Chuck Schumer praises Gingrich Immigration Stance


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
And Romney's the RINO???


PICKET: Schumer and Bill Clinton plant kisses of death on Newt - Washington Times

"He’s clearly a smart guy, and look I give him some credit for not just blowing with the winds on an issue like immigration. That showed real courage and I think people are looking for courage and leadership," said Senator Schumer.

I wonder if we'll see another Gingrich flip flop on this one. He already claimed his idea wasn't amnesty, which is baloney...
why are ewe taking a dump over this? you've already said a million times we cannot deport 11 million illegals.. now? you think we should deport them? really?
why are ewe taking a dump over this? you've already said a million times we cannot deport 11 million illegals.. now? you think we should deport them? really?

So the Right is pro-amnesty now? That's the consensus on the Right? When did that happen?

when we were convinced it's impossible to deport 11 million people.. so when did you become for deporting 11 million people?
bitch all you want to.. we'll still vote for NEWt.. Anybody but obamie will dew.
why are ewe taking a dump over this? you've already said a million times we cannot deport 11 million illegals.. now? you think we should deport them? really?

So the Right is pro-amnesty now? That's the consensus on the Right? When did that happen?

when we were convinced it's impossible to deport 11 million people.. so when did you become for deporting 11 million people?

Who said I was? Liberals tend to agree with RINO's on various issues. That's what makes RINO's RINO's.
No one gives the first stinking damn what you liberals think.. Honestly, why do you libs always believe you're suppose to play a role in our nomination process? It's none of your biznez.. go back to worrying about Doofus Biden and Dumbo Barry screwing the economy up.
One of the few things I agree with Newt (and George W. Bush) on. Even Perry showed he had an heart in this capacity.

Listen, I'm telling you right now, Perry does NOT have a heart. He sold it years ago as a campaign fundraiser during his second first re-election bid. The only reason Perry panders to the Hispanic vote is because he knows that in Texas if the GOP loses the Hispanic vote, they'll lose the entire state.
Listen, I'm telling you right now, Perry does NOT have a heart. He sold it years ago as a campaign fundraiser during his second first re-election bid. The only reason Perry panders to the Hispanic vote is because he knows that in Texas if the GOP loses the Hispanic vote, they'll lose the entire state.
LOL...yeah. It would be a DAMN SHAME if a politician governed like he knew he was elected to represent ALL the people in their district, state or country.

I only want politicians that give the sweet deals to those they agree with and support them. Guess we should just keep Obummer. ;~0

Dude, that is politics in the REAL world. 37% of the population of Texas is Latino. A minority to be sure, but a minority that is more than twice the national average and nearly as high as either registered democrats or republicans nationally.

And THEY have a vote!

As to Chucky supporting has Bubba. Clinton came out saying it shows that at least he's thinking and not just saying what it takes to get elected. Of course, DOING THAT is how Bubba got elected in the first place. LOL

I suspect there will be more liberals singing Newt's praises. If you want to influence the republican nomination process...just color the nominee as a progressive and the ignorant WILL turn on them. I would think that support by Bubba and one of the most liberal members of congress would be a good way to do that to a republican front runner if I were trying to find ways to survive as a liberal political party in politics these days. You can bet that the orders for those guys to support Newt came STRAIGHT from thee White House!

As to the jackals yelping around the fringe. You need to cool your jets and LISTEN to the man...NOT the propaganda by those who have a vested interest in attacking him!

He is NOT for blanket amnesty. He wants to provide a way that LONG TERM illegals can be put back in the system to become citizens...NOT make them citizens. They will STILL have to go through the process!

He IS for returning the responsibility for immigration and deciding which of those long term illegals get deported or put into the immigration process back to the states through the use of LOCAL revue panels.

You can bet that he WILL publish a detailed plan before long. Go to his web site and get it from the horses mouth...NOT the ass that's following him!

By the way, 11 million...really!?

That is WAY shy. It's more likely between 28 and 32 million! Just depends on how the economy is doing, but it is WELL above 20 million and it's costing tax payers over a TRILLION dollars a year!
And Romney's the RINO???


PICKET: Schumer and Bill Clinton plant kisses of death on Newt - Washington Times

"He’s clearly a smart guy, and look I give him some credit for not just blowing with the winds on an issue like immigration. That showed real courage and I think people are looking for courage and leadership," said Senator Schumer.

I wonder if we'll see another Gingrich flip flop on this one. He already claimed his idea wasn't amnesty, which is baloney...

I love it.

"Kiss of death".

You know those two guys are like: "Oh look, Newt's back. We've got a little something for that asshole".
From what I understand....Obama did the math and realized he has been in the US for over 25 he has decided to support Gingrich.
No one gives the first stinking damn what you liberals think.. Honestly, why do you libs always believe you're suppose to play a role in our nomination process? It's none of your biznez.. go back to worrying about Doofus Biden and Dumbo Barry screwing the economy up.

You think only 25-30% of the population should be concerned with the next potential president?

Other than that, this is a political message board. We talk politics here. So put your "big girl" shorts on, wipe your chin, and stop your crying.

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