China accuses US of 'stirring up' South China Sea tensions

Attack on family, reported.

(And yes, I am familiar with the notion of a Sheng Nu.)
It was not an attack

There is no disgrace for chinese women married to western men as long as they are in America

But much prejudice still exists in chinese society as you are well aware
The rules don't work like that.... I can talk about her, you can't.
Did I talk about her?

I only mentioned Leftover Women in communist chinese culture

and you have not indicated if she is or not
Not even a good try...

Incidently, the term "Sheng Nu" refers to women over 30 who have never been married, it does not refer to divorcees or widows.
Then use Leftover Women

There is much prejudice toward foreigners in china

Eligible women are expected to marry up with a chinese man

If that doesent work out the second choice might be a foreigner
Stay on topic! Take petty personal arguments downstairs where they belong.
China accuses US of 'stirring up' South China Sea tensions
China said the US was responsible for "deliberate stirring up" of tensions in the South China Sea, after US warship navigated through waters claimed by Beijing. "On Dec 4, littoral combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords illegally entered the waters adjacent to Ren'ai Reef in the Nansha region of China without the approval of the Chinese government," Southern Theatre Command spokesman Tian Junli said. China's military on Monday "followed the entire operation", said Tian, adding that "deliberate stirring up of the South China Sea by US is a serious infringement of China's sovereignty and security".

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international waters can NOT be colonized and then CLAIMED by ANY government, if you ask me.
what do you all think of this?
Which INTERNATIONAL organization appointed the USA to be the "custodian" of the South China Sea?? Answer NOBODY
Especially not a country that isn't even a signatory of UNCLOS. So what business does the USA have, 8000 mls, away from their national territory? NONE

Who gave the USA the right to e.g. embargo - sanction Cuba? so the PLAN should conduct "free passage" missions there - right?
Does the PLAN need to conduct similar missions to Garcia and Samoa, etc. etc, to guarantee the natives peoples right to self-determination ?
Which INTERNATIONAL organization appointed the USA to be the "custodian" of the South China Sea?? Answer NOBODY
Especially not a country that isn't even a signatory of UNCLOS. So what business does the USA have, 8000 mls, away from their national territory? NONE

Who gave the USA the right to e.g. embargo - sanction Cuba? so the PLAN should conduct "free passage" missions there - right?
Does the PLAN need to conduct similar missions to Garcia and Samoa, etc. etc, to guarantee the natives peoples right to self-determination ?
all of humanity should be recipients of the wealth that taxation of shipping lanes and exploration of natural resources under the sea's surfaces offer, not just 1 nation.

and Cuba was embargoed because they had long-range missile plans against the US.
i don't see Taiwan or any of China's other neighbors in the SCS do that.
all of humanity should be recipients of the wealth that taxation of shipping lanes and exploration of natural resources under the sea's surfaces offer, not just 1 nation.
Exactly - not just the USA, and China isn't taxing any vessels passing by - but only those that port in China. It's called import tax.

China has innumerable times offered it's neighbors, who don't have the investment capability nor the technology to jointly explore natural resources - effectively undermined by the USA.
As such e.g. the Philippines can proudly claim a vast stretch of ocean - and don't get anything out of it, whilst China is effectively harnessing resources within it's undisputed waters and sends it's massive fishing fleet, just as e.g. Japan to INTERNATIONAL waters across the planet to harvest. E.g. Canada's and the US West-coast - right down to Chile.
and Cuba was embargoed because they had long-range missile plans against the US.
Cuba never had any nuke long/mid/short range missiles stationed. see "Cuba Crisis" and the USA therefore has no right whatsoever to embargo and sanction Cuba since 61 years. !!
i don't see Taiwan or any of China's other neighbors in the SCS do that.
Do what? intruding? taking resources?

Get some spectacles if you can't see it, ALL of them Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines, S-Korea and Japan are constantly intruding into others claimed waters, fishing and gas&oil-rigging - and trying to expand their respective claims towards each other - the PRC 9 dash line, aka the Taiwan 12 dash line, derives from the KMT (ROC) and they are up-keeping that claim.

And the USA until today - since 1934 (ROC) has never refuted today's Taiwan's claim - that factually is larger then that of the PRC, since it includes 3 dashes that Mao gave voluntarily to Vietnam. Taiwan has also rejected the international courts ruling in regards to the Philippines.

Why isn't the USA a signatory to UNCLOS? because they uphold numerous illegal and disputed claims themselves, that would backfire onto them, if the USA would sign UNCLOS.

The USA is simply trying to prevent the economic rise - thus also the military rise of the PRC - with all means. Such as lying their heads of since 2014 on a daily basis - soon 10 years, about China going to attack Taiwan tomorrow.

What is the difference between China's "artificial" bases resting onto atolls and those of e.g. the Philippines?
China has the $$ to build huge bases incl. airstrips - whilst the poor Philippines have to make use of a naval shipwreck stranded onto an atoll, to act as their military outpost.

So again: Which INTERNATIONAL organization appointed the USA to be the "custodian" of the South China Sea??
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