China threatens to nuke Japan if they attempt to stop China from taking Taiwan

Just so that everyone is understanding...

Taiwan is an island of Christian Capitalists that were placed there as dissidents of the communist regime. They followed the exiled Empirer there....had elections and we had several decades of free trade with them.

Now they are a technology center manufacturing loads of semiconductor chips and extremely wealthy...they can just about buy mainland China. (Which is why the PRC wants them...the PRC is almost bankrupt with a junk bond/real estate situation that makes the USA's look like a "nothing" by comparison. )

So these people are used to their freedoms.
They are not kidding...they firmly believe that they should be allowed to live free or die.
I'm rooting for ....... this time.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
You could make the same lame point without the stupid fucking racial slur.

What? Are you turning Japanese or something?
I am not, but I'm not a fan of bigotry.

You see, that's where we disagree. I have no problem making fun of people who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
No one in Japan today killed hundreds of thousands of American servicemen.

Don't care, son. As a 110% bona fide born and bred American whose Great Great Grandfather fought on the side of the South during the Civil War, whose Dad and two Uncles fought the Krauts and Nips during WW2, and who was personally involved in the eradication of Communists while employed by Uncle Sam in the early 70's, I personally don't give a flying fuck about their little sensibilities.

The fact is, any people who attacked this country at one time or another, are fair game. Be they Barbary Pirate Muslims who attacked our ships during the 1700's, gap-toothed Brits who tried to make us their bitches in the late 1700's, those fuckin' Spaniards whose asses Teddy Roosevelt kicked in Cuba in 1898, those fuckin' Krauts who thought they could get froggy with us in 1914 and 1939, those little nippers who bombed our naval base in 1941, the commie Chinks who were killing our soldiers in North Korea, those gooks in North Vietnam, and the Muslim shitheads who crashed those planes into the World Trade Towers.

You think I'm gonna forget? GFY. LIke you yourself stated, "No history anywhere should ever be forgotten." Having had to kick their asses gives me every right to refer to them in whatever terms I please.
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I'm rooting for Nippers.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
Japan needs to go nuclear and FAST!

When they want to, it'll take them about 5 minutes.
How do you figure that?

Just how complicated do you think nukes would be to build for Japan?
I know how difficult they are to build. You apparently do not.
Just so that everyone is understanding...

Taiwan is an island of Christian Capitalists that were placed there as dissidents of the communist regime. They followed the exiled Empirer there....had elections and we had several decades of free trade with them.

Now they are a technology center manufacturing loads of semiconductor chips and extremely wealthy...they can just about buy mainland China. (Which is why the PRC wants them...the PRC is almost bankrupt with a junk bond/real estate situation that makes the USA's look like a "nothing" by comparison. )

So these people are used to their freedoms.
They are not kidding...they firmly believe that they should be allowed to live free or die.
Christian capitalists? Where did you get such a stupid idea? Taiwan is less than 6% Christian.
I'm rooting for ....... this time.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
You could make the same lame point without the stupid fucking racial slur.

What? Are you turning Japanese or something?
I am not, but I'm not a fan of bigotry.

You see, that's where we disagree. I have no problem making fun of people who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
No one in Japan today killed hundreds of thousands of American servicemen.

Don't care, ......
You don't care that you are directing puerile, racist slurs at people who had no part in the history you are so outraged over? You don't care how obvious it is that you are trying to take credit for the valor of your ancestors to justify your disgraceful attitude? That's what the ancient Romans called "a scumbag poseur."
I'm rooting for ....... this time.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
You could make the same lame point without the stupid fucking racial slur.

What? Are you turning Japanese or something?
I am not, but I'm not a fan of bigotry.

You see, that's where we disagree. I have no problem making fun of people who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
No one in Japan today killed hundreds of thousands of American servicemen.

Don't care, son. As a 110% bona fide born and bred American whose Great Great Grandfather fought on the side of the South during the Civil War, whose Dad and two Uncles fought the Krauts and Nips during WW2, and who was personally involved in the eradication of Communists while employed by Uncle Sam in the early 70's, I personally don't give a flying fuck about their little sensibilities.

The fact is, any people who attacked this country at one time or another, are fair game. Be they Barbary Pirate Muslims who attacked our ships during the 1700's, gap-toothed Brits who tried to make us their bitches in the late 1700's, those fuckin' Spaniards whose asses Teddy Roosevelt kicked in Cuba in 1898, those fuckin' Krauts who thought they could get froggy with us in 1914 and 1939, those little nippers who bombed our naval base in 1941, the commie Chinks who were killing our soldiers in North Korea, those gooks in North Vietnam, and the Muslim shitheads who crashed those planes into the World Trade Towers.

You think I'm gonna forget? GFY. LIke you yourself stated, "No history anywhere should ever be forgotten." Having had to kick their asses gives me every right to refer to them in whatever terms I please.
You realize this incredibly stupid attitude essentially means you have to hate every person on earth, including yourself?
Taiwan has vowed a "scorched earth" policy if PRC ever invades and it looks like they are going to lose... meaning that they will nuke themselves and make everything that they have created become worthless. They want nothing to do with the Mainland...they would rather die than live under their tyranny.

Hong Kong is next...they are in process of doing the exact same thing.
How do you nuke yourself without nuclear weapons?
You can actually do the damage and raise the toxic level of the area without actually using a nuclear weapon. "Scorched Earth" is just that...scorched earth that is uninhabitable for a long time to come.
You still have not explained yourself. Try again.
Just so that everyone is understanding...

Taiwan is an island of Christian Capitalists that were placed there as dissidents of the communist regime. They followed the exiled Empirer there....had elections and we had several decades of free trade with them.

Now they are a technology center manufacturing loads of semiconductor chips and extremely wealthy...they can just about buy mainland China. (Which is why the PRC wants them...the PRC is almost bankrupt with a junk bond/real estate situation that makes the USA's look like a "nothing" by comparison. )

So these people are used to their freedoms.
They are not kidding...they firmly believe that they should be allowed to live free or die.
Christian capitalists? Where did you get such a stupid idea? Taiwan is less than 6% Christian.
Haven't you heard how Taiwan was formed? The Empiror's son became a Christian while going to college in Hawaii.
When he came back Communism was beginning to take root because his father and he weren't much of leaders.

When they became exiled to Taiwan they had a bunch of followers which followed them and they reached out to the USA for support after WWII. (When shipping became faster) Also Britain rented Hong Kong because the PRC was broke.

Britain returned Hong Kong and Taiwan was always independent.
I'm rooting for ....... this time.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
You could make the same lame point without the stupid fucking racial slur.

What? Are you turning Japanese or something?
I am not, but I'm not a fan of bigotry.

You see, that's where we disagree. I have no problem making fun of people who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
No one in Japan today killed hundreds of thousands of American servicemen.

Don't care, ......
You don't care that you are directing puerile, racist slurs at people who had no part in the history you are so outraged over? You don't care how obvious it is that you are trying to take credit for the valor of your ancestors to justify your disgraceful attitude? That's what the ancient Romans called "a scumbag poseur."

Methinks you're confusing your Dago history with French Frog history. The Romans had no equivalent of the French "poseur", much less "Scumbag." Although I'[m pretty sure those Biblical Jews had a derogatory name for Romans.

The term "scumbag" didn't originate until 1817, when it was used in sugar refining as the name of a frame covered in coarse cloth used in straining. There were no fucking Romans in 1817. Just Dagos.

Gee whillikers, Bunky. For a "teacher", you're not really that smart or well-informed. If you want to play one-upsmanship with me, I have all night, and the world's resources at my fingertips.

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I'm rooting for Nippers.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
Japan needs to go nuclear and FAST!

When they want to, it'll take them about 5 minutes.
How do you figure that?

Just how complicated do you think nukes would be to build for Japan?

Pretty easy. But they'd build the little transistorized ones you could hold in your hand.

View attachment 513952
I am sorry, but I am fully stocked up on stupid today. I don't have the storage room for any more.
Just so that everyone is understanding...

Taiwan is an island of Christian Capitalists that were placed there as dissidents of the communist regime. They followed the exiled Empirer there....had elections and we had several decades of free trade with them.

Now they are a technology center manufacturing loads of semiconductor chips and extremely wealthy...they can just about buy mainland China. (Which is why the PRC wants them...the PRC is almost bankrupt with a junk bond/real estate situation that makes the USA's look like a "nothing" by comparison. )

So these people are used to their freedoms.
They are not kidding...they firmly believe that they should be allowed to live free or die.
Christian capitalists? Where did you get such a stupid idea? Taiwan is less than 6% Christian.
Haven't you heard how Taiwan was formed? The Empiror's son became a Christian while going to college in Hawaii.
When he came back Communism was beginning to take root because his father and he weren't much of leaders.

When they became exiled to Taiwan they had a bunch of followers which followed them and they reached out to the USA for support after WWII. (When shipping became faster) Also Britain rented Hong Kong because the PRC was broke.

Britain returned Hong Kong and Taiwan was always independent.

My God man, where did you get this crackpot history from? That is some of the worst fantasies I have ever seen! Are you confined to a mental institution?
I'm rooting for Nippers.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
Japan needs to go nuclear and FAST!

When they want to, it'll take them about 5 minutes.
How do you figure that?

Just how complicated do you think nukes would be to build for Japan?

Pretty easy. But they'd build the little transistorized ones you could hold in your hand.

View attachment 513952
I am sorry, but I am fully stocked up on stupid today. I don't have the storage room for any more.

Just sit tight. It's gonna get stupider and stupider, and my bottle gets emptier and emptier.
... Great Great Grandfather fought on the side of the South during the Civil War, whose Dad and two Uncles fought the ... and ... during WW2, ...

I'm rooting for ....... this time.

Come on, Japan. You did it before, you can do it again.
You could make the same lame point without the stupid fucking racial slur.

What? Are you turning Japanese or something?
I am not, but I'm not a fan of bigotry.

You see, that's where we disagree. I have no problem making fun of people who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
No one in Japan today killed hundreds of thousands of American servicemen.

Don't care, ......
You don't care that you are directing puerile, racist slurs at people who had no part in the history you are so outraged over? You don't care how obvious it is that you are trying to take credit for the valor of your ancestors to justify your disgraceful attitude? That's what the ancient Romans called "a scumbag poseur."

Methinks you're confusing your Dago history with French Frog history. The Romans had no equivalent of the French "poseur", much less "Scumbag." Although I'[m pretty sure those Biblical Jews had a derogatory name for Romans.

The term "scumbag" didn't originate until 1817, when it was used in sugar refining as the name of a frame covered in coarse cloth used in straining. There were no fucking Romans in 1817. Just Dagos.
Yeah, that was supposed to be a joke to lighten the tone, you humorless racist douche bag.
... Great Great Grandfather fought on the side of the South during the Civil War, whose Dad and two Uncles fought the ... and ... during WW2, ...

So by that I take it you're ready to sit down with Al Queda, pass around some Coca-Colas, roast some marshmallows over an open fire, and sing a few rounds of "Kumbaya", giving them a great, big, warn hug and a wet, sloppy kiss, for killing all those Americans on 9/11?

"All is forgiven", right? Besides, "We had it coming", right?
... Great Great Grandfather fought on the side of the South during the Civil War, whose Dad and two Uncles fought the ... and ... during WW2, ...

So by that I take it you're ready to sit down with Al Queda, pass around some Coca-Colas, roast some marshmallows over an open fire, and sing a few rounds of "Kumbaya", giving them a great, big, warn hug and a wet, sloppy kiss, for killing all those Americans on 9/11?

Your desperate grasping at a red herring goes to show that you realize how fucking stupid you are being. You fail again.
Are you going to start posting vile, offensive fucking lies now, asshole? You reveal more of your weakness of mind, character, and most likely body with every stupid fucking post.

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