Chill Map 1/7/17


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

All the way down to the Gulf of Mexico s0ns!!

Response by the AGW k00ks? "Duh.........its winter!!!"

But heres the thing.........the perception out there in Radioland is, "These scientists keep talking about global warming. But its not happening!". Year after year, the winters come and people still have to be wearing ball warmers way down in Alabama!:slap:

The k00ks get animated about a 0.3 degree rise in temperature.......but regular folks don't care about that. To the regular folks, its pretty fucking stoopid to get all worried about that as they sport their ball warmers and shovel feet of snow!:popcorn:

The science is never going to matter in the real world.......ever.......if the perceptions always remain the same. The k00ks, while brilliant in the world of science, have a real shitty understanding about how human behavior works. Simply put.......its about cause/effect and reinforcement and punishment. 4 billion peer reviewed studies are never going to change that........the k00ks already have a billion peer reviewed studies after 20 years and nobody gives a shit.:deal::deal:
Global warming is killing us huh ?!

Of course we need these record snowfalls.

Hopefully this will keep up all winter long.

Must be fake thinks the warmer.
Top story on DRUDGE right now..............


The Frigid 48: U.S. Average Temperature 11 deg. F « Roy Spencer, PhD

lol....who's looking pretty fucking stoopid right now?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::deal:
"The spatial average temperature over the Lower 48 at 6 a.m. is 11 deg. F, which is fully 9 deg. (!) colder than at any time last winter (20 deg. F) which occurred twice in January of 2016."

dang Billy.........many scientists, particularly in Russia believe we are going into another ice age. Hope to God that is not so.:eusa_eh:
Winter storm warning Mississippi. Sure the weather changes, it changes every season but it don't look like we are going to see palm trees growing in Manhattan anytime soon. It's more likely that the world will drift into another ice age. Did lefties forget the wild predictions from global warmests that centered around the likehood that the freaking world would be under water by 2010? Astronomer and pop GW guru Carl Sagan predicted a global catastrophy if Saddam set the oil fields off and he did and the world barely burped. The irony is that the U.S. probably increased world wide pollution by manufacturing the the toxic junk needed for the hardware required for miles of solar panels and bird killing windmills but the decade of "weaning America off fossil fuel" turned out to be a cruel joke that cost America trillions of dollars and it's place as a world leader. Barry Hussein's plan worked in one way, America was on the road to becoming a 3rd world country.
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But 17 people live in the Arctic.............:up:

About 350 million live between the Arctic and the Mexican border. For 6-8 months during the year, they have to wear a winter parka. These same people, year after year, also see frigid weather deep into southern Texas.

When people in Canada and the US start seeing warm and balmy weather during these 6- 8 months instead, then they will take global warming seriously. Not a moment sooner.

Also......when you have the east coast rarely seeing 90 degree's anymore during summers, and many days in the summer to cold to go to the ocean, they are going to be completely disinterested in global warming. New York has not had a 100 degree day in many years now........people talk about it all the time. So when they see the pronunciations from the warmers, they certainly fall flat.....its just the way it is. Its all about the perceptions............always will be......wont be changed with the release of 18 billion more peer reviewed studies. You can bet your house on it!!
Winter storm warning Mississippi. Sure the weather changes, it changes every season but it don't look like we are going to see palm trees growing in Manhattan anytime soon. It's more likely that the world will drift into another ice age. Did lefties forget the wild predictions from global warmests that centered around the likehood that the freaking world would be under water by 2010? Astronomer and pop GW guru Carl Sagan predicted a global catastrophy if Saddam set the oil fields off and he did and the world barely burped. The irony is that the U.S. probably increased world wide pollution by manufacturing the the toxic junk needed for the hardware required for miles of solar panels and bird killing windmills but the decade of "weaning America off fossil fuel" turned out to be a cruel joke that cost America trillions of dollars and it's place as a world leader. Barry Hussein's plan worked in one way, America was on the road to becoming a 3rd world country.

Winter storm warning in Mississippi :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:

This is exactly what I am talking about.

While 90% of the Northerner Hemisphere is 9 deg F below average you want us to ignore it and focus on a small area that is warmer due to a high pressure (weather system) that will dissipate soon and temps return to normal...

Spamming this crap lie will not make it true.... And Jennifer is a left wing fruit cake..
Most of the deniers here are just irredeemably stupid human beings. They prove it by using the "Look! A snowflake!" tactic several times each winter. A non-retard would never do something that stupid.

And Billy, we're still waiting for you to back up your "the whole NH is 9F below normal!" hilariously crazy lie. We keep asking, you keep running. That's because you made it up. You fake and fudge everything, and all your denier pals approve.
Most of the deniers here are just irredeemably stupid human beings. They prove it by using the "Look! A snowflake!" tactic several times each winter. A non-retard would never do something that stupid.

And Billy, we're still waiting for you to back up your "the whole NH is 9F below normal!" hilariously crazy lie. We keep asking, you keep running. That's because you made it up. You fake and fudge everything, and all your denier pals approve.
When did Climate Science claim cold fronts would never again cover most of the US?

Adapt or die.
When did Climate Science claim cold fronts would never again cover most of the US?

Adapt or die.
are you asking to rehash this shit all over again? Really, you can't go and search in this forum for that answer? You can you know. It's in here somewhere the reports of no snow and crap. But hey, you stay your uninformed self for us.

I even gave you the key words to search on.

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