Chuck Schumer At NYC Restaurant Goes Off On Pres. Carter Official And His Wife For Voting For Trump

There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.
I live in Europe and it is a constant source of conversation along with how can Americans be so crazy to have created this situation. And yes, I travel a good deal.

With all due respect, the same conversations are going on in America today about how crazy Europeans have to be to create a situation like they are experiencing. You have, what, a million fresh immigrants in Germany, many for which you have little intelligence information on, the vast majority still unemployed and may never assimilate. You have literally tens of thousands of EU citizens going to Syria and other places to fight FOR ISIS, and then returning back to Europe. Is this not insane or what?
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.

Another example of
Attack! Deny! Divert!

There have been at least thirty reports on this incident to include Tweets with pictures of those who were present during this. Of course, to Leftists like you, even proof does not count.

So sad.
They live in an alternate reality
This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.

I am very curious as to why you would even bother to mention that Schumer is Jewish? Is that something that is important to you? Also your icon picture says much about you.

Are you a member of a white Neo Nazi group?
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.
I live in Europe and it is a constant source of conversation along with how can Americans be so crazy to have created this situation. And yes, I travel a good deal.

With all due respect, the same conversations are going on in America today about how crazy Europeans have to be to create a situation like they are experiencing. You have, what, a million fresh immigrants in Germany, many for which you have little intelligence information on, the vast majority still unemployed and may never assimilate. You have literally tens of thousands of EU citizens going to Syria and other places to fight FOR ISIS, and then returning back to Europe. Is this not insane or what?
We are not electing mentally unstable people, as evidenced by the Dutch election.
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.
I live in Europe and it is a constant source of conversation along with how can Americans be so crazy to have created this situation. And yes, I travel a good deal.
I work for/with several Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese) companies and they are sweating their asses off because they may have to start trading on "an equal playing field". It pleases me that we finally have some leadership that cares more for me, and other Americans, than they do for every piss-ant everywhere else on the planet. America first, only when we are great again will we have the resources to help others.
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.
I live in Europe and it is a constant source of conversation along with how can Americans be so crazy to have created this situation. And yes, I travel a good deal.

With all due respect, the same conversations are going on in America today about how crazy Europeans have to be to create a situation like they are experiencing. You have, what, a million fresh immigrants in Germany, many for which you have little intelligence information on, the vast majority still unemployed and may never assimilate. You have literally tens of thousands of EU citizens going to Syria and other places to fight FOR ISIS, and then returning back to Europe. Is this not insane or what?
Not insane, apparently they need the labor force. At least that's what they claim. I cannot see how a horde or terrorists dependent on public handouts will in any conceivable way contribute to the tax base.
This happened Sunday night. The untrustworthy Chuck Schumer, who's Jewish, proves once again that liberalism is a mental disease. He demonstrated a knee jerk reaction of what it is to be considered 'Triggered', or 'Unstable'. For more details, click the link.

being white trash Christian supremacist is a mental disease.

Schumer is Jewish....not Christian......but the mental disease part still applies.

Please try to keep up.
There you go again.. using discredited sources for your bullshit. In two years or less it will be worse for people to admit they voted for Trump then admit having a pedaphile in the family.

Already journalists and US citizens traveling abroad all get asked the same question when they see an American.
The question always centers on the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act.

I'm sure that makes you deplorables really proud.
It makes me sick to my stomach.
Cite sources that support your contention that Americans abroad are asked about "the president's sanity, mental health or if his bizarre behavior is an act". Do you travel abroad a great deal? Otherwise, STFU, your surmise is just so much rumor based on nothing.

Here are global polls prior to the election.
Since then, I'd guess Trump's numbers would drop significantly. Trump only wins in, (gasp) Russia!

International opinion polling for the United States presidential election, 2016 - Wikipedia

Because polls are so accurate I should be saying "Madame President" no?

You know, you Trumpsters like to claim that the polls were way off in Trump's election,but in real life, were they?

The national polls, were pretty close on the national level. Most, at the national level had Clinton ahead by a couple of percentage points. Clinton got 48.2% and Trump got 46.1%.
Many pollsters didn't do state by state. On the national level, the polls were pretty much on the money.
Secondly, you will notice that the world didn't think much of Trump. He gets killed by Clinton in damn near every country,by huge margins. Even the worse polls aren't that far out.
Also, if you think Trump is respected internationally, you are dead wrong. That is the real world. Do some research, it isn't hard. You think he's unpopular in the US, is far less popular worldwide. Check it out, I challenge you.

Ah Gallant's response is the ole', "I have absolutely no comeback, so I'll post the "Funny" icon". Lame.

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