Christianity and Islam the Same? Wha...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
How jejune must be the argument of those who equate harsh and violent aspects of the Old and New Testaments to those of the Q’ran, and use this thin level of scholarship to imply, state, document how Islam is no different than any other religion.
To state otherwise, they assert, is no more than
1. ignorance
2. hate
3. ‘Islamophobia.’
When one examines the above, it becomes clear that the usual liberal motive of hiding their mean-spiritedness, combined with claims of being a more righteous individual is at work.

The catalyst for this type of argument is diaphanous: one must champion this view or face the possibility of being drummed out of the lemming-liberal crowd. After all, this corrupt position reinforces so many of the Left-wing touchstones:
1. Americans are too dumb to be allowed to form opinions; events are not what they seem.
2. America is always in the wrong.
3. Any offenses against America must be based on something this country did wrong.
4. Always hate Judeo-Christian religion, and western culture.

Of course any religion can take on evil and offensive aspects. It depends on which attitudes of the founding documents are emphasized. The Q’ran has all sorts of postures, and the same syncretism is reflected in the Old and New Testaments, as well.

Foolish it is to make the argument that followers of the Bible are as likely to emphasize the violent, inhuman aspects as are the adherents of the Q’ran. To make that argument is akin to “who are you gonna believe, me or your lyin’ eyes.”

1. At this moment in time, there is only one major religion in which it is not uncommon for religious services to be followed by murder and mayhem.
2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a valid generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.
3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

History and individual experience has shown that human nature is malleable, and this discord will pass- but not if we acquiesce to evil behaviors.
..............The catalyst for this type of argument is diaphanous: one must champion this view or face the possibility of being drummed out of the lemming-liberal crowd. ..............
4. Always hate Judeo-Christian religion, and western culture.................

Since roughly 85% of the American people subscribe to some Christian denomination who is doing the drumming, and who is getting drummed out?

Take out the atheists, who really don't give a damn, and who do you have left?
..............The catalyst for this type of argument is diaphanous: one must champion this view or face the possibility of being drummed out of the lemming-liberal crowd. ..............
4. Always hate Judeo-Christian religion, and western culture.................

Since roughly 85% of the American people subscribe to some Christian denomination who is doing the drumming, and who is getting drummed out?

Take out the atheists, who really don't give a damn, and who do you have left?

Are you suggesting that being a Christian and a liberal is mutually exclusive?

Or that that there is not a broad spectrum for each?
2. While all Muslims are not terrorists, a valid generalization is that all terrorists are Muslims.
3. Huge numbers of Muslims support terrorism and violence.

How "jejune."

( – A new survey gauging Muslim attitudes indicates that backing for suicide bombings against civilians, while generally down from earlier years, remains significant in some Islamic countries – challenging the assertion that Muslims supporting terrorism constitute a “tiny minority.”
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims |
( – A new survey gauging Muslim attitudes indicates that backing for suicide bombings against civilians, while generally down from earlier years, remains significant in some Islamic countries – challenging the assertion that Muslims supporting terrorism constitute a “tiny minority.”
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims |

I'd like to see the Pew study if you don't mind. My main issue with your post is your suggestion that any violence supported by Muslims or committed in the name of Islam is automatically bad. The "all terrorists" argument, of course, is also laughably inaccurate.
( – A new survey gauging Muslim attitudes indicates that backing for suicide bombings against civilians, while generally down from earlier years, remains significant in some Islamic countries – challenging the assertion that Muslims supporting terrorism constitute a “tiny minority.”
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims |

I'd like to see the Pew study if you don't mind. My main issue with your post is your suggestion that any violence supported by Muslims or committed in the name of Islam is automatically bad. The "all terrorists" argument, of course, is also laughably inaccurate.

So which muslim terrorism is good in your eyes?
Islam is NOT the same as every other religion and I really don't know many thinking people silly enough to say it is.

Neither is Christianity, Judaeism, Shinto, Buddhism and so forth, the same as every other religion.

You started out with your straw man argument and then bravely set out to beat it up.

Guess what?

You won.
( – A new survey gauging Muslim attitudes indicates that backing for suicide bombings against civilians, while generally down from earlier years, remains significant in some Islamic countries – challenging the assertion that Muslims supporting terrorism constitute a “tiny minority.”
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims |

I'd like to see the Pew study if you don't mind. My main issue with your post is your suggestion that any violence supported by Muslims or committed in the name of Islam is automatically bad. The "all terrorists" argument, of course, is also laughably inaccurate.

So which muslim terrorism is good in your eyes?

You'll have to define "terrorism" for me.
When is murdering innocent people "good" Kalam?

Me: "...any violence..."
You: "...murdering innocent people..."


Want to try again?

Ok. I'll try again. When is "violence" good? I believe the definition in the Muslim world is quite similar to the one here in America. Killing, maiming, raping, blowing shit up...

When it is used as a means of opposing tyranny that cannot be confronted through political or other non-violent channels. It does not include rape.
Me: "...any violence..."
You: "...murdering innocent people..."


Want to try again?

Ok. I'll try again. When is "violence" good? I believe the definition in the Muslim world is quite similar to the one here in America. Killing, maiming, raping, blowing shit up...

When it is used as a means of opposing tyranny that cannot be confronted through political or other non-violent channels. It does not include rape.

So why can't you get convicted of rape in islam if the woman doesn't have 4 witnesses to the rape? And killing kafirs is always encouraged.
Me: "...any violence..."
You: "...murdering innocent people..."


Want to try again?

Ok. I'll try again. When is "violence" good? I believe the definition in the Muslim world is quite similar to the one here in America. Killing, maiming, raping, blowing shit up...

When it is used as a means of opposing tyranny that cannot be confronted through political or other non-violent channels. It does not include rape.

Opposing tyranny? Example please. Were the 9/11 terrorists opposing tyranny? Were the 7/7 bombers in England opposing tyranny? How about Spain, Bali, Mumbai? Were they examples of "Good violence"?
Ok. I'll try again. When is "violence" good? I believe the definition in the Muslim world is quite similar to the one here in America. Killing, maiming, raping, blowing shit up...

When it is used as a means of opposing tyranny that cannot be confronted through political or other non-violent channels. It does not include rape.

Opposing tyranny? Example please. Were the 9/11 terrorists opposing tyranny? Were the 7/7 bombers in England opposing tyranny? How about Spain, Bali, Mumbai? Were they examples of "Good violence"?

Chechnya, Xinjiang, Palestine.

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