upon what it is to be a "United America" for all whom are American by way of such issues in which they bring/lean foward upon and/or not. Usually they are issues that always surround multi-culturalist type characters, the race card as being played, amongst other things that are involved in the strategies for class warfare to be used by these types. On this side of the isle (the left), it generally supports the sorts of things, that have been witnessed as their calling cards over the years for class warfare to be injected into elections as well, but it is usually about culture, ideologies, and race when they are using the class warfare bomb.

For the independents (the working middleclass men or women), whom usually don't put their dog in the fight most of the time, and this all due to being very busy working most of the time, they don't enter the frey until it all gets so far out of hand by both parties who are involved, in which is found in the games they all play, and for which causes next the working class to start suffering badly because of these idiotic games, that inturn causes them not to be rewarded anylonger for their hardworks, but are instead being dragged through the mud by class warfare being waged from or in and around either side of them, in which is affecting them badly because of either this greed or an over severe taxation, so just pick a "class warfare card" during any election we have now. This is when the independents wake up and get involved in the idiocy that is going on around them at that point.

Now wake up indeed everybody !

In contrast to the "left" in this country, the repubs (the right) uses the class warfare bomb mostly in respect to money & greed, this is when they usually are found using it on their side. They (the repubs) concern themselves mainly about who has it (money), who is going to get it, and who doesn't have it on their side & needs it, or who isn't going to get it on the side in which they oppose, and all by their choosing they do this when in power, and sometimes by way of the class warfare bomb being dropped, they are just as effective with it as well as the next group, guy or gal is with it.

Ok, so what we have here is two different types of class warfare run by each side, it just depends on what people think will be the least problematic to a society and/or their communities when all is said and done. :doubt:
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It's amazing how some of these threads just stop like they do... Weird...
Calling Out the Racists on the Left

August 15, 2012
by Tad Cronn


Liberals, on the other hand, have an endless supply of racist views they dip into on a regular basis with ease and without even apparently realizing they’re doing it. The not-so-subtle racism of the Democratic Party was a big part of the reason I left it decades ago.

Take MSNBC weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry complaining this past weekend about Paul Ryan’s statement about rights: “When they say ‘God and nature give us our rights, not government,’ that is a lovely thing to say as a wealthy white man.”

She thought she was making a point about how black slaves weren’t freed until the Civil War era, but she was showing her ignorance of the very philosophical outlook that eventually eliminated slavery and dismissing it as a “wealthy white” thing. Her viewpoint is doubly absurd because she’s saying God didn’t give black people rights, Lincoln did. Last I checked, Lincoln by the end of his career qualified as a wealthy white man.

Is she implying that blacks aren’t worthy of the same rights as whites? That God doesn’t care about blacks? Basically, she’ll say whatever ridiculous thing is necessary to oppose wealthy, white Paul Ryan and his notion of “rights from God,” because he’s not Obama, who believes the state is supreme and who, by the way, is black. Logic need not apply in the mind of a true racist.


Read more: Calling Out the Racists on the Left : Political Outcast
Calling Out the Racists on the Left

August 15, 2012
by Tad Cronn


Liberals, on the other hand, have an endless supply of racist views they dip into on a regular basis with ease and without even apparently realizing they’re doing it. The not-so-subtle racism of the Democratic Party was a big part of the reason I left it decades ago.

Take MSNBC weekend host Melissa Harris-Perry complaining this past weekend about Paul Ryan’s statement about rights: “When they say ‘God and nature give us our rights, not government,’ that is a lovely thing to say as a wealthy white man.”

She thought she was making a point about how black slaves weren’t freed until the Civil War era, but she was showing her ignorance of the very philosophical outlook that eventually eliminated slavery and dismissing it as a “wealthy white” thing. Her viewpoint is doubly absurd because she’s saying God didn’t give black people rights, Lincoln did. Last I checked, Lincoln by the end of his career qualified as a wealthy white man.

Is she implying that blacks aren’t worthy of the same rights as whites? That God doesn’t care about blacks? Basically, she’ll say whatever ridiculous thing is necessary to oppose wealthy, white Paul Ryan and his notion of “rights from God,” because he’s not Obama, who believes the state is supreme and who, by the way, is black. Logic need not apply in the mind of a true racist.


Read more: Calling Out the Racists on the Left : Political Outcast

Most African American Democrats are racist. And the dumb White Liberals, well they're dumb White Liberals. Nuff said.

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