Christian Hypocrisy From the Religious Right

Screaming Eagle is nothing but an evangelical hysterical boner.

The women of America, Hispanics of America, youth of America, the numbers of America -- have turned their back on you. You no longer have the numbers, and you will never get them back.

If you could not beat the weakened president in history in this era, you can never win against a stronger one.

It's over for the conservative christian evangelicals. Good riddance.

i'm not an evangelical....but the evangelical message of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage is also the same belief of other true Christians....both Catholics and Protestants...

the Dems may have won this race due to racial bias and ethnicity....not to mention the in-the-tank lying media and probably alot of voter fraud.....but contrary to what you may hope it's not "over"....

many of the women and Hispanics and Blacks and youth of America are also Christians....but Christians just blinded and bamboozled for now by liberal lies.....
Screaming Eagle is nothing but an evangelical hysterical boner.

The women of America, Hispanics of America, youth of America, the numbers of America -- have turned their back on you. You no longer have the numbers, and you will never get them back.

If you could not beat the weakened president in history in this era, you can never win against a stronger one.

It's over for the conservative christian evangelicals. Good riddance.

i'm not an evangelical....but the evangelical message of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage is also the same belief of other true Christians....both Catholics and Protestants...

the Dems may have won this race due to racial bias and ethnicity....not to mention the in-the-tank lying media and probably alot of voter fraud.....but contrary to what you may hope it's not "over"....


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Other Christians do not accept evangelical nonsense about absolutely no abortion, no nonrecognition of gay humanity and its needs, no rejection of illegal immigrants. If you try the hate thing again, you will get boarded with it again. That's fail for you.

Yes, it's over. No fraud and evangelical delusions mean that the GOP will change dramatically over the next four years.

Screaming Eagle is nothing but an evangelical hysterical boner.

The women of America, Hispanics of America, youth of America, the numbers of America -- have turned their back on you. You no longer have the numbers, and you will never get them back.

If you could not beat the weakened president in history in this era, you can never win against a stronger one.

It's over for the conservative christian evangelicals. Good riddance.

i'm not an evangelical....but the evangelical message of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage is also the same belief of other true Christians....both Catholics and Protestants...

the Dems may have won this race due to racial bias and ethnicity....not to mention the in-the-tank lying media and probably alot of voter fraud.....but contrary to what you may hope it's not "over"....

many of the women and Hispanics and Blacks and youth of America are also Christians....but Christians just blinded and bamboozled for now by liberal lies.....
Other Christians do not accept evangelical nonsense about absolutely no abortion, no nonrecognition of gay humanity and its needs, no rejection of illegal immigrants. If you try the hate thing again, you will get boarded with it again. That's fail for you.

Yes, it's over. No fraud and evangelical delusions mean that the GOP will change dramatically over the next four years.

Screaming Eagle is nothing but an evangelical hysterical boner.

The women of America, Hispanics of America, youth of America, the numbers of America -- have turned their back on you. You no longer have the numbers, and you will never get them back.

If you could not beat the weakened president in history in this era, you can never win against a stronger one.

It's over for the conservative christian evangelicals. Good riddance.

i'm not an evangelical....but the evangelical message of anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage is also the same belief of other true Christians....both Catholics and Protestants...

the Dems may have won this race due to racial bias and ethnicity....not to mention the in-the-tank lying media and probably alot of voter fraud.....but contrary to what you may hope it's not "over"....

many of the women and Hispanics and Blacks and youth of America are also Christians....but Christians just blinded and bamboozled for now by liberal lies.....

So you're gay and you don't like that they don't think Steve stick his cock in your ass?
Roo is delusional like many non-Christian evangelicals. Understand, silly Roo, the evangelicals have lost their punch against the weakest president in the history of our country up for re-election. Your sick-minded unChristian evangelicals could not beat Obama when he was weak. We certainly cannot afford you when our Democratic opponent is strong. Your time is over. Take your boyfriend with you.
Roo is delusional like many non-Christian evangelicals. Understand, silly Roo, the evangelicals have lost their punch against the weakest president in the history of our country up for re-election. Your sick-minded unChristian evangelicals could not beat Obama when he was weak. We certainly cannot afford you when our Democratic opponent is strong. Your time is over. Take your boyfriend with you.

Methinks you doth protest too much, embrace your homosexuality...none of us really care what you do with your boyfriends.
I know that I, and the great majority of the Republican leadership, are correct that we need women, hispanics, and other Americans more now than we did evangelicals.

Latent gays like you lash out at others with accusations, and the rest of us laugh at you, Roo.
I know that I, and the great majority of the Republican leadership, are correct that we need women, hispanics, and other Americans more now than we did evangelicals.

Latent gays like you lash out at others with accusations, and the rest of us laugh at you, Roo.

Now you are just protecting Jake, its ok....wait..are you on the down low???

Damn it, I'm sorry Jake....I hope your people don't find out.
Roo, you are uncapable of unmanning up. :lol: Your projections onto me of your latent homosexuality is quite normal for evangelical unmanly types like you. You surely don't want your parishoners to find out, do you? :lol:

But to the OP, your evangelical hypocrisy is causing the GOP to lose elections. The GOP needs women, Hispanics, and minorities are far more than white christian males, who simply don't count in the political equation anymore. Tis what tis.

I know that I, and the great majority of the Republican leadership, are correct that we need women, hispanics, and other Americans more now than we did evangelicals.

Latent gays like you lash out at others with accusations, and the rest of us laugh at you, Roo.

Now you are just protecting Jake, its ok....wait..are you on the down low???

Damn it, I'm sorry Jake....I hope your people don't find out.
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I read to this point and then said, bullshit:

Those on the religious right want to defund programs such as Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, healthcare, etc. What I want to know is: why aren't these so called people of God offering their homes to the homeless, food to the hungry, a coat to someone who is poor and cold?

When I got to that point, it became evident that Leslie Marshall has her head up her rear end. I am a conservative. I like many of those I know who are generally conservative some of whom would be considered "religious right" do not want these programs defunded. We want them improved. We want to see the retired benefit from a Social Security program and if they don't live long enough to benefit from it, we want their families to be provided for from those funds. We don't want Wefare, Medicare or food stamps defunded, we want the programs to be a helping hand not a hand out. It can't be a "helping hand" if is defunded, now can it?

Health care? the current political discussion is not about "health care" but rather health insurance and there is a difference. Many of us do have a problem with Obamacare but not because we don't want to see the poor provided health care. Rather we firmly believe that the government cannot afford Obamacare and neither can the poor or middle class for that matter. We also believe that the government is going to F' this up just like it does everything else and make things much worse. We are not opposed to providing health care (as opposed to health insurance) to the poor.

Leslie Marshall has proven herself not only an idiot but also a religious bigot with this article.

They are quick to run, jump and skip to "defend" the unborn and squeel about life and killing innocents and yet they don't want a red dime spent on feeding a poor, disenfranchised child. They are quick to run and support death penalty, they are quicker to run and support a war...any war, just point them in the direction of a war and they will swear that they are ready and willing to run in naked into it to defend their God-given country.

This article encapsulates their hypocrisy perfectly...

Christian Hypocrisy From the Religious Right - Leslie Marshall (

Will the religious, self-proclaimed Christian right EVER stop their hypocrisy? Why don't you self-proclaimed Conservatives on USMB speak out against such blatantly hypocrisy on your side?

Meanwhile the President lies about Congress openly foments anarchy and rebellion in the streets, all the while supported by people like this poster.

which anarchy and rebellion do you speak of, the Obama bin ladens of the 80's? remember he was supported by the Regan admin. and the republicans. should we takl about how bush lied to congress and the american people as well?
I read to this point and then said, bullshit:

Those on the religious right want to defund programs such as Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, healthcare, etc. What I want to know is: why aren't these so called people of God offering their homes to the homeless, food to the hungry, a coat to someone who is poor and cold?

When I got to that point, it became evident that Leslie Marshall has her head up her rear end. I am a conservative. I like many of those I know who are generally conservative some of whom would be considered "religious right" do not want these programs defunded. We want them improved. We want to see the retired benefit from a Social Security program and if they don't live long enough to benefit from it, we want their families to be provided for from those funds. We don't want Wefare, Medicare or food stamps defunded, we want the programs to be a helping hand not a hand out. It can't be a "helping hand" if is defunded, now can it?

Health care? the current political discussion is not about "health care" but rather health insurance and there is a difference. Many of us do have a problem with Obamacare but not because we don't want to see the poor provided health care. Rather we firmly believe that the government cannot afford Obamacare and neither can the poor or middle class for that matter. We also believe that the government is going to F' this up just like it does everything else and make things much worse. We are not opposed to providing health care (as opposed to health insurance) to the poor.

Leslie Marshall has proven herself not only an idiot but also a religious bigot with this article.


do we need to start rolling our what the republicans in congress have said? since they are the ones who represent conseritive america? Also about the healthcare, your are wrong on ever level, I will also copy and paste from another post on the healthcare subject now.

BTW public schools, PBS, calling people moochers, only to name a few things the republicans want defunded,I can keep going on if you want.
I read to this point and then said, bullshit:

Those on the religious right want to defund programs such as Social Security, Medicare, welfare, food stamps, healthcare, etc. What I want to know is: why aren't these so called people of God offering their homes to the homeless, food to the hungry, a coat to someone who is poor and cold?

When I got to that point, it became evident that Leslie Marshall has her head up her rear end. I am a conservative. I like many of those I know who are generally conservative some of whom would be considered "religious right" do not want these programs defunded. We want them improved. We want to see the retired benefit from a Social Security program and if they don't live long enough to benefit from it, we want their families to be provided for from those funds. We don't want Wefare, Medicare or food stamps defunded, we want the programs to be a helping hand not a hand out. It can't be a "helping hand" if is defunded, now can it?

Health care? the current political discussion is not about "health care" but rather health insurance and there is a difference. Many of us do have a problem with Obamacare but not because we don't want to see the poor provided health care. Rather we firmly believe that the government cannot afford Obamacare and neither can the poor or middle class for that matter. We also believe that the government is going to F' this up just like it does everything else and make things much worse. We are not opposed to providing health care (as opposed to health insurance) to the poor.

Leslie Marshall has proven herself not only an idiot but also a religious bigot with this article.


do we need to start rolling our what the republicans in congress have said? since they are the ones who represent conseritive america? Also about the healthcare, your are wrong on ever level, I will also copy and paste from another post on the healthcare subject now.

BTW public schools, PBS, calling people moochers, only to name a few things the republicans want defunded,I can keep going on if you want.

Republicans in Congress are Democrats in white linen. What is your point? They sure as hell do not represent me or anyone I know of that might be considered conservative; fiscally or socially.

I had to read your poor English three or four times to figure out what you said about health care. I am not wrong on any level. The fact is you don't know what the hell you are talking about and you sure as hell can't type it in coherent English sentences.

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Immanuel, you are generally incorrect as to what our Congressional far right and "libertarian" Republicans want.

They do not give a crap about the poor, they punish the working classes fiscally, and they wish the health insurance companies to be generally deregulated as much as possible.

I voted Romney because I support my party. But we will continue losing national elections if we do not reach out to the working classes, the poor, women, and Hispanics on the issues as they see them.

The demographics no longer favor us, and unless all of Scandinavia emigrates to America, the demographics will not favor a party focused on the white male. Yes, we have women and some minorities, but not enough to impact the ultra conservative white male flavor of our party.

We have to change.
Immanuel, you are generally incorrect as to what our Congressional far right and "libertarian" Republicans want.

They do not give a crap about the poor, they punish the working classes fiscally, and they wish the health insurance companies to be generally deregulated as much as possible.

I voted Romney because I support my party. But we will continue losing national elections if we do not reach out to the working classes, the poor, women, and Hispanics on the issues as they see them.

The demographics no longer favor us, and unless all of Scandinavia emigrates to America, the demographics will not favor a party focused on the white male. Yes, we have women and some minorities, but not enough to impact the ultra conservative white male flavor of our party.

We have to change.

"Us"? Don't include me in that. I am not a Republican. They are just like Democrats when it comes to not caring about the poor, punishing the working class and being owned and controlled by the corporate powers.

You deserve to lose as long as you continue to spit upon the American people and nominate people like Mitt Romney who is a Democrat in white linen... his being white magical undergarments. :D

They are quick to run, jump and skip to "defend" the unborn and squeel about life and killing innocents and yet they don't want a red dime spent on feeding a poor, disenfranchised child. They are quick to run and support death penalty, they are quicker to run and support a war...any war, just point them in the direction of a war and they will swear that they are ready and willing to run in naked into it to defend their God-given country.

This article encapsulates their hypocrisy perfectly...

Christian Hypocrisy From the Religious Right - Leslie Marshall (

Will the religious, self-proclaimed Christian right EVER stop their hypocrisy? Why don't you self-proclaimed Conservatives on USMB speak out against such blatantly hypocrisy on your side?

What we "speak out" is the totally 100% EXAGGERATED,HYPERBOLIC and STUPID statements like:
1) "yet they don't want a red dime spent on feeding a poor, disenfranchised child" THAT's A FU>>KING LIE!!! YOU dumb f...K!
As the nation’s leading domestic hunger-relief charity, our food bank network members supply food to more than 37 million Americans each year, including 14 million children and 3 million seniors. Feeding America benefits from the unique relationship between our 202 local member food banks at the front lines of hunger relief and the central efforts of our national office.
How we Fight Hunger| Feeding America

NOW let's look at that number again.. 37 million Americans fed by this ONE organization!! WHAT????

How many people get food stamps:
Those receiving benefits through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program numbered 46.37 million,

So NOT only are these 37 million people get food bank BUT they also get SNAP????

Well I guess that takes care of lunch and dinner..

Students in families with incomes up to 130 percent of the poverty level — or $29,055 for a family of four — are eligible for free school meals. Children in a four-member household with income up to $41,348 qualify for a subsidized lunch priced at 40 cents.

The number of students receiving subsidized lunches rose to 21 million last school year 2010 from 18 million in 2006-7.[TnoEsi,1]

Sounds like a lot of people are getting FREE FOOD!!!

So where does YOU assh...wipe come off complaining about "yet they don't want a red dime spent on feeding a poor, disenfranchised child""
WHERE IS YOUR f...king Proof! Idiot!

NOW let's talk about a TRUE "hypocrisy perfectly..."

Obama's flesh and blood lives in $12 a year hut and this dick has the hyponuts to say "I'm my brother's keeper"!!!!
GEEZ talk about HYPOCRISY!!!
paulitician has trouble that the southern evangelical social values group, with all of its hypocrisy, is losing its control of the GOP platform planks on their issues.

He is what he is, and has ears that do not hear and eyes that do not see.

The party will be better off with this group gone.

Like i said, you sound like someone who doesn't really know any Christians. You're basing your opinions on wingnut propaganda. I attend Church often, and i've never met those "Christian Monsters." They're good people who contribute quite a bit to their Community. So i see no reason to single out Christians for criticism. From what i've read from you and this OP, i can only see ignorance & bigotry being expressed. And those are the very things you accuse your 'Christian Boogeymen' of. You two need to seriously take a good hard look in the mirror.

Jake singled out evangelicals. Evangelicals ARE NOT AND NEVER WERE christians. I have several relatives and ancestors that are/were ordained ministers, in several different valid establishment sects, mainly presbyterian and methodist.
The evangelicals often have little training in an established seminary, none of their leaders are theologins. Those that claim to be are straight up lying, or they got their degree at a shady non-accredited school.

Theirs are cult religions. They should under no circumstances be given a voice in the context of christianity.
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They are quick to run, jump and skip to "defend" the unborn and squeel about life and killing innocents and yet they don't want a red dime spent on feeding a poor, disenfranchised child. They are quick to run and support death penalty, they are quicker to run and support a war...any war, just point them in the direction of a war and they will swear that they are ready and willing to run in naked into it to defend their God-given country.

This article encapsulates their hypocrisy perfectly...

Christian Hypocrisy From the Religious Right - Leslie Marshall (

Will the religious, self-proclaimed Christian right EVER stop their hypocrisy? Why don't you self-proclaimed Conservatives on USMB speak out against such blatantly hypocrisy on your side?
Which one of the major religions doesn't have inherent hypocrisy?

Feel free to create a thread about the "inherent hypocrisy" of all the major religions if you will. However, THIS thread is referring to the BLATANT and RAMPANT hypocrisy of the Religious Right.

what about the blatent hypocrisy witjhin the liberal tolerant left?
Which one of the major religions doesn't have inherent hypocrisy?

Feel free to create a thread about the "inherent hypocrisy" of all the major religions if you will. However, THIS thread is referring to the BLATANT and RAMPANT hypocrisy of the Religious Right.

what about the blatent hypocrisy witjhin the liberal tolerant left?

AND we'll NEVERY know if his elections WERE Because of WHITE idiots who equated their own racist attitude by voting for Obama!

Here is why they ARE racists.

Anyone who as I did studied LONG before Obama's primary campaign in Iowa that Obama said in his autobiography..

"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

Regardless of color ANYONE that uses TRICKS,TACTICS to advance rather then PRINCIPLES is obviously
1) NOT qualified in his own mind because HE HAD TO resort to tricks, tactics to satisfy voters!
2) WAS NOT qualified experience wise or WHY else did he have to resort to making RACE after all he was the FIRST one to mention when he said.

They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black?"
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet

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