Christine O'Donnell criticized by former aides

If she went on a date with a Satanist and he had her up on some stupid satanic alter, and if that's what she meant by "dabbling" in witchcraft, then all she's guilty of is: (a) being young, (b) dating stupidly and (c) being stupid for having anything to do with a pissant piece of shit like that sanctimonious asshat Bill Maher.

the woman's a fucking moron. she makes palin look like a fullbright scholar. :lol:

Oh, like you never dated a Satanist. :razz:

To be blunt about it, O'Donnell's not my cup of tea. In fact, Gov. Palin isn't my cup of tea, either. In fact, except for the Tea Party, I don't even like tea. But, to be fair to her, Christine was pretty young at the time. :D

On the other hand, as weak a candidate as she may be, she's already better than that fucking RINO piece of shit she just ousted. And that's true even if she loses the race to Coons, the freaking liberal asshat the Democratics are running against her.
I say she is a WITCH

And needs to face the consequences

I realize someone probably already beat me to this, but...

[ame=]YouTube - She's a witch![/ame]

I still say O'Donnell is a WITCH

She turned me into a Newt!

You were already a newt.

So that's not a valid "test."

And that whole "She's a witch" claim is a transparent ploy. I know you guys just want to drown her.

Did any of you see the report that said that she has admitted to having masturbated? :eusa_whistle:

(This ought to get the liberoidal Democratics something to chew on -- so to speak.)
Nope we weren't. And that rhetoric was coming from the left. It always does. Revisionist history angle here? Sure why not? It's the only way you shitheads try to win...with emphasis on try.

Honesty and honor don't suit you...and never have.

Oh bullshit.

You guys were all to quick to toss out the label "coward" and "un-American" to anyone that didn't agree with your fucked up little corporate wars.

You don't remember the Dixie Chicks? Let me guess, that was different somehow, huh?

As for "shit-head", honesty, and your perspective of "honor", needless to say; after watching you fly off the handle and threaten people via the internet, I put no stock in your opinion whatsoever.


And you ARE un American...just look at what and whom you support as they tear this Republic asunder for some fucking guilt trip you guys are on...just look at whom you elected shall we?

Goes around the world apologizing on OUR BEHALF (?) in his first year...then spends the next year sending people to the unemployment line...buyin businesses that should have gone under and filed for bankruptcy...but he had to save his union PALS...

Un Constitutional Mandated healthcare...

And more to come...Shall I go on with the affront to liberty you support?

Talk to the fuckin' HAND loser. :eusa_hand:

Get a clue. We were correct.


And you ARE un American...

And you are a drunk whose opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

just look at what and whom you support as they tear this Republic asunder for some fucking guilt trip you guys are on...just look at whom you elected shall we?

Look who you elected. The man who got us into a war on false pretenses.

Goes around the world apologizing on OUR BEHALF (?) in his first year...then spends the next year sending people to the unemployment line...buyin businesses that should have gone under and filed for bankruptcy...but he had to save his union PALS...

Un Constitutional Mandated healthcare...

And more to come...Shall I go on with the affront to liberty you support?

Talk to the fuckin' HAND loser. :eusa_hand:

Get a clue. We were correct.

Which has nothing to do with O'Donnell's ignorance.

You wish.

And you ARE un American...

And you are a drunk whose opinion is completely irrelevant to me.

just look at what and whom you support as they tear this Republic asunder for some fucking guilt trip you guys are on...just look at whom you elected shall we?

Look who you elected. The man who got us into a war on false pretenses.

Goes around the world apologizing on OUR BEHALF (?) in his first year...then spends the next year sending people to the unemployment line...buyin businesses that should have gone under and filed for bankruptcy...but he had to save his union PALS...

Un Constitutional Mandated healthcare...

And more to come...Shall I go on with the affront to liberty you support?

Talk to the fuckin' HAND loser. :eusa_hand:

Get a clue. We were correct.

Which has nothing to do with O'Donnell's ignorance.

You wish.

As opposed to the man that is destroying this country under the false pretense of saving it.
As opposed to the man that is destroying this country under the false pretense of saving it.

Silly hyperbole. We can agree to disagree on Obama's motives.

Saying he is intentionally trying to destroy the country is as stupid as what the left wing cranks were saying about Bush.

I don't think Bush intended to deceive the American people and subsequently mis-manage the war for 8 years. I just think he was hopelessly inept.
I realize someone probably already beat me to this, but...

YouTube - She's a witch!

I still say O'Donnell is a WITCH

She turned me into a Newt!

You were already a newt.

So that's not a valid "test."

And that whole "She's a witch" claim is a transparent ploy. I know you guys just want to drown her.

Did any of you see the report that said that she has admitted to having masturbated? :eusa_whistle:

(This ought to get the liberoidal Democratics something to chew on -- so to speak.)

So you admit she is a masterbating witch

I wondered what the broomstick was for
No, 8537 (or whatever number you're using this week), NOT really.

What Christine said is, of course, technically inaccurate.

Ha! You've gotten no smarter in absence, I see.

Technically inaccurate? Lol..that's hilarious. Just a small technicality!

Naturally, we aren't really talking about "cross-breeding."

Well, YOU might not be talking about cross-breeding but the Republican Candidate from Delaware certainly was.
I still say O'Donnell is a WITCH

She turned me into a Newt!

You were already a newt.

So that's not a valid "test."

And that whole "She's a witch" claim is a transparent ploy. I know you guys just want to drown her.

Did any of you see the report that said that she has admitted to having masturbated? :eusa_whistle:

(This ought to get the liberoidal Democratics something to chew on -- so to speak.)

So you admit she is a masterbating witch

I wondered what the broomstick was for

I admitted no such thing. I said you guys CLAIM she's a witch as a ploy 'cause you (being fascist liberoidals to the core) all wanna burn her. I think you guys are afraid of vaginas.

And I also didn't say she masturbated. I asked if you read the "report" that made that claim.

Now, if the question of whether or not she might be one of Satan's tools ever comes up, you might have something to work on. We'll know the answer to that intriguing question if she defeats Coons -- and if you develop a third spiney tail.

By the way, broomsticks are used for sweeping out the debris -- like the asshat incumbent, Castle, whom she defeated with a little help from lots of very (justifiably) disgruntled Delaware residents.

Forget brooms. I wonder if Coons is now worried about the Tea Party? :cool:
No, 8537 (or whatever number you're using this week), NOT really.

What Christine said is, of course, technically inaccurate.

Ha! You've gotten no smarter in absence, I see.

Technically inaccurate? Lol..that's hilarious. Just a small technicality!

Naturally, we aren't really talking about "cross-breeding."

Well, YOU might not be talking about cross-breeding but the Republican Candidate from Delaware certainly was.

In your unlamented absence, you've gotten even dumber and more plodding in your banal use of cheap and unpersuasive rhetoric.

Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

When does a chimera stop being an animal and start becoming a person, suggesting that research should end?
Christine O'Donnell criticized by former aides - David Catanese -

Kristin Murray, who left her position in the state party to serve as one of several campaign managers for O’Donnell during that race, said warning bells went off in June 2008 when the two were discussing cell phone plans.

"She told me that she thought Joe Biden tapped her phone line," she said.

Moore, who first decided to volunteer for O'Donnell after hearing about her at a meeting of college Republicans, said that at one point, O'Donnell talked to him about winning a lucrative television contract with CNN or Fox News Channel.

"I informed her that most media organizations prohibit their employees from running for office. She didn't seem to understand and was more interested in getting a contract," he recalled. "She was more concerned about getting a TV deal than winning office."

When aides told O'Donnell it was a bad idea and that the cash-poor campaign should conserve its resources for more practical items like signs and bumper stickers, Moore recalled, "She didn't take too kindly to that."

"It was an irresponsible idea," said David Keegan, who served as O'Donnell's financial officer. “And half the people in the street thought she was throwing condoms out of the truck.”

Man, between her and Angle, the Tea Party sure know how to pick em. Plenty of more comments after the jump. :lol:

I thought I was reading things that happen with democrats. Do you have anything differant to offer that democrats have not done? If so please provide the source.
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Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

When does a chimera stop being an animal and start becoming a person, suggesting that research should end?

The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.
No, 8537 (or whatever number you're using this week), NOT really.

What Christine said is, of course, technically inaccurate.

Ha! You've gotten no smarter in absence, I see.

Technically inaccurate? Lol..that's hilarious. Just a small technicality!

Naturally, we aren't really talking about "cross-breeding."

Well, YOU might not be talking about cross-breeding but the Republican Candidate from Delaware certainly was.

In your unlamented absence, you've gotten even dumber and more plodding in your banal use of cheap and unpersuasive rhetoric.

Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

When does a chimera stop being an animal and start becoming a person, suggesting that research should end?
Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

When does a chimera stop being an animal and start becoming a person, suggesting that research should end?

The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

obama obama obama DNC DNC DNC DNC
You were already a newt.

So that's not a valid "test."

And that whole "She's a witch" claim is a transparent ploy. I know you guys just want to drown her.

Did any of you see the report that said that she has admitted to having masturbated? :eusa_whistle:

(This ought to get the liberoidal Democratics something to chew on -- so to speak.)

So you admit she is a masterbating witch

I wondered what the broomstick was for

I admitted no such thing. I said you guys CLAIM she's a witch as a ploy 'cause you (being fascist liberoidals to the core) all wanna burn her. I think you guys are afraid of vaginas.

And I also didn't say she masturbated. I asked if you read the "report" that made that claim.

Now, if the question of whether or not she might be one of Satan's tools ever comes up, you might have something to work on. We'll know the answer to that intriguing question if she defeats Coons -- and if you develop a third spiney tail.

By the way, broomsticks are used for sweeping out the debris -- like the asshat incumbent, Castle, whom she defeated with a little help from lots of very (justifiably) disgruntled Delaware residents.

Forget brooms. I wonder if Coons is now worried about the Tea Party? :cool:

Christine O'Donnell is a Witch and turned me into a newt


I got better
Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

obama obama obama DNC DNC DNC DNC

I guess Christine hates Jews as well.

O'DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is disrespect to whoever you're exaggerating or lying to, because it's not respecting reality.

MAHER: Quite the opposite, it can be respect.

COMEDIAN EDDIE IZZARD: What if someone comes to you in the middle of the Second World War and says, 'do you have any Jewish people in your house?' and you do have them. That would be a lie. That would be disrespectful to Hitler....

O'DONNELL: I believe if I were in that situation, God would provide a way to do the right thing righteously. I believe that!

MAHER: God is not there. Hitler's there and you're there.

O'DONNELL: You never have to practice deception. God always provides a way out.​
The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

obama obama obama DNC DNC DNC DNC

I guess Christine hates Jews as well.

O'DONNELL: A lie, whether it be a lie or an exaggeration, is disrespect to whoever you're exaggerating or lying to, because it's not respecting reality.

MAHER: Quite the opposite, it can be respect.

COMEDIAN EDDIE IZZARD: What if someone comes to you in the middle of the Second World War and says, 'do you have any Jewish people in your house?' and you do have them. That would be a lie. That would be disrespectful to Hitler....

O'DONNELL: I believe if I were in that situation, God would provide a way to do the right thing righteously. I believe that!

MAHER: God is not there. Hitler's there and you're there.

O'DONNELL: You never have to practice deception. God always provides a way out.​

When you bust someone for lying never forget to mention the president of the liars club obama.
Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

When does a chimera stop being an animal and start becoming a person, suggesting that research should end?

The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

Not at all, dickless. It does mean that she used the incorrect term. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying in all cases, you pathetic imbecile. You just used an incorrect term, too, ass-breath.
Christine used the term "cross-breeding" but that doesn't mean she was speaking with precision. And when vile little rodents (not counting you asshat liberoidal Democratics, of course) end up with human neurons in their brains, even though the terminology she employed is off the mark, the underlying concern is not off the mark at all. You are entitled to disagree with her, of course, about the actual underlying concern, but it appears Stanford U. doesn't:

The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

Not at all, dickless. It does mean that she used the incorrect term. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying in all cases, you pathetic imbecile. You just used an incorrect term, too, ass-breath.

She claimed that the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.
The point is she claimed the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

Not at all, dickless. It does mean that she used the incorrect term. Being wrong is not the same thing as lying in all cases, you pathetic imbecile. You just used an incorrect term, too, ass-breath.

She claimed that the experiment was performed, and it wasn't. That makes her a fucking liar.

She is not a fucking liar.....she is just fucking stupid

She has a nice smile though

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