China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile of nuclear-capable rocket that circled the globe took US intelligence by surprise


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Not to worry, the U.S now has their new military and spy hiring campaign, that should help all of feel more safe through diversity!

China is always a few steps ahead. This missile can avoid defense systems by operating in low orbit. Considering the focus of Big Tech, politicians and corporations in America, is it "Game, set, match"?

The U.S signed a missile treaty with Russia, since U.S "allies" probably reminded America "Russia is the greatest threat to our power, not China!". American intel just blindly believed them, after all, they are allies, right?

China laughed at the focus on the Middle East and Russia. Both nations weakened themselves as China is not a signatory to this agreement (would they honour it anyways?) and developed advanced methods. They surely aren't stopping.

China keep racking up wins, while the West tells us to build a third bathroom and eliminate advanced education programs for kids as it might hurt the feelings of those who aren't as bright.

Yes, I am strongly against the "woke" movement for a multitude of reasons. It discourages the talented poor, overfunds the Security Industrial Complex for domestic purposes and puts at risk the best and brightest. China has now mandated "no sissy boys on T.V and half hour a day of video games for kids". They have taken a vastly different approach.

They have their eye on the future and are building a nation that understands this objective. Patriotism and all.

CSIS in Canada has been warning about China for well over a decade, their former head of intel publicly sounding the alarm (and paying a price if I recall). CSIS deserves credit for being ahead of other intel agencies and not drinking the kool-aid that even Mi5 and potentially the CIA were drinking (though there have been warnings from the CIA about China going back to Clintons years, we know how serious he took those directives...).

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise.

Five people familiar with the test said the Chinese military launched a rocket that carried a hypersonic glide vehicle which flew through low-orbit space before cruising down towards its target.

The missile missed its target by about two-dozen miles, according to three people briefed on the intelligence. But two said the test showed that China had made astounding progress on hypersonic weapons and was far more advanced than US officials realised.

The test has raised new questions about why the US often underestimated China’s military modernisation. “We have no idea how they did this,” said a fourth person.
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They were likely still too busy searching for those WMD in Iraq to have noticed.
They were likely still too busy searching for those WMD in Iraq to have noticed.

Among other miscalculations, yes.

This revelation also calls into question just what value Afghanistan provided in terms of intelligence gathering. China is quite insulated and they've not even been shy about it, Wall Street and Big Tech just drooled at the prospect of sending them technology.

Clinton, Bush, Obama all failed on the China File. Chinas goverment deserves credit for making a mockery of weak foreign leadership.
Among other miscalculations, yes.

This revelation also calls into question just what value Afghanistan provided in terms of intelligence gathering. China is quite insulated and they've not even been shy about it, Wall Street and Big Tech just drooled at the prospect of sending them technology.

Clinton, Bush, Obama all failed on the China File. Chinas goverment deserves credit for making a mockery of weak foreign leadership.

Otherwise known as greed.
If the missile missed it's target by 24 miles...then the purpose of using a hypersonic missile instead of a ballistic missile is missed entirely.

Hypersonic missiles are used to defeat anti-missile technology such as Israeli Iron Dome systems. But if it can't steer itself accurately...the point is moot.

So basically they need to go back to the drawing board with the guidance system.

5 times the speed of sound might sound easy enough....but getting the missile to travel that fast is only one part of the technology.... steering is another matter entirely.
We knew what we were doing.

No, I don't think "we (you)" did.

I'm with Trump on this one. China is not to blame. They are doing what all prospective Super Powers do, they are increasing their talent and military capabilities while damaging their adversaries domestic resistance. I blame incompetent Western leadership for decades, Mainstream Media who followed orders and kept voters in the dark. Wall Street for salivating while undermining the U.S, Big Tech CEOs.

There is no question there were probably many hard working, competent, courageous, patriotic Intelligence Agents who screamed to the heavens about the risk of arming an adversary. They were clearly drowned out and ignored. It has become worse each passing year.

Just as America worked to weaken and bankrupt Russia, China looks to do the same to America. All of the billionaires in the West who believe their wealth will protect them are in for quite a surprise.
No, I don't think "we (you)" did.

I'm with Trump on this one. China is not to blame. They are doing what all prospective Super Powers do, they are increasing their talent and military capabilities while damaging their adversaries domestic resistance. I blame incompetent Western leadership for decades, Mainstream Media who followed orders and kept voters in the dark. Wall Street for salivating while undermining the U.S, Big Tech CEOs.

There is no question there were probably many hard working, competent, courageous, patriotic Intelligence Agents who screamed to the heavens about the risk of arming an adversary. They were clearly drowned out and ignored. It has become worse each passing year.

Just as America worked to weaken and bankrupt Russia, China looks to do the same to America. All of the billionaires in the West who believe their wealth will protect them are in for quite a surprise.

That we were giving China technology in trade of cheap labor has been reported on for years.

China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile of nuclear-capable rocket that circled the globe took US intelligence by surprise​

You're a good poster so please don't think I am trying to step on your thread but I have a legitimate question about this technology, why did they have the missile circle the globe?

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