Civil war erupts in Sweden as irate swedes burn nine muslim refugee centers to the ground


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Refugee centers in Sweden are being burned to the ground in what appears to be a statement against the significant number of refugees the country has allowed in. The multiple arsons have all been at facilities which house or are slated to house immigrants.
Civil War Erupts In Sweden as Irate Swedes Burn Nine Muslim Refugee Centers to the Ground -

Because people are getting sick of their leaders giving up the land to illegal fks running around raping women and children in off the chart numbers. ( all over the world)

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Whoah! In b4 they string up all the politicians! SRS Bidness!

Yeah and then add what happened to Tommy Robinson , people all over are going to start doing this because like mentioned they are sick of coming second or third.

The gay and trans bs is going to cause the same thing it's added to the rest of the world's bs Ugh society is falling apart those who can't see that live on another planet.
GOOD NEWS! Burn out all those religious savages and deport them to the shit hole so they can practice it!!!!
Whoah! In b4 they string up all the politicians! SRS Bidness!

Yeah and then add what happened to Tommy Robinson , people all over are going to start doing this because like mentioned they are sick of coming second or third.

The gay and trans bs is going to cause the same thing it's added to the rest of the world's bs Ugh society is falling apart those who can't see that live on another planet.

Christianity like islam has to hate on LBGT people. This is exactly why religious people are fucked up in the head. Such people don't do shit to you but you have to threaten to kill.
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Whoah! In b4 they string up all the politicians! SRS Bidness!

Yeah and then add what happened to Tommy Robinson , people all over are going to start doing this because like mentioned they are sick of coming second or third.

The gay and trans bs is going to cause the same thing it's added to the rest of the world's bs Ugh society is falling apart those who can't see that live on another planet.

Christianity like islam has to hate on LBGT people. This is exactly why religious people are fucked up in the head.

However, Christianity doesn't try to lop your head off for espousing views like you just did. There's just a teeny-weeny bit of difference between head-lopping and tolerating.
Such people don't do shit to you but you have to threaten to kill. What happen if non-religious and lbgt people stopped respecting your rights and started to want you to get the fuck out?
Islam is an offshoot of christianity. Do you understand this? Allah the Arabic name for god.

And by hating on LBGT people you're proving you're the same.
Such people don't do shit to you but you have to threaten to kill. What happen if non-religious and lbgt people stopped respecting your rights and started to want you to get the fuck out?
Then we have a glorious civil war. Gays make up about 4% of the population so it will be a real short war on that end. Don't assume wrongly. Not many will be willing to die for the gay and trans crowd.
Whoah! In b4 they string up all the politicians! SRS Bidness!

Yeah and then add what happened to Tommy Robinson , people all over are going to start doing this because like mentioned they are sick of coming second or third.

The gay and trans bs is going to cause the same thing it's added to the rest of the world's bs Ugh society is falling apart those who can't see that live on another planet.

Christianity like islam has to hate on LBGT people. This is exactly why religious people are fucked up in the head. Such people don't do shit to you but you have to threaten to kill.

Your dumber than you even know.
Such people don't do shit to you but you have to threaten to kill. What happen if non-religious and lbgt people stopped respecting your rights and started to want you to get the fuck out?

I'd be locked and loaded. Fuck them. For one thing, they're less than 4% of the population, they're not going to get to dictate what the majority does or doesn't do. Are you done trying to derail this thread or what? Go start your own LGBTQQTIOLNJNUINHUN thread if you want, and stop shitting up this one.
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Islam is an offshoot of christianity. Do you understand this? Allah the Arabic name for god.

And by hating on LBGT people you're proving you're the same.

Yeah so when a Muslim knows someone is gay they kill them lmfao you idiot.
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.
I dunno that's something idiots like you should be asking yourselves that questions. Since you all are the stupid asses who brought this on US included.

We told you stupid f-------s your that dumb " people who are awake didn't stand at the borders, or airports chasing " LET THEM IN , LET THEM in your stupid asses were.

We didn't ask schools to teach our kids to use dildos, and how to have sex at five years old , your kind did and has....

you -----------ers are sick in the head.
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How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.

Your "human rights" end where mine begin. You'd do well to keep that in mind.

Seriously? You just Godwined the thread at post 15 and I'm out of beer? :uhoh3:
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.

Your "human rights" end where mine begin. You'd do well to keep that in mind.

And oh lets guess, Jessica is all for Abortion imagine that, ( take the guns save the children) . lmfao
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.

Your "human rights" end where mine begin. You'd do well to keep that in mind.

Seriously? You just Godwined the thread at post 15 and I'm out of beer? :uhoh3:

I won't disrespect yours my friend. As an society all Americans must accept each other and work together. That is what I wish. Can it be done?
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.

Your "human rights" end where mine begin. You'd do well to keep that in mind.

Seriously? You just Godwined the thread at post 15 and I'm out of beer? :uhoh3:

I won't disrespect yours my friend. As an society all Americans must accept each other and work together. That is what I wish. Can it be done?

Will you not insult my intelligence? TIA.

Are you The Grey Goose?
How many innocent people must die before you stop being a fucking nazi and start respecting human rights. I say the same about the goddamn Muslims too to be fair.

Your "human rights" end where mine begin. You'd do well to keep that in mind.

Seriously? You just Godwined the thread at post 15 and I'm out of beer? :uhoh3:

I won't disrespect yours my friend. As an society all Americans must accept each other and work together. That is what I wish. Can it be done?

Will you not insult my intelligence? TIA.

Are you The Grey Goose?

How am I being disrespectful? I just ask for human rights for 15 million Americans. I don't think that is insulting your intelligence.

No I am not

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