China winning the trade war - Bigly

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
If true, you should be excited as it undermines the USA!
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
If true, you should be excited as it undermines the USA!
That is what drump wants so he can exercise his bloodless coup.
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
Yeah, Britain is getting their socks knocked off with their economy vs China. Shame that once great country has seeped into a cesspool of shit....
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
If true, you should be excited as it undermines the USA!
That is what drump wants so he can exercise his bloodless coup.
Why would a guy who is already president want a coup? You have him confused with democrats.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
And yet which economy is growing....and which is not
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?

Nah he was wrong. All of us on the right-wing knew he was wrong about that. A ton of other things he's been right about. Cutting taxes, reducing regulation, being strong internationally, moving our embassy to Jerusalem.

But the trade war was always a bad idea.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?
Depends on whose side you’re on. I’m rooting for the Americans.

If you're rooting for the Americans, then why do you support Trump? He's the one that is screwing things up bigly.
Wait a minute.................I thought Trump said that trade wars were easy to win and we had China over a barrel? Was he wrong?

Are we done winning?
Depends on whose side you’re on. I’m rooting for the Americans.

If you're rooting for the Americans, then why do you support Trump? He's the one that is screwing things up bigly.
No, he’s rooting for Americans. That’s why he wants to keep highspanic nationalists from invading and usurping American culture.
And as long as energy prices are down our economy will flourish. It’s really that simple. I feel badly for the mining communities left to wallow in heroin addiction because the green scam cost them employment.
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
If true, you should be excited as it undermines the USA!
That is what drump wants so he can exercise his bloodless coup.
Why would a guy who is already president want a coup? You have him confused with democrats.
You do not know drump as well as you should! If you did you might realize he is putins lapdog and need to be a DICKtaster, oops tator.
Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.
If true, you should be excited as it undermines the USA!
That is what drump wants so he can exercise his bloodless coup.
Why would a guy who is already president want a coup? You have him confused with democrats.
You do not know drump as well as you should! If you did you might realize he is putins lapdog and need to be a DICKtaster, oops tator.
Paranoid much? Hillary lost, trump won. Get over it already.
We had to deal with a Marxist ideologue from 2009 til 2017. That’s the way it goes. Honor the system or move out.
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Earlier this year, the US president expressed fury about the size of America’s bilateral trade deficit with China and imposed escalating tariffs on $250bn worth of Chinese imports. The assumption inside the White House was that this would cause the deficit to shrink, since American companies would produce more goods at home and/or find ways to avoid costlier imports.

But that theory has not played out — or not yet. Far from it. Last week the US government released data showing that America’s deficit in traded goods with China jumped 4.3 per cent in September to a seasonally adjusted level of $37.4bn, a record high. This was due to a thumping 8 per cent rise in American imports from China. Exports, however, remained broadly flat.

Tarrifs not working it seems.

the Chinese play chess and are in it for the long term strategy. It's more their way than ours while we westerners are caught up in 4 year election cycles and plan our foreign policies accordingly.
People need to have some nerves once in a while. We are just used to backing down to China out of economic fear. If China doesnt think we are serious about having backbone then you guys are right, we might fail. Trump was right about one thing, they have been taking advantage of us because they know they can.
Grow a pear Tommy.

Chinese wanted to buy the Russian Far East. What makes post-fire California real estate out of the question?

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