Christians killed in Sabra Shatila b/c Palestinian-Arabs massacre of Christians

Much as I love history and appreciate that many posting here, must also?

History cannot really give any people a higher moral ground.

It really does not matter which people were there first, does it?

I mean it doesn't matter who was in anyplace else, first, so why should that land be any different?

Because let's face it, mankind and his tribes have been moving around quite a bit in the 40,000 years and no land that any of us can name still has the same people who originally settled there.

If one wants JUSTICE, then that must be decided today, based on conditions today.

What happened 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, or 10,000 years ago makes not a whit of difference and offers no people any MORAL right to anything.
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Never forget that it was the Yasser Arafat/PLO -- with the help from local Muslims that butchered Christian Maronites to the cries of Allah Akbar in Damour 1976, Which brought Christian reprisal in 1982 at Sabra Shatila. Especially by E. Hobeika whose fiancée was murdererd in Damour.

more at: Damour before Sabrah Shatilah, Sharon Completely Innocent


There is no justification for massacres of the type that occurred at Sabra and Shatila Refugee Camps, in 1982, and I find it extremely offensive that you seek to justify these killings here, in your OP, by other killings.

One massacre, in 1982, does not simply happen because prior massacres happened inside Lebanon, and but for Israelis letting the Phalange killers enter the camps, noone would have died at those refugee camps in 1982. The Isrealis lit the nighttime sky with flares to help their Phalange buddies massacre more efficiently, inside those camps they were guarding.

What is interesting is how Nazi like both the Phalange and Israeli Zionists were, both participants in those 1982 massacres, that is certainly a matter Robert Fisk has written about.

Are you human?

Is there even a trace of humanity in you?

And how anyone can rely on that propaganda you link to is something to think about, as well. I might as well go and buy a piece of fiction like The Protocols Of Zion and pretend it is nonfiction and all 100% true.

I'm out most of the day. Sore loser.
Many times when you are not around, we see you giving kudos to other posters that you like. Or is that your ghost? For all we know, you run around to several message boards. And what in the world does "being out" have to do with you copying the words of others? Are you going to start entertaining us after you run home from the Fridfay sermon at the mosque tomorrow and then continue on through the entire weekend without even hanging out with your peers who go to the same mosque?

I skip home :lol::lol::lol:
Thanks for telling us that you act like a little girl. I wonder if you play with dolls also.
Many times when you are not around, we see you giving kudos to other posters that you like. Or is that your ghost? For all we know, you run around to several message boards. And what in the world does "being out" have to do with you copying the words of others? Are you going to start entertaining us after you run home from the Fridfay sermon at the mosque tomorrow and then continue on through the entire weekend without even hanging out with your peers who go to the same mosque?

I skip home :lol::lol::lol:
Thanks for telling us that you act like a little girl. I wonder if you play with dolls also.

I play with super heroes :lol::lol::lol:
I play with super heroes :lol::lol::lol:
You can admit that you have a collection of Barbie and Ken dolls. We wouldn't hold it against you. BTW, what superheroes? Mermaid man and Barnacle Boy?

Ha Ha Ha! Hossfly plays with mermaid dolls. :lol::lol::lol:. I got under your skin and you let it out
One thing we know is that when you play with your Barbie dolls, they are never ever partying since you think partying is a sin. Actually I probably get under your skin, but that's OK. It's fun to see you squirm and then make excuses by saying you get under other poster's skin when the other posters realize you are just a pipsqueak of a kid. It's the typical Arab bravado that you display, only in a childish form. Now go put a new dress on Barbie. Or maybe you make burkas for her.

Hoss doll

Hoss doll
I would say that more American children would rather play with the Hoss Cartwright doll since he would represent the American Way than the Mohammed Bear doll that you play with, Yusef Mohammed.
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You can admit that you have a collection of Barbie and Ken dolls. We wouldn't hold it against you. BTW, what superheroes? Mermaid man and Barnacle Boy?

Ha Ha Ha! Hossfly plays with mermaid dolls. :lol::lol::lol:. I got under your skin and you let it out

no, I don;t see any evidence of you getting under his skin.

Nice deflection though. :clap2:

Palestinian loser hahahhahhaaha !!!!!!
god you schmux are childish and stoopid

evidence of true pan semitic arrested development here!

playin with burka or kippa or top hat and curls clad dolls would be more grown up than all of you, bikoz included ...

and less abusive, too

so go for the dolls, kiddies
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So what did ( the real Islamic - fake "Jew") kvetch answer re: notion... Barbie Dolls as being "Jewish" by Arabia?
[ame=]Palestinian and PLO crimes in Lebanon the Damour massacre[/ame]
The PLO would have never come into existence (or Lebanon) if one third of the population of Mandate Palestine had not inflicted a Jewish State upon ALL Palestinians in 1948.

There would be no Hamas, or Hezbollah, or PFLP, or Islamic Jihad,...
Granny says, "Dat's right - he gonnacome outta dat coma an' kick some Hezbollah butt...
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'
27 January 2013 - Ariel Sharon is admired by many Israelis as a great military leader, but reviled by Palestinians
Ariel Sharon, the former Israeli prime minister who has been in a coma for seven years, has shown significant signs of brain activity, doctors say. A team of Israeli and American scientists say new tests showed he responded to external stimuli. The activity increased when he was being shown pictures of his family and played a recording of his son's voice. The 84-year-old has been in a coma since 2006, when he suffered a massive stroke. Since then, he has been in a vegetative state, connected to a respirator.

'Encouraging signs'

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations." While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging". Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed". Mr Sharon was a storied military officer who fought in three wars before entering politics. He was admired by many Israelis as a great military leader, but reviled by Palestinians.

He was elected prime minister in 2001, pledging to achieve "security and true peace", and served until his stroke in 2006. In 2005, he unilaterally withdrew Israeli troops and settlers from Gaza. Mr Sharon was a keen promoter of the expansion of the building and expansion of settlements in the occupied territories. He also initiated the construction of the separation barrier along the border and inside the West Bank. But late in his career, despite fierce opposition in Israel, he ordered Jewish settlers to leave Gaza and four settlements in the West Bank. As defence minister, Mr Sharon masterminded Israel's invasion of Lebanon in 1982. During the invasion, Lebanese Christian militiamen allied to Israel massacred hundreds of Palestinians in two refugee camps under Israeli control.

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

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