Children are being held in cages, like animals

yep. they dogged on trump left and right til they saw the date that was always there on the pic. then suddenly it was shut up and hope no one notices.

selective rage sucks
Rush got a good laugh out of this today. Another "oops" moment for the left.

Personally, there is NOTHING wrong with this. Obama or Trump. Tresspassers need to be detained.
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.
Jail for illegals isn't supposed to be pleasant. It's not a damn restaurant!
There is no jail for illegal immigrants. There is only detention.
You're quibbling.

There's also no real penalty for being in the US illegally. It's a civil not a criminal violation. So the immigration people create their own penalties such as detainment for up to 90 days in various facilities to keep detainees away from family or legal representation. The detainee's ticket out is to sign a voluntary deportation order which is damn important to immigration because the courts have a backlog of over 200,000 cases. However, it the detainee wants to show proof that he is legally in the US or a US citizen, then he has to go before the court and that can take up to 6 months so the immigration people have to release him on his own recognizance which makes no sense, but nothing in the immigration system makes much sense.

Agreed, they should hold these people indefinitely until trial and the sentence should be at minimum 20 years.
Do you deal in blockades and sanctions too?

No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.
An honest debate would start off with "Look what Obama did to these children."
The only honest debate, is one of accountability, for which there is conveniently none; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search
No I deal in cause and effect. Management capabilities, supply and demand, analyze companies and determine worth and potential profit/loss. Equipment, labor issues, production capability, cash holdings, liabilities, debt, etc, etc.

Venezuela's oil industry is in shambles for one reason....govermnent

You're fucking clueless
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.
An honest debate would start off with "Look what Obama did to these children."
The only honest debate, is one of accountability, for which there is conveniently none; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search
Obama put those children in cages. Let's talk accountability.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

Are you crazy?

Blockade? There is no blockade of Venezuela. They have no money, and we don't trade stuff to them, because they are broke. Why should I send products to Venezuela, when they haven't paid for anything I've already sent?

And oil product has not dropped because of a blockade. That's not even logical. If I have an oil well in my backyard (which one of my relatives does).... If China or anyone, was to "blockade the US" on anything.... how would that stop that oil well from pumping out oil?

You are starting to sound like a crazy person. Explain what you mean by that. How does a blockade even stop an oil well from producing oil?

And how is it, your lack of money, mean you are being blockaded?

If I who up at a Lexus dealership, when I have zero cash (which I don't have any money right now at all)..... and they refuse to give me a car when I'm broke.... that means Lexus is 'blockading me'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!
Do people like you ever read; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela
In other words, you are clueless as to the geo political shakeup that occurred as a result of our direct actions against Venezuela through blockades and sanctions, while your particular field of expertise, concerning this argument, is worth teats on a bo hog. Thanks! You are dismissed. We'll call you when we need you.

Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.
An honest debate would start off with "Look what Obama did to these children."
The only honest debate, is one of accountability, for which there is conveniently none; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search
Obama put those children in cages. Let's talk accountability.
You can't talk accountability, because you have no real understanding of the whole picture. I have already linked and explained multiple times what the problem is, and who is responsible.

All you are doing is crying about the symptom, while blaming just one. That is neither intelligent nor logical.
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
Yea, so how come 1500 of them are missing, and their parents don't know where they are?

It really missing they as this article brings out, unreported. But don’t let the real story get in the way of your spin.
Try again. Your sentence structure is incoherent.
Dude save your geo politics BS it doesn't apply to Venezuela. Venzuela is in deep shit for one reason....FAILED SOCIALISM. Nothing more nothing less.

Now stfu nobody is buying what you're selling
It's not that they aren't buying it, lol. They can't debate it. Nor can you. If there was a debate to be had, you and others would have been on top of it like a buzzard to a gut pile.
An honest debate would start off with "Look what Obama did to these children."
The only honest debate, is one of accountability, for which there is conveniently none; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search
Obama put those children in cages. Let's talk accountability.
You can't talk accountability, because you have no real understanding of the whole picture. I have already linked and explained multiple times what the problem is, and who is responsible.

All you are doing is crying about the symptom, while blaming just one. That is neither intelligent nor logical.
I'm from Central America. I think I know all about it. Did you read an opinion article on the interwebs?
To someone who blamed the kids for coming.

They are brought to the border area by an adult and sent across alone to get a compassionate hold until a "sponsor" can be found. The adult later sneaks across, meets up with the child, and disappears.
They are brought by traffickers.
And then they are turned over to federal traffickers.
Who place them in our schools..which they pay to take them.

It's trafficking.
Traffickers do not force them to come here. Survival does. And what happened that it made it so impossible to survive in these countries; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search We made it impossible.
They had a very good economy with Chavez as a Socialist country

I heard a valid argument that Socialist countries fail because we, the US, make them fail by sanctioning them.

You think that's a valid argument? What could we do, in the US, to make the country with the largest oil reserves on the planet, fail to the point where they can't buy toilet paper and millions of them flee to Colombia?
Talk to Russia. They are desperate for sanctions to be lifted.

Remember, you can't eat oil.

Talk to Russia.

Russia has a failed economy because.....sanctions? LOL!

Remember, you can't eat oil.

You can buy a lot of food by selling oil.
Unless you're a socialist. They're too fucking stupid to manage those trades, eh comrade?
You can't drill for a half a trillion dollars worth of oil in the North Kara sea to buy food with, when you are relying on Exxon to get that oil out of the bottom of the ocean. Oh wait, Obama placed sanctions on that operation.

This was never about "stupidity", when Obama placed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and meddling in our election. This has evolved into a politically corrupt business venture to benefit Russia, Trump, and his butt boys. This is why we have a Trump/Russia scandal. It's been about the money from the beginning.

You can't drill for a half a trillion dollars worth of oil in the North Kara sea to buy food with, when you are relying on Exxon to get that oil out of the bottom of the ocean

Socialists can't do much of anything for themselves.
Just look at Venezuela.
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE".


Was Chavez eccentric?

He was a crook.

But he took care of the people, until we intervened,

He stole from his people, failed to invest in oil production and when oil prices fell, so did his socialist house of cards.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez!

Yeah, the guy who stole them blind and crippled their economy is to blame for their crippled economy.

For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions,

He had the entire world to sell his oil to, not just us. Look at all the oil he gave to Castro.
Is that our fault too?

And why did the prices fall?

Oil is a world wide market. They fell because they fell.

Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela

If we're the only market for their crappy oil, they shouldn't be such assholes, eh comrade?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

Are you crazy?

Blockade? There is no blockade of Venezuela. They have no money, and we don't trade stuff to them, because they are broke. Why should I send products to Venezuela, when they haven't paid for anything I've already sent?

And oil product has not dropped because of a blockade. That's not even logical. If I have an oil well in my backyard (which one of my relatives does).... If China or anyone, was to "blockade the US" on anything.... how would that stop that oil well from pumping out oil?

You are starting to sound like a crazy person. Explain what you mean by that. How does a blockade even stop an oil well from producing oil?

And how is it, your lack of money, mean you are being blockaded?

If I who up at a Lexus dealership, when I have zero cash (which I don't have any money right now at all)..... and they refuse to give me a car when I'm broke.... that means Lexus is 'blockading me'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!
Do people like you ever read; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

1. Funds were frozen for the import of insulin
Ever since President Donald Trump's imposition of US financial sanctions against Venezuela in August, the Venezuelan state has confronted various difficulties trying to import medicines and foodstuffs not produced domestically. The financial blockade directly affects routine international payments for goods and services.

The Venezuelan government has repeatedly condemned this. On Sept. 7, President Nicolas Maduro denounced in the National Constituent Assembly the hold up in an international port of a cargo of over 300,000 doses of insulin, thanks to the "Donald Trump-Julio Borges pact."

President Maduro explained that the U.S.-based Citibank financial institution refused to receive the money Venezuela was depositing to pay for the importation of this huge cargo of insulin for diabetic patients. As a result, the insulin shipment was held up for many days in port. President Maduro explained, "Even though we have the money to pay, they do not accept it."

"Starting this week, I hold Trump and Borges responsible for the blockade of medicines," President Maduro said, referring to the requests during 2017 by he leader of the Justice First party for these boycott measures.

2. Colombia's blockade of malaria medicine
On Nov. 3, Vice President Tareck El Aissami, denounced that Venezuela had purchased in Colombia a shipment of Primaquine, an anti-malaria medicine, but, "Once the laboratory (BSN Medical) knew the final destination was the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela's Health Ministry, it arbitrarily blocked the dispatch of this medicine on the orders of Colombia’s president.”

President Maduro confirmed this saying, "When we already had the money to buy the medicines and went to pay for them, the Colombian government forbade the sale of these anti-malaria medicines to the Venezuelan people. We will purchase them elsewhere, people in Venezuela will not lack the medicines to combat these diseases."

In fact, the Primaquine and other medicines for chronic illnesses had to be purchased in India.

3. Suspension of funds for buying food
One year ago, Freddy Bernal, secretary general of the Local Production and Supply Committees (CLAPs), denounced that, already back then, Venezuela was suffering an intense blockade of food imports.

He noted that, as part of the financial war against Venezuela, international banks suspended payments to foreign suppliers for three months holding up the arrival of 29 container ships carrying supplies needed to process and produce food products in Venezuela.

Bernal explained, "We spent 68 days looking for ways to pay and of course we have had to tell the country that this badly affected food distribution."

The CLAP food packages have drastically reduced the effects of shortages and inflation resulting from both the attacks on Venezuela's currency and also the economic siege from overseas. But, this past September, 18 million packages could not be distributed because payments were blocked. Venezuela's authorities had to work with various allied countries to triangulate payments so as to bring the food products to Venezuela.

Chavista leader Aristóbulo Istúriz condemned this sinister development before the National Council of Economic Production explaining that once the food products were paid for, a shipping boycott was organized, which meant the 600 containers involved had to be shipped 100 at a time instead of arriving in a single shipment.

Given these obstacles, clearly brought about by the powerful, hegemonic states opposed to Venezuela, the government recently entered into contracts for weekly imports from Mexico and Panama of more than 1.5 million packages of basic food products into the ports of La Guaira in Vargas state and Puerto Cabello in Carabobo state for distribution across the country via the CLAPs.

4. Blocking of payments for travel by Venezuelan sports teams
But medicines and foods are not the only major expressions of the de facto blockade imposed on Venezuela's people. Sports are also affected.

President Maduro also denounced in the National Constituent Assembly that, on Sept. 6, an international bank informed the Bolivarian government that it was "impossible" to carry out payments by Venezuela to a U.S. financial institution refusing to process the transfer of US$1.5 million from the Sports Ministry to pay suppliers of airline tickets, accommodation and other needs of leading athletes in various Venezuelan sports delegations.

Although the government tried to unblock the payments in order to pay for travel, accommodation and related expenses, President Maduro decided to place government airplanes at the athletes' disposal, most especially Venezuela's female volleyball team, whose participation in the 2017 South American championships was jeopardized by the U.S. blockade against Venezuela.

The increase in areas affected by the international blockade against Venezuela is matched by the corresponding government responses to ensure the necessary protection of all Venezuela's people. International alliances with the bloc of countries challenging U.S. hegemony have allowed Venezuela, with difficulty, to cope with the U.S. authorities' tough measures which are aimed at fomenting social conditions clearing the way for the overthrow of the Chavista government.

The blockade is applied so as to affect Venezuela's population directly, but the government has acted to neutralize or at least mitigate the effects of the "Trump-Borges pact," a new way of describing the U.S. intervention and coup.

Trump wasn't President when Chavez was fucking things up, why would he be to blame for their situation?
You're a special kind of stupid.
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.

Where do you get that is happening?
Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

Are you crazy?

Blockade? There is no blockade of Venezuela. They have no money, and we don't trade stuff to them, because they are broke. Why should I send products to Venezuela, when they haven't paid for anything I've already sent?

And oil product has not dropped because of a blockade. That's not even logical. If I have an oil well in my backyard (which one of my relatives does).... If China or anyone, was to "blockade the US" on anything.... how would that stop that oil well from pumping out oil?

You are starting to sound like a crazy person. Explain what you mean by that. How does a blockade even stop an oil well from producing oil?

And how is it, your lack of money, mean you are being blockaded?

If I who up at a Lexus dealership, when I have zero cash (which I don't have any money right now at all)..... and they refuse to give me a car when I'm broke.... that means Lexus is 'blockading me'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!
Do people like you ever read; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

Yeah, we can read. What is written there, is lies. Just flat out, your source of information is propaganda and fabrication.

It's just left-wing crap to conceal the fact that Venezuela socialism destroyed their country.
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.

How about parents not trying to bring their children into the country illegally in the first place? The proximate cause is parents breaking the law.

Bingo. Those people need to go back to wherever they came from. The American Taxpayer is getting sick and tired of supporting non Americans.

Let em go somewhere else or stay the fuck home.
They're not christians. They use the name of our lord in vain to promote their hatred against minorites and to insight fear within anyone that wishes to live differently.

The church has been misused for a thousand years to hold back freedom and it killed untold numbers of people. That my friends is using Jesus for evil and I don't think he likes that.

No love for children...Just because they're hispanic. No these are not christians.

So are you going to acknowledge that the picture you posted is from 2014 when Obama was president ?
"This is the sort of torture device being used on Guatemalan illegal alien babies by our immigration authorities! These are the torture cribs used in the SPANISH INQUISITION being used on illegal aliens babies -- after whipping them with extension cords! Just look!"


Venezuela seizes 60 firms

Venezuela has seized the assets of 60 oil service companies, paving the way for their nationalisation under a new law passed last week. The facilities seized on Friday included gas injection facilities owned by the US energy group Williams Companies, which are considered crucial for boosting oil output from the fields that produce Venezuela's most valuable crude. Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, also sent troops to Ciudad Ojeda, an oil town on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, to seize oilfield service facilities including shipyards and hundreds of boats.

"We have started to nationalise all these activities connected to oil exploitation. This is a revolutionary offensive," Mr Chavez said from a confiscated boat sailing across the lake, according to Reuters. The move signals the president's willingness to expand government control over the industry, which produces 93 per cent of Venezuela's state revenues, as a short-term solution to the country's money woes. The nationalisation law, passed on Thursday, allows Caracas to pay for seized assets with government bonds.
That's right. Thank you! And where was that oil revenue going? Take a wild guess? Too the people, where it was supposed to be going. But no, the U.S. wasn't having that. If you do a little bit of tiny research, that money kept the economy for a long time in good shape, "FOR THE PEOPLE". Was Chavez eccentric? Yes! But he took care of the people, until we intervened, because we weren't going to have Chavez overseeing a Socialist country that benefited the people.

Now, who do we blame for Venezuela's woes? Chavez! And yes, that's right. For a problem we created with the implementation of sanctions, and are still doing it; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela Why? Because they don't have the government we like.

The national oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), hurt by falling crude prices, stopped paying contractors for their services late last year and has been trying to negotiate much lower rates for drilling and well services, with the aim of cutting costs by 40 per cent. At the end of last year, PDVSA owed US$13.9 billion (Dh48.07bn) to suppliers, most of which remains unpaid. A number of contractors have responded by idling their rigs.
And why did the prices fall? Take another wild guess? Sanctions crippled the country, because Venezuela didn't play ball like the Imperialist country instructed them to do. Their oil was worthless because we placed blockades on Venezuela; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

They seized the oil rigs and equipment..............Weren't good at production............and oil production plunged............
Oil production plunged because of our blockade.

They couldn't pay their bills............and didn't pay for the equipment stolen.............
Yea, and they can thank the U.S. for paralyzing their operation, while the equipment freezes up for non use.

I mean seriously, where do we get off by telling every Central and South American country what to do?

Are you crazy?

Blockade? There is no blockade of Venezuela. They have no money, and we don't trade stuff to them, because they are broke. Why should I send products to Venezuela, when they haven't paid for anything I've already sent?

And oil product has not dropped because of a blockade. That's not even logical. If I have an oil well in my backyard (which one of my relatives does).... If China or anyone, was to "blockade the US" on anything.... how would that stop that oil well from pumping out oil?

You are starting to sound like a crazy person. Explain what you mean by that. How does a blockade even stop an oil well from producing oil?

And how is it, your lack of money, mean you are being blockaded?

If I who up at a Lexus dealership, when I have zero cash (which I don't have any money right now at all)..... and they refuse to give me a car when I'm broke.... that means Lexus is 'blockading me'? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!
Do people like you ever read; Four Effects of the Blockade Against Venezuela

Yeah, we can read. What is written there, is lies. Just flat out, your source of information is propaganda and fabrication.

It's just left-wing crap to conceal the fact that Venezuela socialism destroyed their country.
If it was all lies, how come you haven't proven they were lies? Because you can't. You are the one lying. Where are your links rebutting mine? Answer, they don't exist. All you have is your own head exploding rage, that turns you into vegetable fodder for the picking.
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.

How about parents not trying to bring their children into the country illegally in the first place? The proximate cause is parents breaking the law.

Bingo. Those people need to go back to wherever they came from. The American Taxpayer is getting sick and tired of supporting non Americans.

Let em go somewhere else or stay the fuck home.
Tell you what, maybe if we go back to where we came from, instead of getting into everybody's business, they wouldn't have to come here; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search
Illegals are dangerous. What do you recommend?
Families should be kept together in detention and isolated from the general population. Taking young children away from their parents who have not been convicted of anything is usually considered inhumane treatment. This sounds like another Trump fuck up in which he's now trying to justify by blame democrats in congress. What a piece work this guy is.

How about parents not trying to bring their children into the country illegally in the first place? The proximate cause is parents breaking the law.

Bingo. Those people need to go back to wherever they came from. The American Taxpayer is getting sick and tired of supporting non Americans.

Let em go somewhere else or stay the fuck home.
Tell you what, maybe if we go back to where we came from, instead of getting into everybody's business, they wouldn't have to come here; geo political takeover of central and south america - Google Search

That's easy. I came from the USA. I'm not trying to enter a country illegally.

How bout you??

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