Christmas Cards, Yea or Nay?


Platinum Member
Dec 11, 2014
How many of you people still mail out Christmas cards. We do but it is getting to be a PITA keeping track of people as they move around and such. At least when they die, you can scratch them off permanently. Mostly relatives. A few friends I don't keep in regular touch with but whom I still think fondly. My first boss, the people whose family foundation gave me my scholarship, a few people who helped me get a leg up professionally.

Anyway, about half through my list. Will do the rest tomorrow and get in the mail so once less thing to do.
My family and many of our friends stopped participating in Hallmark Christmas altogether once the kids grew up.
Actually, this is a custom that we maintain. We keep a printout of all our current addresses near the phone, and when we learn, during the year, of any changes, we mark it up. Then I edit the WORD file (mailing labels) around this time of year, print out a new one and get to the cards that we have selected. Some are religious, some humorous, and some secular Christmas stuff. We allocate the cards to the personalities.

There are a lot of people who have affected us over the years and we actually get together from time to time, but this ritual just lets them know that they are still in our thoughts. And of course, we include a little personal note in each, as well as make a few calls, as we are reminded that it has been too long since we spoke.

Although I'm something of a misanthrope I still think this is worthwhile. There are about 80 mailing labels.
Before my parents divorced, my mom sent them out, but that is all. I've never sent any out. I was almost 14 when their divorce became final.

God bless you and my mom always!!!


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