Christian Entitlement, An ugly problem as we see exibited in Indiana

"It’s as if Christians believe this country is their house. They’re the host, and all others are the guests"

Christian Entitlement An Ugly Problem Clayburn s Blog

I am sill waiting for someone to show me exactly what part of that law they find objectionable. I've read it and I just don't see the problem.

The part that is objectionable is that it might shield religious people from persecution by the left......also...Mike Pence, the Governor is a Republican....who might run for they want to destroy him early.....

That's about they get their minions in the democrat controlled media to lie about the law, they get their minions in hollywood to lie about the law....and they get their minions in education, politics and the government to lie about the law....all to destroy their enemies..........

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