CIA-Administration Showdown Finally Coming?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
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December 14, 2005

I MISSED BUSH'S SPEECH TODAY, as I was in a faculty hiring meeting this afternoon, but it gets a good review at RedState.

Here's the text of the speech. My only (perhaps overly hopeful) interpretation: Bush's comment about accepting responsibility for intelligence errors -- and for fixing the problem -- is not so much an apology as an announcement that he's going to do some housecleaning at the CIA. I certainly hope so, anyway.
posted at 07:02 PM by Glenn Reynolds
It needs to happen, and the "leakers" who happen to be ex-CIA need to be tracked down and publicly humiliated, if not imprisioned. They're absolutely out of control, our own "homeland" insurgency against the war effort.
at the CIA now. Launch an internal investigation and can the leakers. Clean up Foggy Bottom while at it. The State Department is a cesspool of leftie America haters that is ripe for overhaul. Given another Republican administration and we might begin to see the end of the Washington elites that NEVER leave.
I say we treat any CIA leakers like Democrats want us to treat whoever leaked that CIA desk-jockey's name. Whoever gave that Eastern Europe prison info to the press is a traitor. I wonder why Dems aren't all upset about that?

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