Chris Matthews Needs To Go


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

“What’s this, a douchebag convention?”

This was what Chris Matthews said to several restaurant goers in Tampa Bay, to which on of them retorted; "No, that's next week!!!"

This isn't the first time Matthews insulted someone at the RNC last week. Last Monday Matthews started screaming that asking for Obama's birth certificate was racism. Nobody there seemed to think so, even other members of NBC news, most of them liberals including Tom Brokaw.

Some apologized for Chris afterward and said the doesn't speak for he rest of them. Chris Matthews seemed to be a very disruptive force at the convention. He was no less disruptive than a Code-Pink protester.

Personally I think the guy that had a thrill up his leg when Obama won the nomination in 2008 has worn out his welcome. He is becoming a characture of the insanity of the left and their special brand of bigotry.

Matthews producer even started a shoving match:

Host Matthews was taping an outdoor portion of his show the evening Mitt Romney accepted his party's nomination when a pair of hecklers started goading him about "tingles."

Matthews claimed in 2008 that an Obama speech gave him a "thrill" up his leg and has received grief for the comment ever since -- notably, Michele Bachmann on the night of 2010 midterm elections.

According to witnesses, the two men yelled out, "Hey Chris, how's that tingle up your leg?" Others in the audience were laughing at Matthews when a producer for MSNBC came running up and pushed the two hecklers.

"Then this short dude who works for MSNBC pushed them," said Toby David, who came to the defense of the two hecklers. Another witness, Kim Churchman, added, "One of them was smiling and didn't know it was coming, and the guy just shoved him."

Said David: "He kept pushing them around, so I rolled over there. And the MSNBC guy says, 'You wanna get in trouble too?’ I said: ‘Who are you? A cop? If not, maybe I should make a call and we'll see who's in trouble.' The MSNBC guy was just talking tough."

MSNBC Producer Starts Shoving Match With Hecklers of Chris Matthews

I remember when Matthews was trying to at least appear objective when he asked an Obama campaign rep if he knew what legislation Obama has been responsible for, to which the representative couldn't respond. He drew a blank:

[ame=]"Hardball" Way Too Hard for Obama Supporter Kirk Watson - YouTube[/ame]

Chris Matthews gets into confrontation with GOP delegates - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
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Matthews was booed and sworn at as he was leaving the Tinatapas restaurant, which is near the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Matthews turned back and confronted the taunting GOP officials.

Good for him.
Is this how all upstanding Liberal men (ahem) behave?

How rude.

The delegates should have kicked his nuts uo to his throat.
In 2000 this guy was actually pretty normal. I used to watch him. Maybe something happened in his personal life that made him go insane. I dunno. It's very sad and bizarre. He's an embarrassment to his party and will pry be nominated to be vice president soon.
Chris Matthews, a real racist.....

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Blasts Chris Matthews for "Racist Thinking" - YouTube[/ame]
In 2000 this guy was actually pretty normal. I used to watch him. Maybe something happened in his personal life that made him go insane. I dunno. It's very sad and bizarre. He's an embarrassment to his party and will pry be nominated to be vice president soon.

Seems to me he went over the edge when Obama entered the scene. He used to be watchable, but now he's just a slightly more intelligent version of Ed Schultz, just raw emotion 24/7. Weird.

Matthews was booed and sworn at as he was leaving the Tinatapas restaurant, which is near the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Matthews turned back and confronted the taunting GOP officials.

Good for him.

Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

This garbage is sewer politics, not gutter politics....but even lower.

It's despicable.
Matthews has become a total disgrace..this is what PMSnbc thinks is good?

shun that station and all their lying talking heads..
Matthews was booed and sworn at as he was leaving the Tinatapas restaurant, which is near the Tampa Bay Times Forum. Matthews turned back and confronted the taunting GOP officials.

Good for him.

Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

I always prefer Democrats who won't run from a fight. Mathews pushed back against these assholes instead of slinking out the door. Good for him.
In 2000 this guy was actually pretty normal. I used to watch him. Maybe something happened in his personal life that made him go insane. I dunno. It's very sad and bizarre. He's an embarrassment to his party and will pry be nominated to be vice president soon.

I agree. Matthews was a pretty decent political journalist in years back.
Today he is all about gotcha'ism and insulting/leading questions.
Good for him.

Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

I always prefer Democrats who won't run from a fight. Mathews pushed back against these assholes instead of slinking out the door. Good for him.

Green, you know it's only okay for Republicans...

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's most outrageous moments
Good for him.

Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

I always prefer Democrats who won't run from a fight. Mathews pushed back against these assholes instead of slinking out the door. Good for him.

Yeah, it's rare, isn't it?

Problem is Matthews knows that if anyone kicks his ass he can sue them.

But when you have a habit of going around looking for a fight you've got a problem.

Yesterday one of my co-workers got into it with a couple of us. He had been moping around for a couple of months and all of the sudden he goes to the boss and starts bitching about how everyone has been messing with his truck. Pushing his mirrors out of alignment, breaking into it. I asked him if anything was missing and he didn't say anything. I asked him "So what did they do to your truck".

He clams up and refuses to say a word. Then I raised my hands up in the air basically throwing my hands up not knowing what the problem is and he says "What.......are you trying to fly??"

I said "No, my palms are up.....if I put my palms down and start flapping that would be attempting to fly".

Then another co-worker starts asking him why he acts like he's always in a bad mood, why he won't talk to anyone unless talked to first. Doesn't come in for lunch to be with the rest of us. So-on.

So the guy starts talking a bunch of smack and it turns into a pissing contest.

You see, if you go around with a big chip on your shoulder somebody is bound to knock it off. If you go around with your feelings out front somebody is bound to step on them. Trying to get along and not be an asshole has been replaced with "Well, screw you".

Who do you think is causing divisions? It sure as shit isn't Republicans.
Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

I always prefer Democrats who won't run from a fight. Mathews pushed back against these assholes instead of slinking out the door. Good for him.

Green, you know it's only okay for Republicans...

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's most outrageous moments

Yeah the media only ripped him apart for a week afterward. So that was "okay" for you.
In 2000 this guy was actually pretty normal. I used to watch him. Maybe something happened in his personal life that made him go insane. I dunno. It's very sad and bizarre. He's an embarrassment to his party and will pry be nominated to be vice president soon.

I agree. Matthews was a pretty decent political journalist in years back.
Today he is all about gotcha'ism and insulting/leading questions.

Yeah, you loved him when he enjoyed Bush's package, but hate him now that President Obama gave him a "tingle". :rolleyes:
Typical rw reaction.

You don't like what he said so you want him silenced.

The rw just hates the First Amendment.


“What’s this, a douchebag convention?”

This was what Chris Matthews said to several restaurant goers in Tampa Bay, to which on of them retorted; "No, that's next week!!!"

EXACTLY where does it say that Chris Matthews said this? WHERE did you get this QUOTE?

This sounds like a huge lie from mudwhistle.

As for the story, Chris Matthews didn't really DO anything. From your own source, the foul-mouthed and rude Repubs attacked a journalist and the journalist's producer treated them exactly like they deserved.
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You rethugs can sure dish out the bull shit and hyperboyle and do it with a real hard assed attitued.

But when a Dem comes back at you the same way, you act like a bunch of whiny assed bitches.

Grow the fuk up and quit whining. Matthews kicked some Repub ass. He will continue to do so.
And I will continue to enjoy it when he does. Good job Chris.
Yes, and you show us exactly why Democrats vote for assholes.

Because assholes usually act like they would if given half a chance.

I always prefer Democrats who won't run from a fight. Mathews pushed back against these assholes instead of slinking out the door. Good for him.

Green, you know it's only okay for Republicans...

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's most outrageous moments

so when did Christie make false accusations of racism?

sorry. if Matthews can be free to express his opinions from a bully pulpit why shouldn't private citizens?
Typical rw reaction.

You don't like what he said so you want him silenced.

The rw just hates the First Amendment.


“What’s this, a douchebag convention?”

This was what Chris Matthews said to several restaurant goers in Tampa Bay, to which on of them retorted; "No, that's next week!!!"

EXACTLY where does it say that Chris Matthews say this? WHERE did you get this QUOTE?

This sounds like a huge lie from mudwhistle.

As for the story, Chris Matthews didn't really DO anything. From your own source, the foul-mouthed and rude Repubs attacked a journalist and the journalist's producer treated them exactly like they deserved.

Follow the links. I can't do it for you.

I think what he said wasn't the problem as much as the way he said it and where he said it.

Besides, I think they slapped his ass down pretty good.

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