Christmas at Wal-Mart :)


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
So I went shopping for a few things yesterday. Talking about San Bernardino otw, we were somewhat disconcerted when we arrived seeing a police car posting behind the store waving traffic by it, then an ambulance and firetruck in front with other police cars around. Still dunno what that was all about but it was an eye-catcher to be sure.

Meandering through several aisles of Christmas stuff looking for the chocolate advent calendars I was after I finally went off in search of an employee to ask. This turned out to be just as hard as finding the calendars. :) Finding a ocuple together I asked them about it and neither had any earthly idea what I was talking about. Guess maybe it was just a small-time sorta thing. But going back to the 5 or so aisles to look I eventually found them. And surprisingly, they had some really cheap ones with a Santa-themed thing for $1.98 each. So getting 7 and being stoked about saving $35 or so I figured may as well get a stocking stuff too. Candy aisle did not disappoint. :) Ironically though I settled on a 10-piece box of chocolate covered cordials which are available year-round. 6 boxes of those (1 of the calendars intended for the manager in the rental office who never accepts the cookies on Fridays being I guess all helf=conscious or something.)

Getting home and bringing everything in I walked up tot eh office and dropped the calendar off. Manager was pretty stoked and grateful, though when I was taking trash out a few weeks ago coming up behind her doing the same and naturally offering to take her's out for her, she liked that more I think hehe.

Putting everything away noting it was about 330pm figured no one'd be home yet so had my fried chicken lunner (lunch-dinner.) Watched "The Santa Clause" bringing me up to about 5pm. Can see half the neighbors from my sofa which is very convenient :) And so watch for blinds open or lights on instead of walking what amounts to an eighth of a mile roundtrip. Though generous, at my core I'm very lazy. :)

Next-door neighbors got their's first, one who works on the maintenance staff was very pleased (one I Had the arguement with months back over his son throwing rocks at a Canadian goose in fact.) Mentioned the calendar being something I remember from my own childhood Christmasses, and the candy for their family stocking. Then my other neighbor, the new one and her mom and 3 sons. Apartment feels kinda small with just me so can't imagine 3 hyper young boys and one's mother living in it. So anything I can do :) Then grumbling about the long walk to come I meandered around to the rest. No one home. Walked for nothing. Grrr. :) Watched some more tv waiting and starting to rationalize putting it off until tomrrow when I"ll e doing it all over again dropping cookies. But the calendars proved the winner reasoning why lose an additional day because I was lazy. :)

Grabbing up all the remaining calendars and boxes of candy in the shoping bags I went back. Finalyl everyone's home from work or whereever. Neighbor straight across from me mentioned he remembers these calendars from his own childhood and was very excited to get one for his 3 kids. So guess they're not as rare as I was beginning to think. But I though at least half the people woulda had them already, but amazingly it seemed like something new to everyone but the one. So if you have neighbors and need an idea. :)
Delta looks like the kind of toothless jerk off you would see at WalMart, which is the reason that I never go to Walmart.

Hey, fuckhead: you don't have a job, do you?
Ignore the naysayers. Good to hear a slice of life now and then. The calendars you are talking about are the ones with the doors you open?

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